
这是“不是人类制造的? | 第二部分”,(2)


PDF:WOW! 信号的多普勒蓝移计算(1977 年): 在这里下载 | 论文讨论: Academia.edu


2022年, 部分1 关于 Wow! 信号的故事已经出版。我很长时间以来都在想,为什么我留下了“第二部分”的可能性,而不是直接写“结局”。

现在很清楚,第 2 部分至关重要,因为它包含之前缺少的重要细节:方程式!

任何人都可以写任何东西,但如果没有数学方程,那就只是散文。所以,现在,任何人都可以检查一下验证 10.526 年 Wow! 信号以 1977 公里/秒的速度向地球移动所需的步骤。




近半个世纪以来,Wow! 信号一直是外星无线电通信最强且唯一可能的候选信号。新的计算表明,Wow! 信号可能来自一个朝地球方向移动的光源,这增加了它在寻找外星生命方面的重要意义。

文本描述了 Wow! 信号,这是大耳朵望远镜于 15 年 1977 月 1420.4556 日探测到的强无线电传输,频率为 21.105373 MHz,对应的波长为 1420405751.768 厘米。基于氢,该信号的预期频率为 21.106114054160 Hz,转换为波长为 10,526 厘米。多普勒频移计算得出的速度约为 37,893 米/秒(18 公里/小时),这表明该信号源自接近地球的物体。以下显示了计算多普勒频移速度的步骤。作为参考,小行星的平均速度约为 20-30 公里/秒,而撞击地球的彗星通常以约 1 公里/秒的速度行进。相比之下,人造的航海者号宇宙飞船2号和15号目前的行驶速度为17至XNUMX公里/秒。

总之,根据观察和计算,哇!信号似乎源自一种未知类型的移动物体,该物体正以 10.5 公里/秒的速度向地球飞来。

迄今为止,对 Wow! 信号的调查尚未解释该信号的显著多普勒频移。多普勒蓝移降低了该信号源自“氢云”的可能性。

哇喔!信号的多普勒频移计算 (1977),第 1 页
哇喔!信号的多普勒频移计算 (1977),第 2 页

附言:如果没有人工智能,我根本无法验证我的计算。2022 年,没有一位人类数学家或天体物理学家回应我的验证请求或告诉我我错了。你们真丢脸。科学论文评审将有一个新的类别:“人工智能”,与“同行”并列。


1:Wow! 信号的多普勒频移计算(1977 年)

2:《诱人的 WOW!信号》,作者:约翰·克劳斯,1977 年,美国国家射电天文台档案馆, https://www.nrao.edu/archives/files/original/2ec6ba346ab16e10a10d09462507beda.pdf

3. 不是人类发出的?第二部分/哇哦!信号:有证据表明它来自不明物体,正在向地球移动

4. 原始出版:
不是人类制造的? | 第 1 部分,5 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日,联系项目

5. 寻找星际通信

6. 近似确定 WOW! 信号源

7. 哇哦!信号,维基百科

8. “‘哇!’信号的歌谣”,Paul H. Shuch,SETI 联盟

PDF:WOW! 信号的多普勒蓝移计算(1977 年):



31 年 2016 月 XNUMX 日:如果物体接近光速,其测量长度就会减小(相对而言)。

When did it all begin? It’s very challenging to tell. Imagine living a relatively simple life where things happen one by one, without apparent connection or purpose, and then… suddenly, everything falls into place; you have an epiphany.

On a sunny August 25th, 2023, I sat as usual at the breakfast bar of Sunset House, overlooking Souda Bay on Crete. I’d seen an interesting headline on my laptop. It was from a dry scientific paper by Galinsky and Frank, that spoke about “possible synchronizing effects of evanescent waves in the brain.”

They called their theory “WETCOW,” for “weakly evanescent cortical waves.” Most people would not think twice about such a headline, at best chuckling at the image of a dripping wet cow. At least, that’s what I did.

但后来我把这些点联系起来了。WETCOW 论文的主题是倏逝波,它指的是超光速脑波。而这将改变游戏规则:

I recall the day in 1999 with renowned physicist Prof. Dr. Gunter Nimtz, at his lab at Cologne University. It was Thursday, the ninth of September. The whole wing of the university has since been demolished for a prettier building that will be demolished again in a few decades to make room for a prettier building. In Cambrige, they have a better sense of history.


I called Nimtz up and made an appointment for a demonstration. Nimtz agreed and repeated the experiment for me, and I recorded it on film.

The experiment consists of directing microwaves at a quantum tunnel, a prism in the experiment I saw; this creates information carrying faster-than-light radiowaves. These waves arise from superluminal quantum effects.

And this demonstration has stayed with me ever since. It was the basis of my trying to find a solution to overcome the “no-communication theorem.” That is a theory that states that in the macroscopic world, quantum entanglement can’t ever be used for faster-than-light communication.

在阅读了 WETCOW 论文后,我突然意识到:衰减波的存在意味着 有超光速脑波. Propably most neurologists, who are specialists on brainwaves, don’t make that connection since it’s outside their field of expertise.

And no physicist will jump up and shout, “I have discovered brainwaves faster than light!” because that’s outside their field of expertise, too.

倏逝波是超光速量子效应的结果,我对此进行了近 25 年的探索。在参加了不同背景下的演示之后:与先进的外星文明进行超光速通信。

但现在(或当时),也就是 2023 年 XNUMX 月,我突然意识到,无线电波无法跨越星际距离,因为无线电波超出了我们目前的能力,相反,无线电波可以轻易地跨越大脑神经元之间的微观距离,每一天,在每个有知觉的生物身上,无处不在。如果我们假设我们不是宇宙中唯一的智慧物种,那么这不仅仅是在地球上。

Faster-than-light brainwaves not only explain the immense processing speed of the human brain. The quantum tunneling characteristic of these waves, which previously were described as mere “noise,” connects them to an almost magical zero- / one-dimensional space, that knows neither time nor distance, without separation between past, future, or places.

Whenever a particle or wave hits a barrier, evanescent waves are created by zero-time quantum tunneling. Is this the source of Albert Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance,” the interference from evanescent waves on entangled particles that instantaneously bridge millions of lightyears?

The simplicity of the solution is staggering; it can be explained to small children, but the complexity and breadth of the consequences are not less for its simplicity.

Is it possible to travel back in time and into the future, from your armchair, and change history just by thinking about it? As yet impossible in the macrocosm of daily existence, this can be done to a certain extent in the realm of the infinitely small, the quantum realm in your brain.

Also, if entanglement exists and brainwaves bring information from a unified dimension of cosmic consciousness via the quantum tunnel, can we make contact with extraterrestrial intelligence? Will the result of this inquiry be like in Carl Sagan’s novel “Contact,” where no tangible evidence could be produced for the sceptics after Eleanor Arroway’s trip? Let’s find out…


🌟 讽刺,喜剧,戏仿 🌟
准备好欣赏经典的搞笑版本吧!这段视频是唐纳德·J·特朗普的原创演讲,通过 1940 世纪 XNUMX 年代查理·卓别林的经典电影《大独裁者》的镜头重新演绎。

与 DJT 一起扮演 Adenoid Hynkel,他异想天开地陶醉于世界并梦想占领格陵兰岛和加拿大,同时滑稽地考虑重新命名墨西哥湾。



#讽刺 #喜剧 #戏仿 #特朗普 #查理卓别林 #大独裁者 #搞笑视频