Simplified String Theory
In 1994, Professor Dr. Günter Nimtz and his colleague, Horst Aichmann, conducted groundbreaking experiments at Hewlett-Packard that involved transmitting information faster than light. They successfully transported a signal over a very short distance at a speed 4.7 times that of light, thanks to a phenomenon called quantum tunneling. This remarkable result has ignited heated discussions among scientists, yet it remains reproducible.
As improbable as it sounds, I was present in 1999 when Professor Dr. Nimtz transmitted an AM-modulated microwave signal of Mozart’s 40th symphony through a Bose double prism.
As the webmaster of the “Музей будущего”, a Star-Trek-oriented website, I was looking for interesting new material when I came across an article about Dr. Nimtz and superluminal quantum tunneling. I approached Dr. Nimtz and he agreed to a demonstration.
This is the original article I wrote about Nimtz’s experiment on 9.9.1999: Faster Than Light Transmission Of Signals.
“Having met Prof. Dr. Nimtz for the first time I was shown his new tunneling experiment. As a lay person I’m not able to launch immediately into an in-depth scientific interpretation of his experiment but I will dutifully try to comprehend what I saw today, and try and share my insights and questions and make the data available as they become known.
I present here for the first time world-exclusive pictures of Prof. Nimtz’s new experiment setup.”
The quantum tunneled signal was compared to the signal that traveled through normal laboratory space. Dr. Nimtz chose to use an oscilloscope and a detector diode to check the tunneling time for this demonstration.
This short video I prepared in anticipation of questions 6 years ago. It features the last surviving recording of the Mozart transmission: at 4.7 times the speed of light.
Технические вопросы
In August 2023 I corresponded with Horst Aichmann, the engineer of the quantum tunneling experiment and co-author of Prof. Nimtz on various papers regarding the experiment, and asked questions on the modulation and how the signal was detected and timed. He answered:
Horst Aichmann:
“During the time measurement experiments I had built a pulse modulator with a specially suitable filtering and a repetition rate of 13 MHz and a rise time of approx. 500 picoseconds. Again, the AM signal means an easily detectable and measurable signal (with a fast detector diode) and measuring with a sufficiently fast oscillator scope”.
If we accept that there are superluminal effects from quantum tunneling, the conclusion is that tunneling brings a particle into a tachyonic state, which is strictly localized.
Superluminal tunneling has been done hundreds of times in different laboratories across the globe. It has many applications in the real world. For instance the fingerprint reader of your phone works by quantum tunneling. You don’t think about it, it just works.
If quantum tunneling is done with a red laser pointer (a few hundred terahertz of frequency) the evanescent tachyonic field extends only for picometers since the frequency is so high.
When Nimtz used the frequency of 8.7 Ghz for his experiments, coincidentally the wavelength of Helium 3 emissions, his evanescent field was detectable for several centimeters between prisms. (The microwave emitter lying around at the University lab at the time just happened to have this frequency).
The lower the frequency, the further the evanescent field extends from the barrier, it appears.
Recently, this experiment was successfully replicated by Peter Elsen и Simon Tebeck and presented at “Jugend forscht”, the German student competition in Physics 2019. They won the first prize of Rheinland-Pfalz and the Heraeus Prize of Germany.
Superluminal Tunneling: “Jugend forscht” winners.
“Jugend forscht” Winners meet the German Chancellor
Simplified String Theory
There is one little-known exception to the rule that nothing can move faster than light: evanescent waves. Various explanations have been tried to account for this phenomenon.
My explanation is simple: a photon is the smallest possible unit, of topology, geometry, dimension, information, energy, anything. Topologically, a photon is a zero-dimensional point in space, it is a quantum of zero (0) dimension.
In quantum tunneling a photon moves through a barrier. When a point moves from one place to the other it becomes a line, or string. (It is precisely this string that is described in string theory). It is now a one-dimensional object.
Another name for a one-dimensional string is a “brane” in one-dimensional “space”, without the time dimension.
What is a brane?
In string and quantum theory… branes are one-dimensional “objects or waves” that move through space-time, not via classical rules, but by the rules of quantum physics. There is no fourth dimension in one-dimensional space. Time is the fourth dimension.
In this state, the photon or string can move superluminally. This is not just some fancy mathematical concept. It is reality.
Evanescent waves are the result of the photon re-entering four-dimensional non-quantum space. It is by this wave that we detect the faster-than-light movement of a photon through a barrier.
It’s space, but not as we know it:
in zero & one-dimensional space, time doesn’t exist.
in the zero & one-dimensional quantum realm, Albert Einstein’s concept of space-time doesn’t exist.
Albert Einstein formulated his theory of relativity on the cosmological sphere model of the mathematician Minkowski, known as spacetime.
This sphere shape has held an endless fascination for us since early times.
It is time to move beyond it.