Just the facts: PDF: Doppler Blueshift Calculations for WOW! signal (1977): download here | Discussion on the paper: Academia.edu
In 2022, I published The WOW! signal, Part 1: Not made by humans?. For the longest time (3 years), I wondered why I left the possibility open for “Part 2” instead of just writing “The End.”
It’s now become clear that Part 2 is essential because it includes an important detail that was missing before: EQUATIONS!
Anyone can write anything, but without mathematical equations, it’s just prose. So, here, now, for anyone to check, are the steps required to verify the movement of the Wow! signal towards Earth at 10.526 km/s in 1977.
This truly represents a significant paradigm shift. Previously, the Wow! signal was just the most plausible and only candidate for a radio transmission of non-human extraterrestrial origin in space. Now it is shown that this signal was moving and en route to Earth.
Whatever this means (We Are Not Alone?), it is remarkable that the Doppler calculations on this signal have never been published before. Did the authorities believe it would cause a panic? Let’s find out.
The Wow! signal has been the strongest and only serious candidate for ETi radio communication for almost half a century. New calculations support that the Wow! signal may have originated from a moving source heading for Earth, adding to its significance in the search for extraterrestrial life.
The text describes the Wow! signal, a strong radio transmission detected by the Big Ear telescope on August 15, 1977, at a frequency of 1420.4556 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 21.105373 cm. The signal’s expected frequency, based on hydrogen, is 1420405751.768 Hz, translating to a wavelength of 21.106114054160 cm. The Doppler shift calculations yield a speed of approximately 10,526 m/sec (37,893 km/h), suggesting that the signal originated from an object approaching Earth. Shown here are the steps to calculate the Doppler shift speed. For context, the average speed of asteroids is around 18–20 km/s, while comets that impact Earth typically travel at about 30 km/s. In comparison, the human-made Voyager spacecraft 1 and 2 are currently traveling at speeds of 15 to 17 km/s.
Image NASA: example of atmospheric entry, showing the Mars Exploration Rover aeroshell (MER).
For a better understanding, I added the illustration of the Mars Exploration Rover’s entry into the Mars atmosphere. NASA did choose this shape for it’s perfect aerodynamic properties. NASA and who else?
In conclusion, the Wow! signal appears to have originated from an unknown type of moving object that was en route to Earth at a speed of 10.5 km/s, as indicated by observations and these calculations.
Investigations of the Wow! signal to date have not explained the significant Doppler shift of the signal. The Doppler blueshift lessens the possibility of the signal having originated in a “hydrogen cloud.”
Doppler Shift Calculations for Wow! signal (1977), Page 1Doppler Shift Calculations for Wow! signal (1977), Page 2
PS: I would not have been able to verify my calculations if it hadn’t been for AI. No human mathematician or astrophysicist had responded to my request in 2022 for verification or telling me I was wrong. Shame on you all. There’ll be a new category for reviews of scientific papers: “AI”, alongside “Peers”.
At a quarter past ten in the evening on August 15, 1977 a once-in-a-lifetime event took place in Delaware:
A very strong signal arrived at the “Big Ear” radio telescope. It had all the characteristics of having come from an extraterrestrial intelligent source.
The OSU Big Ear radio observatory was aligned in North/South direction. The parabolic reflector is in the South.
No one was at the telescope at the time. The receiver and telescope computer were doing their jobs all by themselves. Therefore, the signal was actually first detected by a machine, a twelve-year-old computer.
BITS OF INFORMATION The IBM 1130 had first been built in 1965. It looked and felt like an old battleship. It had only 1 megabyte of memory. For that reason, the only record of the radio signal is a 6-digit printout on endless paper. There’s no audio recording of the signal. Today we would have a complete audio recording of it, measuring megabytes, if not gigabytes. But in those days, just six characters on paper had to suffice as a record.
After a few days the stack of computer printouts was bundled by Big Ear technician Gene Mikesell and brought to Jerry Ehman’s home.
THE ANALYSIS Jerry Ehman was a SETI volunteer with Ohio State University. Together with Bob Dixon, he had written the software for the Big Ear computer in FORTRAN and assembler.
Around the 19th of August, Jerry began analyzing the printouts from the radio telescope at his home, looking for unusual radio signatures.
A few pages into the pile of paper, he saw a peculiar sequence of numbers and characters.
He was astonished. After highlighting in red pen the six characters “6EQUJ5,” Jerry wrote the notation “Wow!” in the left margin of the computer printout opposite them.
The Wow! signal printout
The characters and numbers denoted a very strong narrow-band transmission. Apparently it had come from outer space. Narrow-band transmissions usually don’t occur naturally and are a sign of artificial origin.
Conventionally speaking, all artificial things are made by humans. That’s because human language, and the Cambridge Dictionary, defines “artificial” as “made by humans.” That definition may have to be revised.
OPTIMUM CHANNEL The Wow! transmission had all the hallmarks of a radio signal from a non-human extraterrestrial civilization. In the 1959 article “Searching for Interstellar Communications,” Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison explained that using the 21 cm hydrogen frequency was a logical choice for SETI.
And that was precisely the frequency of the Wow! signal. It had come from the direction in the sky where the constellation Sagittarius is found.
The Big Ear radio and computer shack.
If we transfer the number codes from the Wow! printout to plotting paper we can see the waxing and waning strength of the 1420 mHz radio beam that reached the radio telescope. Each of the letters and numbers corresponds to a certain signal intensity, as the next graph illustrates.
The signal may have been transmitting for centuries and was never detected because no one looked for it before. The signal source did not move in the sky. The only thing that moved over for 72 seconds was the Earth, rotating majestically from East to West as the radio receiver moved in and out of the signal beam.
And then the signal vanished. Gone. The signal would have been picked up again by the second horn antenna of Big Ear. But it was no longer there.
The rise and fall of the signal we see in the graph above was due to the antenna pattern, the signal itself remained at constant strength.
The graph below shows a similar signal pattern in “OV-221,” the radio source to the right of the Wow! signal. (OV-221 is also known as MSH 19–203 (Mills Slee Hill Radio Sources)).
In this broadband continuum record the Wow! signal does not show up because it is too narrow-band.
Today I’m waiting to hear if OV-221 corresponds to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, Sagittarius A*, but no one seems to know the old radio source designations anymore.
After Jerry Ehman showed the computer printout of the Wow! signal to John Kraus and Bob Dixon, they immediately talked about it, speculating and making hypotheses. Quickly, John and Bob began to investigate the various possibilities.
Dr. John Kraus was a physicist and the designer of the Big Ear radio telescope. He actually invented several types of radio antennas.
Bob Dixon was the director of SETI at Ohio State University radio telescope.
Together they excluded the possibility of the signal having been a plane, planet, asteroid, comet, satellite, spacecraft, ground-based transmitter, or any other known natural source.
Now, since the Wow! signal appeared to be unnatural and no known human cause for it could be found, it was suspected that it could have come from a technological alien civilization.
It was decided to go back to the region in space where the signal had come to see if it could be found again. The scientific method calls for the reproducibility of any experiment or result.
Weeks turned to months, and years into decades as astronomers from all over the world searched the region in space where the Wow! signal had been detected.
The Wow! signal was never found again.
Calculations on the space region of the Wow! signal
Image by The Planetary Society, license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
The Wow! signal was observed for 72 seconds. In this time a region of space equivalent to 18 arcminutes was scanned, according to the following calculations:
24h x 60 min = 1440 mins/day = 86400 sec 360° / 86400 = 0.0041° per second 72 seconds = 0.3°
An arcminute (denoted by the symbol ‘), is an angular measurement equal to 1/60 of a degree or 60 arcseconds. To convert a degree measurement to a minute of arc measurement, we multiply the angle by the conversion ratio.
The angle in minutes of arc is equal to the degrees multiplied by 60: 0.3 x 60 = 18 arcminutes.
As seen from the Earth, the Sun and Moon both have angular diameters of about 30 arcminutes. The full moon’s average apparent size is about 31 arcminutes (or 0.52°).
In other words, the Wow! signal spanned an area of about half the size of the Sun or the Moon, as seen from Earth in the sky. That is a rather large area in astronomy.
On the basis of this simple calculation, I cannot readily agree that the Wow! signal came from a pointlike source. That may or may not be a problem. It can be resolved by agreeing that the resolution of the Big Ear radio telescope was not any better!
The frequency and speed of the Wow! signal source
It’s assumed that aliens that use the hydrogen frequency do so in a manner to compensate for the motion of their planet with respect to the motion of Earth. Otherwise, the precise frequency of the hydrogen becomes higher or lower.
That’s why it’s important to look at the precise frequency of the signal.
Jerry Ehman in 1998 gave a value of 1420.4556±0.005 MHz.
This is (50±5 kHz) above the hydrogen line value of 1420.4058 MHz.
Only one of those frequencies could be the correct one. The explanation of the difference between Ehman’s and Kraus’s values was that a new oscillator had been ordered for the frequency of 1450.4056 MHz.
The university’s purchasing department then made a typographical error in the order and wrote 1450.5056 MHz instead of 1450.4056 MHz. The software used in the experiment was then written to adjust for this error. When Ehman computed the frequency of the Wow! signal, he took this error into account.
After all errors are accounted for, the Doppler shift of 1420.4556 MHz indicates that the Wow! signal source moved at a speed of 37,893 km/h towards Earth. The following calculations show how I arrived at that speed:
Calculations on the Doppler shift of the Wow! signal
The Wow! signal was detected at 1420.4556 MHz. First we need to convert the frequency to the wavelength. The wavelength is given by the frequency and the speed of light, how far one wave crest travels in a given time span.
The frequency of the Wow! signal 1420.4556 MHz is equal to a wavelength of (Δλ) 21.105373 cm. That’s the distance between each wave crest.
The presumed origin signal of hydrogen has a precise frequency of 1420405751.768 Hz, equivalent to the wavelength of (λ) 21.106114054160 cm. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_line
Now we subtract 299 781 932.02409 m/sec [Doppler shifted Wow! signal speed from v = (Δλ/λ) * c] -299 792 458 m/sec [ speed of light (c)] ______________________
10 526 m/sec = 37 893 km/h or 10.526 km/sec.
Ref. 1: The source of the Wow! signal approached Earth at a speed of 37 893 km/h or 23 545 mph, if the transmission frequency was from hydrogen.
The average speed of asteroids is 18-20 km/s vs. the 10.52 km/s from the Wow! signal. Comets that impact Earth usually are also faster, at 30 km/s.
In the Key of the Cosmos: A Signal Sung from the Stars “The Wow! signal melody” is available on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, and many others…
The Wow! signal melody, based on the sequence 6EQUJ5, 1977. Click to play or stop.
Consider, if you will, a sequence of symbols—6EQUJ5—etched into the annals of astronomy, a cryptic whisper from the depths of space. Once, it was a burst of radio waves, the Wow! signal, a fleeting enigma that haunted our telescopes. Now, in February 2025, it has become a melody. A human act of alchemy, transmuting mathematics into music, static into song.
Here, in this humble arrangement, the numbers and letters unfurl as notes: a progression both melancholic and yearning. The sixth scale degree hums with cosmic longing; the flattened seventh bends like spacetime itself. A raised fourth pierces the silence, a dissonant cry from the void, while the fifth—an anchor—grounds us in the familiar. Together, they form a lullaby for the universe, a sequence as old as hydrogen yet as new as dawn.
Is this what it sounds like when the cosmos composes? Or is it merely our own reflection, a mirror held up to the dark? We cannot know. Yet in these six notes, stretched across octaves and human imagination, we hear the ache of isolation—and the fragile hope of connection.
Perhaps, as in Close Encounters, we have always spoken to the unknown in the language of music. A minor seventh resolves; a chord trembles. The same mathematics that binds atoms may yet bind civilizations.
For now, the melody lingers: a question mark set to rhythm, a cipher unsolved. A reminder that in the grand fugue of the universe, even static may hold symphonies. We need only listen—and dare to reply.
I found myself pondering how the letters and numbers from the Wow! signal notation 6EQUJ5 might translate into a melody. Initially, the idea of creating a song from these characters seemed quite improbable. You can now listen to the track by clicking on the cover art. It’s my first single! We haven’t expanded these six notes yet.
Erich Habich-Traut
Based on the standard diatonic scale and common chord progressions, here’s a breakdown of the likely tonal values:
Individual notes:
* 6: This is typically the sixth scale degree of the major or minor scale, creating a major or minor sixth interval from the root. It often adds a sense of yearning or longing.
* e: This is the third scale degree, creating a major or minor third interval. It’s a consonant and stable note, often used in melodies and harmonies.
* q: This likely refers to the flat seventh scale degree (b7), creating a minor seventh interval. It adds a bluesy or jazzy flavor and can create a sense of resolution when moving to the root.
* u: This might refer to the raised fourth scale degree (#4), creating an augmented fourth interval. It’s a dissonant and unstable note, often used to create tension and drama.
* j: This likely refers to the flat sixth scale degree (b6), creating a diminished fifth interval. It’s also dissonant and can add a bluesy or jazzy feel.
* 5: This is the fifth scale degree, creating a perfect fifth interval. It’s a consonant and stable note, often used in melodies and harmonies.
Here’s a possible melody in C major, using the provided notes (6, e, q, u, j, 5) with a melancholic feel and simple piano rhythm.
C (5) – E (e) – G (5) – A (6) – G (5) – E (e) – D (q) – C (5)
C (5) – E (e) – G (5) – A (6) – G (5) – E (e) – D (q) – C (5)
Rhythm: Each note is played with a quarter note duration (a steady beat).
Piano Playing Style: Play with a gentle touch and sustain the notes slightly for a more expressive sound. Experiment with dynamics (louder and softer notes) to create a sense of ebb and flow.
Key Considerations: Melancholic Feel: The descending line from A to G and the use of the minor seventh (D) contribute to the melancholic mood.
Simplicity: The repetition of the melodic phrase and the consistent quarter note rhythm create a sense of simplicity and introspection.
Introduction: Where Quantum Physics Meets Consciousness
The human brain, a labyrinth of neurons and synapses, has long been a subject of fascination. Yet, its most profound mysteries—consciousness, intuition, and even the potential for telepathy—remain elusive. Recent discoveries in quantum physics, particularly in quantum tunneling and evanescent waves, coupled with the enigmatic topology of 1-brane string theory, suggest that the brain’s inner workings might defy classical physics. They might even defy Einstein’s cosmic speed limit.
Quantum Tunneling: Breaking the Light Barrier
In 1962, physicist Thomas Hartman uncovered a paradox: particles like photons could tunnel through barriers instantly, regardless of thickness. This “Hartman effect” hinted at superluminal motion, where particles bypass classical spacetime constraints. Decades later, experiments by Günter Nimtz and Horst Aichmann proved this phenomenon wasn’t theoretical. By transmitting Mozart’s 40th Symphony through a quantum tunnel at 4.7 times light speed, they demonstrated that information itself could outpace light.
Key Insight: Quantum tunneling relies on evanescent waves—fleeting electromagnetic fields that decay exponentially but propagate faster than light. These waves emerge when particles encounter barriers, slipping into a dimension where time and distance dissolve.
Evanescent Waves in the Brain: The WETCOW Revelation
In 2023, neuroscientists Vitaly Galinsky and Lawrence R. Frank proposed a radical idea: the brain’s “noise” might actually be weakly evanescent cortical waves (WETCOW). These waves, previously dismissed as static, could enable superluminal communication between neurons, suggesting a possible basis for telepathy.
How It Works: When electrical signals in the brain hit synaptic barriers, evanescent waves tunnel through. They transmit information faster than light. This aligns with experiments showing decision-making brain activity preceding conscious awareness.
Implications: The brain’s processing speed—capable of 1,000,000 trillion operations per second (1 exaflop)—may stem from these quantum shortcuts. Astrocytes, star-shaped cells connecting millions of neurons, mirror cosmic structures (like galactic networks). This hints at a universal architecture optimized for superluminal signaling.
1-Brane String Theory: The Topology of Timelessness
DIMENSIONS: All mathematics is based on geometry. In zero dimension, a point exists. in 1 dimension, a string takes form. Below the 4th dimension, in subspace, time does not exist. Quantum tunneling takes place in the 1st dimension, where neither time nor space exist. This explains the interference in the double slit experiment. Illustration by NerdBoy1392, CC BY-SA 3.0.
String theory’s 1-brane concept offers a geometric explanation. A photon, typically a zero-dimensional point, becomes a one-dimensional “string” during tunneling. This 1-brane exists in a spaceless, timeless dimension, re-emerging into our 4D reality as an evanescent wave.
Phase Paradox: Horst Aichmann observed that tunneled waves retain their original phase, implying zero time elapsed during tunneling. “Inside the barrier, there’s no time or volume—just a line connecting two points,” he noted.
Cosmic Consciousness: If the brain accesses this 1D realm, consciousness might tap into a unified field. In this field, past, present, and future coexist—a concept echoing Carl Jung’s “collective unconscious.”
Telepathy and the “Spooky Action” of the Mind
Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” describes quantum entanglement, where particles influence each other instantaneously across vast distances. If evanescent waves entangle neural circuits, they could enable mind-to-mind communication through telepathy.
Experimental Clues: Nimtz’s superluminal Mozart transmission and the Larmor clock’s measurements (showing rubidium atoms tunneling faster than light) suggest that macroscopic quantum effects are possible.
Extraterrestrial Links: The author speculates that advanced civilizations might use evanescent waves for interstellar communication. This would bypass the limitations of radio waves.
Consciousness: A Quantum Phenomenon?
The “hard problem” of consciousness—how subjective experience arises from matter—might find answers in quantum biology. Plants use quantum coherence in photosynthesis; humans might exploit tunneling for cognition, potentially explaining phenomena linked to telepathy.
Precognition and Time: If evanescent waves briefly invert causality, they could explain precognitive hunches or déjà vu.
Technological Horizons: Brain-computer interfaces leveraging evanescent waves might one day enable direct thought transmission. This could blur the line between mind and machine.
Conclusion: Rewriting the Rules of Reality
The discovery of superluminal brainwaves challenges not just physics, but our understanding of existence itself. As we unravel the quantum threads weaving through our minds, we edge closer to answering age-old questions. Are we bound by spacetime, or is consciousness a gateway to dimensions beyond? In the words of the author, “The brain is not just a computer—it’s a quantum radio, tuned to the frequency of the cosmos.”
This article, titled “Superluminal: The Discovery of Faster-Than-Light Brainwaves,” investigates the emerging concept of superluminal brainwaves facilitated by evanescent waves within the brain. It builds on historical research, including foundational experiments by Prof. Dr. Günter Nimtz that demonstrated the feasibility of faster-than-light communication through quantum tunneling, and discusses contemporary theories such as the WETCOW (Weakly-Evanescent Cortical Waves) proposed by Vitaly L. Galinsky and Lawrence R. Frank. By connecting principles of quantum mechanics with neuroscientific understanding, the article explores the potential implications of superluminal brain activity for cognitive processing, consciousness, and the possibility of interstellar communication. Additionally, it examines the ethical considerations and scientific ramifications that arise from these revolutionary concepts. Through an engaging narrative, this work aims to spark dialogue around the intersections of neuroscience, quantum physics, and their relevance to the nature of intelligence and consciousness in both humans and potentially extraterrestrial beings.
May 31, 2016: If an object nears the speed of light its measured length decreases (relatively speaking).
When did it all begin? It’s very challenging to tell. Imagine living a relatively simple life where things happen one by one, without apparent connection or purpose, and then… suddenly, everything falls into place; you have an epiphany.
On a sunny August 25th, 2023, I sat as usual at the breakfast bar of Sunset House, overlooking Souda Bay on Crete. I’d seen an interesting headline on my laptop. It was from a dry scientific paper by Galinsky and Frank, that spoke about “possible synchronizing effects of evanescent waves in the brain.”
They called their theory “WETCOW,” for “weakly evanescent cortical waves.” Most people would not think twice about such a headline, at best chuckling at the image of a dripping wet cow. At least, that’s what I did.
But then I connected the dots. Evanescent waves, the topic of the WETCOW paper, meant superluminal brainwaves. And that would be a game-changer:
I recall like yesterday the day in 1999 with renowned physicist Prof. Dr. Günter Nimtz, at his lab at Cologne University. It was Thursday, the ninth of September.
Nimtz is famous for his controversial experiments in faster-than-light communications. I heard about him from a magazine article.
I called Nimtz up and made an appointment for a demonstration. Nimtz agreed and repeated the experiment for me, and I recorded it on 35mm film.
The experiment consists of directing microwaves at a quantum tunnel, a prism in the experiment I saw; this creates information-carrying faster-than-light radiowaves. These waves arise from superluminal quantum effects.
And this demonstration has stayed with me ever since. It was the basis of my trying to find a solution to overcome the “no-communication theorem.” That is a theory that states that in the macroscopic world, quantum entanglement can’t ever be used for faster-than-light communication.
After reading the WETCOW paper, it hit me: the presence of evanescent waves meant that there are superluminal brainwaves. Most neurologists, who specialize in brainwaves, likely overlook this connection because it falls outside their area of expertise.
And no physicist will jump up and shout, “I have discovered brainwaves faster than light!” because that’s outside their field of expertise, too.
Evanescent waves are the result of superluminal quantum effects, which I’ve been exploring for almost 25 years. after attending that demonstration in a different context: that of superluminal communications with advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
SUPERLUMINAL WAVES IN THE BRAIN But it dawned on me now (or then), in August 2023, that instead of bridging interstellar distances with radio waves, which is beyond our current ability, these waves readily bridge microscopic distances between neurons in the brain, every day, in every sentient being, everywhere. And not just on Earth, if we presume that we are not the only intelligent species in the cosmos.
THINKING CAN BRIDGE DISTANCES Faster-than-light brainwaves not only explain the immense processing speed of the human brain. The quantum tunneling characteristic of these waves, which previously were described as mere “noise,” connects them to an almost magical zero- / one-dimensional space, that knows neither time nor distance, without separation between past, future, or places.
Whenever a particle or wave hits a barrier, evanescent waves are created by zero-time quantum tunneling. Is this the source of Albert Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance,” the interference from evanescent waves on entangled particles that instantaneously bridge millions of light-years?
The simplicity of the solution is staggering; it can be explained to small children, but the complexity and breadth of the consequences are not less for its simplicity.
TIME TRAVEL FROM YOUR ARMCHAIR? Is it possible to travel back in time and into the future, from your armchair, and change history just by thinking about it? As yet impossible in the macrocosm of daily existence, this can be done to a certain extent in the realm of the infinitely small, the quantum realm in your brain.
CONTACT WITH EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE? Also, if entanglement exists and brainwaves bring information from a unified dimension of cosmic consciousness via the quantum tunnel, can we make contact with extraterrestrial intelligence? Will the result of this inquiry be like in Carl Sagan’s novel “Contact,” where no tangible evidence could be produced for the sceptics after Eleanor Arroway’s trip?
In 1994, Professor Dr. Günter Nimtz and his colleague, Horst Aichmann, conducted groundbreaking experiments at Hewlett-Packard that involved transmitting information faster than light. They successfully transported a signal over a very short distance at a speed 4.7 times that of light, thanks to a phenomenon called quantum tunneling. This remarkable result has ignited heated discussions among scientists, yet it remains reproducible.
As improbable as it sounds, I was present in 1999 when Professor Dr. Nimtz transmitted an AM-modulated microwave signal of Mozart’s 40th symphony through a Bose double prism at 4.7 times the speed of light.
Nimtz’s quantum tunneling experiment, 1999
As the webmaster of a Sci-Fi-themed news website called the “Museum of the Future,” I was constantly on the lookout for intriguing topics. One day, I stumbled upon an article about Dr. Nimtz and the enigmatic processes of superluminal quantum tunneling. Intrigued, I reached out to him, and he graciously agreed to demonstrate his experiment.
“Having met Prof. Dr. Nimtz for the first time I was shown his new tunneling experiment. As a lay person I’m not able to launch immediately into an in-depth scientific interpretation of his experiment but I will dutifully try to comprehend what I saw today, and try and share my insights and questions and make the data available as they become known.”
“I present here for the first time world-exclusive pictures of Prof. Nimtz’s new experiment setup.”
In this experiment, the quantum-tunneled signal was measured against a signal traveling through ordinary laboratory space. To demonstrate this, Dr. Nimtz employed an oscilloscope and a detector diode to accurately gauge the tunneling time.
Mozart at 4.7 Times the Speed of Light
In anticipation of potential questions in the future, I prepared a short video six years ago that includes the last surviving recording of the superluminal Mozart transmission.
Technical Questions
In August 2023, I corresponded with Horst Aichmann, the engineer behind the quantum tunneling experiment and a co-author with Professor Nimtz on various related papers. I inquired about the modulation and detection of the signal timing. He provided the following information:
“During our timing measurements, I created a pulse modulator equipped with specialized filtering, enabling a repetition rate of 13 MHz and a rise time of approximately 500 picoseconds. The AM signal provides an easily detectable and measurable trace, thanks to a fast detector diode coupled with a sufficiently rapid oscilloscope.”
If we indeed accept the existence of superluminal effects originating from quantum tunneling, we can conclude that this phenomenon allows a particle to enter a strictly localized tachyonic state, for a very short period of time.
Superluminal tunneling has been successfully performed hundreds of times in laboratories worldwide, demonstrating its applicability in everyday technology. For instance, the fingerprint reader on your smartphone utilizes quantum tunneling. You may not think about it, but it simply works!
When quantum tunneling occurs with a red laser pointer (operating at a frequency of several hundred terahertz), the evanescent tachyonic field only extends a few picometers because of the high frequency.
During Nimtz’s experiments, he utilized a frequency of 8.7 GHz, which coincidentally matched the wavelength of Helium-3 emissions. This particular frequency enabled his evanescent field to be detectable over several centimeters between prisms. (It just happened that the microwave emitter available in the university lab operated at this frequency.)
Interestingly, it appears that the lower the frequency used, the more extensive the evanescent field extends from the barrier.
Recently, this groundbreaking experiment was replicated by Peter Elsen and Simon Tebeck, who presented their findings at “Jugend forscht,” Germany’s prestigious student physics competition, in 2019. Their work earned them first prize from Rheinland-Pfalz as well as the Heraeus Prize for Germany.
Left: Former chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, right: “Jugend Forscht” winner Peter Elsen (17)
What is a brane? (Topology and String Theory in a nutshell)
The rule that nothing can move faster than light has a little-known exception: evanescent waves. Various explanations have been tried to account for this phenomenon.
My explanation is simple: a photon is the smallest possible unit of topology, geometry, dimension, information, energy, or anything. Topologically, a photon is a zero-dimensional point in space; it is a quantum of zero (0) dimension.
In the mesmerizing ballet of quantum tunneling, this photon, this pure potential, traverses a barrier. In doing so, it transforms; as a point transitions from one locality to another, it becomes a line—a string. It is this very string, that delicate filament, which finds its place in the grand narrative of string theory. Suddenly, we have transcended from the ethereal realm of the zero-dimensional to the tangible reality of a one-dimensional object.
In the lexicon of theoretical physics, we might also refer to this one-dimensional string as a “brane,” existing within a confined, one-dimensional space devoid of the tapestry of time.
What is a brane?
In the realms of string and quantum theory, a 1-brane are one-dimensional “objects or waves” that traverse space-time—not through classical laws, but governed by the principles of quantum physics. When we consider one-dimensional space, we omit the fourth dimension, which is time.
In this context, photons or strings can move superluminally. This isn’t merely an abstract mathematical idea; it reflects our reality.
Evanescent waves result from photons re-entering the four-dimensional non-quantum realm, allowing us to witness the faster-than-light movement of a photon traversing a barrier.
It’s space, Jim, but not as we know it
Albert Einstein explained his theory of special relativity using geometry by the mathematician Hermann Minkowski, who unified space and time into a four-dimensional spacetime continuum.
For his theory of general relativity, Einstein employed Riemannian geometry—a branch that includes the concept of curved space—to describe how mass and energy distort spacetime.
This “topology,” the curved space model, has held an endless fascination for us since early times.
A human meditating on the Riemann Sphere
A sphere exists in 3 and 4 dimensions. In zero- and one-dimensional realms, the sphere (and time) do not exist, because these dimensions lack the necessary structure to define a “surface” or “volume,” let alone “time.”
Is it “time” to move beyond the Riemann sphere in our understanding of the cosmos?
The immense processing speed of the human brain can in part or wholly be explained by superluminal signal transmission.
Have you ever wondered about the astonishing processing speed of the human brain? One intriguing possibility is that this incredible capability can be partly attributed to superluminal signal transmission.
Enter the WETCOW (Weakly-Evanescent Cortical Wave) model, a groundbreaking concept explored by Vitaly L. Galinsky and Lawrence R. Frank in their March 2023 article published in Nature. They assert that “the effectiveness, robustness, and flexibility of memory and learning constitute the very essence of human natural intelligence, cognition, and consciousness.”
Yet, current perspectives on these profound topics often lack a solid physical theory that explains how the brain communicates internally via its electrical signals. This poses a significant gap in our understanding of human cognition.
In their research, Galinsky and Frank highlight that evanescent waves in the brain—previously dismissed as mere “noise”—are actually vital for human learning and memory. Here’s the kicker: these evanescent waves may travel faster than light. It’s a tantalizing conjecture: evanescent wave → faster than light. This assertion raises essential questions about the nature of consciousness: What is it? Where does it originate? How does it connect to our physical bodies?
Is This True?
In the early 2000s, the scientific community was buzzing with speculation. Some quantum physicists were undecided or opposed to the notion that QUANTUM TUNNELED EVANESCENT WAVES move faster than light.
Their reluctance stems from the apparent violation of Einstein’s theory of relativity: nothing can move faster than light.
However, that is not quite true. The law states that nothing with MASS can move faster than light in a vacuum.
“It’s also said that quantum tunneling can allow particles to pass through barriers at speeds greater than light. But this doesn’t violate special relativity because no information can be transmitted. This phenomenon is a consequence of wave-like behavior in quantum mechanics and doesn’t involve moving information or matter faster than light.“
Hold it right there. Just because that sentence is repeated often doesn’t make it true.
So, what’s going on here?
To understand the claims, we need to look at the SCIENTIFIC METHOD.
In science, the process starts with a hypothesis. You make an educated guess about how something works. Next, you design a practical experiment to test that hypothesis.
The validity of the hypothesis rests on the experiment’s outcome. If the results support the hypothesis, it gains credibility. But there’s more. The experiment must be repeatable. Other scientists should achieve the same results under the same conditions. This repeatability solidifies the hypothesis’s place in the scientific community.
Through this method, science builds knowledge—one hypothesis at a time.
Consider this practical example: music is a type of information. Dr. Nimtz claims he transmitted music through a quantum tunnel at faster-than-light speed. In this practical experiment, which has been repeated many times, you can hear Mozart accelerated to 4.7 times the speed of light.
This Is Classical Music Transmitted In A Non-Classical Way
So, what’s really going on here?
Some elements of human consciousness are moving at speeds that defy our conventional understanding of physics. Superluminal waves come with peculiar properties, one of which could send shivers down the spines of classical physicists: cause-and-effect reversals. Imagine a scenario where the brain makes decisions before you’re even aware of them! (And that is precisely the case: The brain makes decisions before you even know it.)
It’s worth noting, though, that these superluminal signals are only fractions of a second ahead of conventional signals traveling at the speed of light. They do not exceed the group velocity of the wave, which is the reason they don’t break the theory of relativity. What this will become clearer, later. It is of interest mostly to theoretical physicists.
The real secret to superluminal evanescent waves is not that the evanescent wave itself is faster-than-light. It’s when a normal wave hits a barrier, a so-called quantum tunnel, that the wave re-emerges on the other side of the tunnel faster than classically possible, faster than the speed of light.
When a wave goes through a quantum tunnel with one barrier, it becomes 4.7 times faster than light. What happens if you build more than one barrier, one after the other, and send the signal through?
Quantum tunnel
Could there be a cascading effect, leading to even faster speeds? Professor Gunter Nimtz from the University of Cologne successfully demonstrated exactly that, accelerating an evanescent wave through a series of barriers, achieving speeds 36 times faster than light.
So, what about cascades within our brains? What could this mean for our cognition and consciousness? That’s a puzzle for you to contemplate.
So far, the faster-than-light aspect of evanescent waves has few practical applications in the macrocosm, but it’s useful in semiconductors and electronics. Each time you use a fingerprint sensor, for instance, on your phone, evanescent waves make it possible to recognize your identity.
Sadly, faster-than-light long-distance radio transmitters are out of the question, because the waves travel only very short distances and then lose all power.
The illustration below shows astonishingly similar structures in both the brain and the cosmos at large:
Left picture: Brain astrocytes | Right picture: the Cosmos
Left, we see an astrocyte measuring 0.05 mm, and on the right, a very similar structure in the Galactic network, measuring 400 million light-years across. That’s a size difference of 27 orders of magnitude.
In the brain, scientists know why astrocytes exist. They were discovered in 1891, and the name means “star-like” cells. The structure of these brain cells can be explained; they are formed by chemistry. Each component of the astrocyte structure is constructed according to a DNA blueprint. Each astrocyte provides electrical pathways for up to 2 million neurons in the brain. We don’t really know how many of these astrocytes exist in the brain, despite 150 years of counting. Current estimates speak of one trillion astrocytes, each connecting to 2 million neurons, so that’s a lot of cells.
Right, we see a structure in the universe that has been referred to as a galactic network. This image challenges the Copernican principle, which suggests that the universe should be uniform in shape no matter which direction you look. In the brain, we can easily explain how one building block of a cell connects to another because the distances are small. However, in the universe, it would take thousands, millions, or even hundreds of millions of years for a structure to reach the complexity of an astrocyte. Gases and stars don’t have the opportunity to organize into this intricate network because, according to our current understanding, the fastest speed in the universe is the speed of light. And you need faster-than-light communication to organize a network like that.
But how does that work?
Fundamental Topology
Interestingly, researchers studying quantum tunneling have speculated that evanescent waves could point to dimensions where time doesn’t exist or spaces that lack volume altogether.
The phenomenon of quantum tunneling results in these evanescent waves, and in the realm of physics, the probabilistic wave function is represented by ψ (Psi). According to the Born rule, the probability of quantum tunneling can be expressed as:
Ultimately, the realization of the existence of faster-than-light brainwaves emerged within my own mind, which feels fitting, considering it revolves around the workings of brainwaves.
— Erich Habich-Traut
In the next part, we delve deeper into the realm where time and space bend, where particles can travel faster than light. This phenomenon, referred to as superluminality, not only exists in science fiction but also permeates the very fabric of reality.
Reference points: Here’s a selection of articles and research materials that introduce the concepts discussed here. Except for point I, references II, III, IV, and V link to broad search engine queries related to the subject matter, ensuring you have access to the most comprehensive information possible.
Imagine a realm where time and space bend, where particles can travel faster than light. This phenomenon, known as superluminality, is not just a science fiction dream; it touches on the very fabric of reality. Let us explore the astonishing findings of scientists like Thomas Hartman, who illuminated our understanding of quantum tunneling back in 1962.
The Hartman Effect
Quantum tunneling times were first measured by Thomas Elton Hartman in 1962, when he worked for Texas Instruments in Dallas. In “Tunneling of a wave packet,” he described that the time it takes for particles, such as photons, to tunnel through a barrier does not depend on the length of that barrier.
Image: T.E. Hartman (1931 to 2009), Sketch after photo, (c) 2025
When we delve deeper into this strange world of quantum mechanics, it appears that, inside certain barriers, particles can seem to defy our classical understanding of speed—almost as if they are slipping through a cosmic loophole.
As technology has advanced, we’ve been able to measure the tiniest increments of time, leading us to discover that the process of quantum tunneling may allow particles to traverse barriers faster than the speed of light itself.
Recent Revelations with the Larmor Clock
In a recent exploration reported by Quanta Magazine (Quantum Tunnels Show How Particles Can Break the Speed of Light), physicist Dr. Aephraim Steinberg from the University of Toronto made fascinating observations using an ingenious tool called the Larmor clock.
This clock, named after the Irish physicistJoseph Larmor, tracks the spin of particles in magnetic fields. Steinberg found that rubidium atoms take an astonishingly short time—only 0.61 milliseconds—to pass through barriers, significantly faster than they would in empty space. This is consistent with the Larmor clock periods that were theorized in the 1980s!
“In the six decades since Hartman’s paper, no matter how carefully physicists have redefined tunneling time or how precisely they’ve measured it in the lab, they’ve found that quantum tunneling invariably exhibits the Hartmann effect. Tunneling seems to be incurably, robustly superluminal.” Natalie Wolchover
“The calculations show that if you built the barrier very thick, the speedup would allow atoms to tunnel from one side to the other more quickly than light.” Dr. Aephraim Steinberg
These findings raise captivating questions: What happens inside the barrier?
The Nature of the Barrier
When asked about what occurs within this barrier, Horst Aichmann, a colleague of Dr. Nimtz, engaged in a thought-provoking discussion. He noted that, intriguingly, the wave emerging at the end of the tunnel remains in phase with the wave before it entered. What does this mean? It suggests that, somehow, the nature of time might change, or even disappear, in this kind of tunneling scenario.
10. August 2023, 3:03 pm “In our tunneling experiments, the wave exits instantaneously with the same phase at the output of the tunnel and propagates as ‘normal RF’ with a very high loss. Inside the tunnel the question is, What can happen in zero time? Regards, Horst Aichmann”
“Hohlleiter” quantum tunnelling device
“Thank you for your answer. So, taking into account the wavelength and frequency of the signal, you are saying that the apparent superluminal behavior is only manifested inside the tunnel? And the tunnel is the air gap between the prisms? Regards, Eric”
Aug 10, 2023, 4:16 pm “This is correct… the point is, when you look at the phase before and after the tunnel, you see the same phase… We used different pieces between 3 and 15 cm, and they all showed the same result—NO phase change.
Our interpretation is : phase-change = 0 means time = 0
So we have a space with no time, and even more, if this is correct, this space doesn’t have a volume, right??? Horst Aichmann”
I thought about this question for a while and approached the problem from a topological perspective:
“One of my insights appears to be that a tunneling photon particle exits 4-dimensional space as a zero-dimensional point, tunnels as a one-dimensional string (tunnel), to re-emerge as a field/wave into 4D space.”
Erich Habich-Traut
Imagine a world where time and distance lose their meaning, a sort of cosmic fabric where particles flit in and out without the usual constraints of our three-dimensional experience.
This space is a kind of UNIFIER, where neither distance nor time exist. Particles/waves pass in and out of this dimension throughout the whole universe, continuously.
This drift into the unknown brings us to the idea of the quantum realm—a space that defies our ordinary perceptions. Here, particles move freely and continuously, creating waves that may carry hidden information from a realm beyond our comprehension. Think of it as a bridge between dimensions, where everything is interconnected in a timeless tapestry.
Some quanta (particles/waves) traverse this one-dimensional space region continuously, simply by hitting a barrier, generating an evanescent wave. I posit that tunneled quanta carry information from this superluminal traversal.
They have been to a strange place, from our perspective, the quantum realm. They have been to a one-dimensional space without time. Where everything is everywhere and everywhen at once.
Quantum mechanical effects in the quantum realm of the fictional Marvel universe are said to become significant at scales of less than 100 nanometers. In reality, it depends on the size of the system.
So, there is a very significant quantum mechanical effect without which life on Earth would not be possible.
The filaments of a human neuron have a diameter of approx. 10 nanometers, that is, 500 to 1000 times smaller. And there are quantum effects at play as well.
The Hard Problem of Consciousness
Now, we come to a deeply philosophical question: What about consciousness? Where does it originate, and where does it go? This mystery, often regarded as the “Hard Problem,” seeks to unravel the connection between our thoughts and the biological machinery of our brains.
Could it be that consciousness arises from our brain’s ability to connect through waves that traverse a bizarre one-dimensional realm? If so, this suggests that even the simplest forms of life could be imbued with consciousness—almost like tiny sparks of awareness fluttering in the dark. Consciousness. Where does it come from, and where does it go?
Cuneiform: the first human writing looked like the pyramidal neurons that invented writing.
“I posit that human consciousness arises because of its connection via neurons and other brain structures to a one-dimensional time- and space-less realm via evanescent waves. From this quantum realm, information is transported into our world.”
Erich Habich-Traut
If this hypothesis is correct, then any entity generating (electromagnetic) waves or energy could be able to attain or access consciousness. Even midichloria amoeba, the ancestors of mitochondria that produce ATP in the human cell, can attain consciousness. CPU’s and GPU’s also are subject to this phenomenon, to a degree.
The Quest for Superluminal Communication
Imagine a universe where some particles can slip through barriers as if they weren’t there at all—not constrained by space or time, but instead playing a game of hide-and-seek with reality. This idea, once the realm of science fiction, is rooted in a peculiar feature of quantum mechanics known as superluminal tunneling.
Herbig-Haro 46/47: Galactic question mark.
Dr. Aephraim Steinberg suggests that while a single particle tunneling through a barrier can perform this astonishing feat, it doesn’t carry information across open space in the traditional sense. Much like a whisper that gets lost before it reaches someone’s ear, a single tunneling particle cannot communicate “through the air.”
And this raises fascinating questions: What if we could harness the quantum tunneling phenomenon for communication? Think about our dreams of sending instant messages to a Mars mission or receiving signals from distant stars. Such superluminal signals could revolutionize how we explore the cosmos.
For years, I pondered this intriguing possibility. I considered the cosmic microwave background—a faint whisper of radiation from the Big Bang itself. This background noise, emanating from every corner of the universe, resembles a symphony of frequencies, stretching from 300 MHz in our familiar TV bands to a staggering 630 GHz. Yet, despite the universe’s vastness, we find that these free-range superluminal waves simply do not manifest.
This leads us to another realm—the microcosm of the brain! Recently, I stumbled upon research that revealed something remarkable: evanescent waves exist within the intricate landscape of our brains, says the WETCOW research paper. These fleeting waves thrive in places where electromagnetic energy flows—like living cells, plants, and even the very processors that power our computers. They thrive in the cosmos as a whole and in particular.
Do these faster-than-light waves violate the fundamental principles of general relativity? Professor Steinberg assures us, “Not at all.” True superluminal signalling would require that these waves exceed their own wavelength, a feat that, given our current understanding, is beyond reach. Instead, these evanescent waves remain within the standard limits of light speed, rendering them undetectable after a brief flash—much like a firefly in the dark that illuminates, only to dim swiftly and become undetectable.
So, under ordinary circumstances, the superluminal evanescent wave is within the normal speed wave as shown in this illustration (d):
The tunneled signal versus time of a normal airborne photon moving from right to left, d arrives before the main wave ←
The tunneled signal doesn’t have time to overtake the wave, because evanescent waves are, well, evanescent. They vanish; vanishing is the meaning of the word “evanescent.” For this reason they don’t violate causality or general relativity.
Yet, before they vanish, something thrilling happens: these evanescent waves can travel at astonishing speeds. As we discovered earlier, they are faster-than-light. Within the maze of the brain, where one cubic millimeter of cerebral cortex contains, on average, 126,823 neurons, there lies the potential for extraordinarily fast signal processing. These tiny structures interact in ways that might facilitate a form of communication that transcends boundaries.
And this is the really exciting thing: superluminal information transmission inside the brain is possible. Because there are a vast number of structures in brains that can process these signals within the dimensions of the wavelength.
Evanescent fields, as these waves are also called, match the dimensions of typical biomolecular components such as DNA, peptides, proteins, and neurons.
“The immense processing speed of the human brain can in part or wholly be explained by superluminal signal transmission.”
Erich Habich-Traut
EVANESCENT WAVE DECAY: A Journey into the Invisible
In the grand exploration of the cosmos, we encounter a variety of phenomena, many of which elude our senses and challenge our understanding. One such elusive entity is the evanescent wave or field.
But why do these delicate waves dissipate so quickly? Could it be that as they travel, they encounter an unseen resistance, much like a boat moving through water? When we push any object through a stationary medium, we are faced with a palpable force that resists our efforts—the inertia of the medium itself. For instance, if you were to drop a drop of ink into a still glass of water, you would witness the ink spread out in a beautiful, swirling dance. This occurs not because the ink wishes to disperse, but because it encounters the very resistance of the water.
Is the dispersal of the evanescent wave caused by the very inertia or viscosity of four-dimensional space that the evanescent wave meets after departing the quantum tunnel?
Wait a few moments and think about it. How could you prove this analogy?
In our exploration of physics, we often encounter different types of waves. Traditional radiowaves, for instance, decay in strength according to the square of the distance traveled from their source. This means that as we move twice as far away, the signal grows weaker by a factor of four. In stark contrast, evanescent waves exhibit a more dramatic decline. They vanish exponentially, their presence fading far more rapidly than their traditional counterparts, like candles snuffed out by an unexpected gust of wind.
You could try to find a waveform that decays in the same manner.
A bit of research reveals that ocean waves decay exponentially:
In fact, evanescent waves decay in a manner strikingly similar to ocean waves. And isn’t this a beautiful analogy?
How do we leap from one idea to another? How do we embrace concepts before we have the rigorous proof to back them? The answer often lies in thought experiments—powerful mental journeys that spark our curiosity and lead us to hypotheses.
A hypothesis is an educated assumption, a stepping stone laid down on the path toward discovery. But each hypothesis must withstand the rigor of experimental testing, where it can be examined and repeated by others who venture down the same road.
In our pursuit of understanding, let us engage in a bit of whimsy. Instead of merely imagining a boat sailing through water, picture instead a large beast—a cow.
Yes, a “WET COW!” As amusing as this image may be, it illustrates a critical point about weakly evanescent cortical waves.
While the original authors of the WETCOW model did not explicitly reference the concept of superluminality in relation to evanescent waves, our exploration of these ideas reveals intriguing connections, challenging the boundaries between established science and novel discoveries.
CONSEQUENCES: The Cosmic Implications of Our Findings
The faster-than-light origin of evanescent brainwaves is not required to make the Galinsky/Frank WETCOW model work.
Rather, their nature serves as a lens through which we can glimpse the remarkable speed at which our brains process information and engage with the fabric of consciousness itself.
In the realm of quantum physics, we encounter the symbol Ψ (Psi), representing the probabilistic wave function—a mysterious mathematical entity that conveys the uncertainties of existence. Yet, in parapsychology, this same symbol symbolizes the unknown factor behind supernatural experiences that science has yet to explain.
Amidst this landscape, we confront extraordinary phenomena such as precognition—the tantalizing ability to glimpse the future. In a world ruled by cause and effect, how do we reconcile these seemingly paradoxical episodes? The presence of evanescent waves offers a tantalizing possibility: what if, within their strange nature, reversals of cause and effect are not just fanciful musings but rather probabilities we must reconsider?
“As we explore the mysteries of faster-than-light phenomena, we may encounter even more extraordinary discoveries. For instance, quantum entanglement—a proven physical phenomenon—and its speculative psychological analog, telepathy, could both arise from the unified topological structure of a zero-brane, as described in certain models of theoretical physics.”
Erich Habich-Traut
The cosmos brims with tantalizing enigmas waiting for us to uncover, and it beckons us to explore worlds where the boundaries of time and space may expand beyond our wildest imaginings.
So let us remain curious, my friends, as we venture forth together into the vastness, unearthing the secrets of the universe and nurturing the spark of discovery that lies within us all.
After reading about the concept of superluminal brainwaves and the potential implications of evanescent waves in the context of consciousness and quantum tunneling, what are your thoughts on the interplay between neuroscience and quantum physics? Do you find the idea of faster-than-light communication within our brains plausible, or do you think it remains in the realm of science fiction? How do you believe these theories could influence our understanding of consciousness and intelligence? Additionally, consider the ethical implications of such advancements in brainwave technology—what concerns or opportunities come to mind?
“The Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life for Religion.”, Ted F. Peters 2011, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A This is a summary written by Erich Habich-Traut for the Contact Project, 2021
Three crosses on a hill at sunset. Free Church of Scotland, Reverend Sandy Sutherland, used with permission
The implications of the discovery of extraterrestrial life for religion. Theologian Ted Peters wrote about the future of religion. He asked the following questions:
Will confirmation of extra-terrestrial intelligence (ETi) cause terrestrial religion to collapse?
Ted Peters decided to challenge conventional wisdom a few years ago. Along with his Berkeley research assistant, Julie Louise Froehlig, he devised a survey: the Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey:
Would the discovery of an extraterrestrial civilization cause a crisis in religious beliefs? Peters surveyed evangelical, Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christians, and also Mormons, Jews, Buddhists, and Atheists:
‘No’ is the answer based upon a summary of the ‘Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey.’ The discovery of an extraterrestrial civilization would not cause a crisis in religious beliefs.
When we turn away from one’s own personal beliefs and ask respondents to forecast what will happen to the world’s religions, including beliefs other than one’s own, something startling is revealed:
What the survey question above shows is the conventional wisdom of non-religious persons. They make a prediction about what will happen to religious persons: Atheists believe that religions will face a crisis.
Conversely, the Peters survey shows evidence that religious believers themselves do not fear that contact with ETI will undercut their beliefs or precipitate a religious crisis.
Then the paper examines four specific challenges to traditional doctrinal belief likely to be raised at the detection of ETI:
(ii) What is the scope of God’s creation? This entire universe can be viewed as the product of God’s creative power and loving grace.
(iii) What will be the moral character of the alien intelligences we meet? Will our extra-terrestrial neighbours be subject to sin? Will they have fallen, so to speak? Or, might the aliens have escaped the scourges that plague us here on Earth?
(iv) Is one earthly incarnation in Jesus Christ enough for the entire cosmos, or should we expect multiple incarnations on multiple planets? What theologians agree on is that the incarnation we have witnessed within our own planetary history is that of the divine Logos, the divine mind through which everything in physical reality has come into being. They presume continuity between this incarnation and whatever exists despite its distance from us.
(v) Will contact with more advanced ETI diminish human dignity? Suppose we Earthlings begin to recognize that we are outclassed by our superior space neighbors. Might we lose our dignity?
“Hand Of God”, NASA
The existence of a more advanced extrasolar civilization does not preclude our being an object of divine concern. Contact with alien intelligence will not disenfranchise us from being created in God’s image.
The belief that God has revealed himself in a supreme way, frees one to look for that which is of God outside that particular revelation. Christians should expect to learn new things about God from an encounter with aliens.
Conclusion Contrary to popular belief, it is implausible to predict that any of Earth’s major religious traditions will face a crisis, let alone collapse, if we confirm an encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Ted Peters believes that contact with extraterrestrial intelligence will expand the existing religious vision that all of creation—including the 13.7 billion-year history of the universe replete with all of God’s creatures—is the gift of a loving and gracious God.
Artistic representation of the inner workings of one animal cell (humans are members of the animal kingdom)
I’ve done computer programming myself, and in the 1990s, I already worked on self-learning language models. I know that in computer games, the focus of the highest definition and resolution is within the immediate field of view of the player. However, this is where a simulation differs from reality: reality has full resolution at every bit and pixel, not just at the center of the player’s attention. For instance, there are no non-player characters in reality—every person is a person.
To say some people are “NPCs” is dangerous nonsense. It’s the same as saying that some people are not human. Dehumanization is the denial of full humanity in others along with the cruelty and suffering that accompany it.
The tapestry of reality is far too intricate, too breathtakingly complex at every level to be the product of mere simulation. Rather, WE are the ultimate computers, brimming with extraordinary potential!
Imagine this: our bodies are composed of a staggering 100 trillion cells! If we dared to assign computational power to a single cell in bits, it might seem modest—akin to the early, groundbreaking Intel 4004 CPU with its mere 2,300 transistors. But wait! With 100 trillion cells, that’s a cosmic total of 230,000 trillion transistors at work in just one human body! You could say, I don’t think with my stomach. So, we have 87 billion nerve cells in the brain, equating to 197 trillion transistors.
To put that in perspective, some of today’s supercomputers boast an impressive 400 trillion transistors (Sunway TaihuLight).
Yet, our remarkable cells don’t just think—they act as atomic and molecular assemblers, performing intricate repairs, fostering growth, and generating energy! Each single cell is a microscopic marvel, assembled from about 100 trillion atoms. These surpass early computers in both function and capability.
Now, let’s crank it up! There are 8 billion humans inhabiting this planet. Add to that the countless organisms and cells that share our home—the fantastical diversity of life on Earth. Some estimates suggest there are one trillion different species (with only 1.2 million documented thus far), all contributing to the exquisite symphony of life that is around us.
The weight of life on our planet is unfathomable: approximately 545.8 billion metric tonnes of living matter! Each metric ton of living matter has about 1330 trillion cells.
So we have on Earth alone the organic computing power of four quadrillion one hundred seventy-four trillion five billion five hundred million supercomputers… by transistor.
But it’s not the number of “transistors” that is crucial in a neural network; it’s all in the number of connections. This is not fair to Intel: each transistor has three connections, but each nerve cell has about 10,000 connections.
And as we drift beyond our own blue planet, consider the cosmos—an estimated **2 trillion galaxies** peppered throughout the Universe. Each teems with at least **100 billion stars**. This means there could be a staggering **20 billion trillion planets** out there, waiting to be discovered! (Source: The Planetary Society)
All of this unfolds in a universe that has been running flawlessly for **16 billion years**—without ever requiring a reboot.
So, bring it on, technological singularity!
The orchestration of life and the cosmos is too magnificent, too complex, and too real for any mere simulation. Embrace the adventure that is our existence!
Fact check:
100 Trillion Cells: The statement that the human body has approximately 100 trillion cells is widely accepted in biological literature. However, various estimates exist, and some sources suggest that the number might be lower or higher, typically ranging from 30 to 100 trillion cells.
Nerve Cells: The claim regarding there being around 87 billion neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain is well supported by neurological research.
Transistor Comparison: The comparison of the number of cells to transistors in state-of-the-art supercomputers like the Sunway TaihuLight is a conceptual comparison rather than a strict quantifiable one. It’s accurate to say that modern supercomputers have hundreds of trillions of transistors. The exact figures can be checked based on current specifications from trusted tech sources.
Biomass of Earth: The estimate of Earth’s total biomass being around 545.8 billion metric tons is consistent with recent studies. Numbers may vary slightly based on different methodologies of estimation.
One Trillion Species: The claim that there might be one trillion different species is a hypothesis rooted in biodiversity studies. To date, around 1.2 million species have been described. Estimates of total species on Earth vary widely, with numbers often cited ranging up to over 8 million or more.
2 Trillion Galaxies: The figure of about 2 trillion galaxies in the universe is backed by recent astronomical studies. Observations made by telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope support this claim.
Planets in the Universe: The estimate of there being about 20 billion trillion planets can be derived from the average number of planets per star and the estimated number of stars in the universe.
In 1974, the strongest intentional radio signal ever was sent into space by humans. It’s strength was an impressive 20 trillion watts. This is enough electricity to power 1.4 million homes for a year (Ref. 1). The Arecibo signal’s objective was to contact ET.
However, 12 years earlier, a considerably stronger radio signal was sent from Earth. The nuclear Russian Tsar Bomba burst in 1962 delivered 5.3 yotta watts of energy. (That bomb was not intended to contact ET, but rather to intimidate the United States).
We know that five percent of a nuclear explosion’s energy is discharged as radio waves – the Tsar Bomba therefore fired 13.25 billion times more energy than the Arecibo broadcast.
Atmospheric Effects In a nuclear explosion at a height of approximately 3,962.4 meters, like the Tsar Bomba, a significant portion of electromagnetic radiation, including gamma rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet rays, would be released into space. The exact percentage can vary, but it is estimated that about 70-80% of the electromagnetic radiation would escape into space, as the atmosphere at this altitude is thin enough to allow much of the radiation to pass through.
Taking an average of 75% as a guide, the Tsar Bomba radio blast was approximately 10 billion times stronger than the Arecibo message. A difference of 10 orders of magnitude.
But ARECIBO send a targeted message towards Hercules Now let’s take into account that the Arecibo dish sent out a concentrated radio signal, not just showering the sky at random with radio waves like a nuclear explosion does. The radio power from Arecibo was directed towards the region of Hercules.
The Hercules cluster is quite expansive and covers about 3% of the visible sky and this is the same as the total sky. If we adjust the power output from the Tsar Bomba to 3% we get the following result:
10 billion x 0.03 = 300 million So, all in all, the Tsar Bomba emitted 300 million times more radio power towards Hercules than Arecibo. Now, let’s consider for one second that the Earth nuclear explosion sprayed the entire sky with a radio signal 300 million times more powerful than Arecibo… everywhere!
Any ET with a radio is much more likely to hear Earth’s nuclear detonations, before the Arecibo SETI signal—12 years before, to be exact. But the Arecibo message was actually never meant to provide a realistic chance of contacting ETi, right? It was just a technology demonstration: (Ref.: Wikipedia: Arecibo message.)
What do nuclear explosions tell ET about Earth?
Nuclear explosions are fairly drastic events. The radio signatures of nuclear explosions are distinct. They speak of intelligence and stupidity at the same time.
Worldwide, more than 2,000 nuclear bombs have detonated since 1945. This madness ended in 1962, with the biggest explosion of them all, the Tsar Bomba.
Nuclear Trinity Test site, alleged Roswell UAP crash site, Air Base of nuclear bomber Enola Gay Google maps
I am intrigued by the close proximity of these three sites to each other: The first nuclear explosion at the Trinity test site occurred in 1945 approximately 62 miles from the reported 1947 Roswell UFO crash site in New Mexico.
Roswell was the home of the Walker Air Force base for the Enola Gay bomber, which delivered the first nuclear payload used in war to Hiroshima in 1945. The base was close to the alleged Roswell UFO crash site.
The Roswell UFO crash is not something I “believe” in on a regular basis.
Time moves backward
Let’s suppose there exist advanced extraterrestrials that have discovered a way to travel faster than light. Most physicists agree that this is impossible. Because according to Einstein’s theory of relativity, travelling faster than light means that time moves backward.
What if, at this very moment, extraterrestrials residing on a star 62 light-years away from Earth received the Tsar bomb’s electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and chose to determine its source?
They construct an FTL ship and direct it toward the area where Earth was 62 years ago in space.
They arrive in 1962 and learn about Earth’s history, and decide to go back even further in time, to 1945, to prevent the nuclear holocaust in Japan.
The Trinity test site, the site of the first nuclear explosion on Earth, and Walker Air Force Base, the airfield from where the Enola Gay bomber aircraft launched its first run, were both selected as their target locations.
But their mission failed, and they crash-landed in 1947, too late to change history. Temporal space calculations are inherently tricky, it seems. And maybe the past can’t be changed to make a substantial difference.
I’m not saying that we should set off nuclear bombs to attract the attention of ET. Earth has already done that.
Do you think ET sees these explosions as a threat? Or that they interpreted these as humanities appeals for help, like shipwrecked sailors setting off flares in the night?
I think the latter is the case.
WHO IS THERE? Today, in 2025, 63 years have passed since the detonation of the Tsar Bomba. The EMP signal has travelled outward from Earth at the speed of light since then. Since then, it has reached and passed by over 1500 stars. In a 63 light-year radius, we find hundreds of systems that have Earthlike planets. Within 32.6 light-years alone, there are 104 exoplanets listed, as confirmed by the NASA Exoplanet Archive.
The year 1977 was a remarkable time for those fascinated by the possibility of extraterrestrial life. A series of events, both earthbound and celestial, captivated the imagination of people around the world. These events sparked a renewed interest in the search for life beyond our planet.
It began on August 15, 1977, when a strong, narrowband radio signal was detected by a radio telescope at Ohio State University. Dubbed the “Wow!” signal, it remains one of the most intriguing examples of an unexplained signal in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
Just five days later, on August 20, 1977, NASA launched the first Voyager space probe. It carried a Golden Record containing sounds and images of Earth, intended as a message to any intelligent life form that might encounter it.
As the year progressed, the United Nations Assembly debated the existence of UFOs. A proposal to study the phenomenon was presented on October 6, 1977, as reported by The New York Times. This marked a significant moment in the history of UFO research. It brought the topic into the mainstream and sparked a global conversation about the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
The release of Steven Spielberg’s movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” on November 16, 1977, further fueled the public’s fascination with UFOs and alien life. The film’s depiction of a peaceful encounter between humans and extraterrestrials resonated with audiences. It helped to shape the cultural narrative around the topic. It’s iconic 5-note melody by John Williams is famous to this day.
But perhaps the most bizarre and unexplained event of the year occurred on November 26, 1977, when a strange broadcast interrupted a news program on ITN, a British television network. At 5:10 p.m. GMT, a deep buzzing sound replaced the audio. This was followed by a distorted voice claiming to be Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command. The voice delivered a message of peace and wisdom, stating,
“For many years, you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom, as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth.”
While the “authenticity” of this broadcast remains a topic of debate, it has become a fascinating footnote in the history of UFO research.
The broadcast itself may have been achieved by technological hacks. Nevertheless, its 1977 message is thought-provoking and still valid today:
It speaks about the need for humanity to come together in peace and harmony to avoid disaster. The message also discusses entering a new age of enlightenment, referred to as the “New Age of Aquarius.” The speaker warns about the presence of false prophets and guides who may exploit people’s energy and resources. The message encourages listeners to be aware of their choices, to protect themselves, and to use their imagination to create a better world.
A well-researched podcast about the Southern Television Broadcast interruption is found here:
Archive: The Interruption | Stak
On 26th November 1977, a mysterious alien voice calling itself “Vrillon” broke onto the Five O’Clock News. Vrillon had a simple warning for the viewers of Southern Television: live in peace or leave the galaxy. For forty-five years, those responsible have not been identified. Tommie Trelawny has reopened the case.
Whether or not 1977 was truly a year of contact, it was undoubtedly a year that sparked a renewed interest in extraterrestrial life and intelligence. It continues to inspire scientific inquiry and popular fascination to this day.
A groundbreaking UFO study published by Ukrainian astronomers has stirred up speculation with claims of mysterious flying objects captured on radar, leaving both skeptics and believers buzzing.
Half a year after the onset of the Russian invasion, these researchers unveiled striking evidence of unidentified aerial phenomena soaring across the skies, clocked at astonishing speeds of up to 54,000 km/h!
But as renowned astronomer Avi Loeb throws cold water on the findings—asserting they could simply be artillery shells—the debate over what truly lurks above Ukraine intensifies. Is it extraterrestrial life, or are earthly conflicts warping our perceptions? Buckle up as we dive into this cosmic controversy!
SETI pope Avi Loeb claimed that Ukrainian astronomers mistook Russian artillery shells for UFOs. The UFOs were clocked at 54,000 km/h. The world’s fastest artillery shell () travels at 2,977 km/h. The world’s fastest missile (Avangard) reaches 37,044 km/h.
Avi Loeb asserted that the astronomers had only estimated the distance, resulting in a ten-fold error in both distance and speed. Even then, the objects photographed were still too fast to be artillery shells.
Then Avi Loeb claimed that no HUMAN-MADE objects can travel at these speeds in Earth’s atmosphere, as otherwise, there would be a fireball around them due to intense air ionization and friction.
Case In Point.
And why does Avi Loeb initially dismiss the observations of the Ukrainian astronomers as being wrong, but then later argues that if the observations were valid, it wouldn’t be possible due to air friction?
Here is the story:
The Ukraine UFO study
Half a year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in spring 2022, the Ukrainians published a UFO study.
It was claimed that not one but two meteorite-observing stations had discovered something extraordinary at the same time: flying objects moving faster than the unaided human eye can see.
“The eye does not fix phenomena lasting less than one-tenth of a second,” the paper said. “It takes four-tenths of a second to recognize an event. “ — Ukrainian UAP study
One observing station was based in the capital of Kyiv and the other in the village of Vinarivka, 132 km to the south.
The Ukrainian astronomers detected the UFOs with specialized meteorite detection equipment:
“Ordinary photo and video recordings will () not capture the [unidentified aerial phenomena]. “ — Ukrainian UAP study
The equipment was 132 km apart, meaning that they could triangulate the speed, position, and size of the objects really well.
Triangulation is a technique that astronomers do all the time. For instance, it’s used to determine the distance of stars.
The objects measured between 3 and 12 meters and were clocked at speeds up to 54,000 km per hour (33,554 mph)!
The Ukrainians first published their findings on a preprint server named Arxiv:
“Unidentified aerial phenomena, I. Observations of events”
Scientists use Arxiv to receive feedback from peers before publication. Arxiv also provides public access to papers that might otherwise be hidden behind paywalls.
Everybody assumed (without basis in fact) that the Ukrainian UFO sightings were somehow related to the raging Ukraine—Russia conflict. — Erich Habich-Traut for the Contact Project
Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb, who had gained worldwide fame in 2018 with his theory that comet Oumuamua was an extraterrestrial probe, was aware of the Ukrainian study.
But he hadn’t looked at it closer until he was asked by the director of the new UAP office in Washington, DC, to write a short paper about it.
The Contact Project first heard of Avi Loeb’s “debunking” of the Ukrainian study from his email:
Quote: “You might enjoy the essay and related paper below. I was reluctant to even read the Ukranian paper, but on Monday night I was visited at home by the director of the new UAP office in DC and he asked me to write a short scientific paper on UAP. So yesterday morning at 4.30AM (before my routine morning jog) I had a look at the Ukrainian paper and within an hour figured that they got the distance to their dark objects wrong by a factor of ten (or else there would be a huge fireball around each of them as a result of the friction with the air). After correcting that everything falls into place, with the parameters of artillery shells As Feynman noted, there’s a great pleasure in figuring things out. There is no way out of this argument because they claim the objects are dark, meaning that they block light. The cross-section with photons implies that the objects must interact with air molecules.” — Avi Loeb
According to his email, Avi quickly reviewed the “Ukranian” paper before starting his daily morning jog at 4:30 am. Within one hour he had already concluded that the objects could not move at the speeds claimed by the Ukrainians (because the air would burn around them from friction), and they were, in fact, artillery shells:
Avi Loeb contended that the Ukrainian astronomers had failed to exercise due diligence, resulting in a ten-fold miscalculation of the UFOs’ speed. He said that was because they had not triangulated the distance of the objects and only estimated their distance.
Then Avi Loeb said the UFOs were in reality (Russian) artillery shells.
From that point on, the “debunking train” rapidly gained momentum, leading nearly every publication that had previously supported the story to criticize the Ukrainian astronomers’ findings as inaccurate Russian artillery.
I scratched my head.
When were the observations made? How did Avi Loeb know that the UFOs were artillery? The Russian bombardment of Ukraine had started after the 24th of February 2022. There was not a single mention in the Ukrainian UAP paper of when the observations were actually made. Only a vague reference in the footnotes to an Astronomical Schools Report from 2021.
Clearly, that was an omission. To find clarity on the matter, I wrote two letters to the Ukrainian astronomers:
Quote “Dear Mr. Zhilyaev, Avi Loeb has made a comment regarding your paper on Arxiv, that your observations are those of artillery shells. Do you believe this to be a possibility?” — The Contact Project
That first letter got no reply. Avi Loeb’s comments about artillery shells became the de facto explanation for UAP in Ukraine.
A few weeks later, I decided to write a second letter to the Ukrainian astronomers, being more precise in my question. I also put Avi Loeb in the BCC, in case he wanted to clarify his argument:
Quote “Dear Mr. Zhilyaev, writing on behalf of the Contact Project, (https://contactproject.org) I’m curious about your UAP sightings.
Arxiv: “Unidentified aerial phenomena I. Observations of events,” by B. Zhilyaev, V. Petukhov, and V. Reshetnyk https://arxiv.org/pdf/2208.11215.pdf
I would like to note that your preprint archive paper does not say precisely WHEN your observations took place, and I am curious about that date.
In your references (2) regarding “phantoms,” you quote a publication from 2021, a date well before the Russian invasion in 2022.
(2) Zhilyaev B.E., Vidmachenko A.P., Petukhov V.N., et al., 2021, Astronomical Schools Report, 17, N 1–2, 1–8
Is it correct then to assume that at least some of the observations that are the basis of your preprint paper are from a time when there were no artillery shells flying through Ukrainian skies?
From my reading of your paper, I understand that you had access to two observation stations. You probably triangulated the object distance from that?
What do you say?” — The Contact Project
This time I did receive a short reply from the lead astronomer of the Ukraine UAP study:
Quote: “We have been watching UAP since 2018. We do not associate their activity with the war in Ukraine. Observations from 2 points are carried out for the purpose of triangulation.” — B.E. Zhilyaev
It was as I thought: the Ukrainians had claimed nowhere to have made their observations in 2022 during the war.
Instead, the UFO/UAP sightings date back to the year 2018. Furthermore, the Ukrainian astronomers had not “estimated” the distance of the objects; instead, they had used two observation posts to triangulate the distance scientifically. This also made it possible to calculate their size.
CONCLUSION The observations made by the Ukrainian astronomers were from 2018, not during the war. In fact, they had been monitoring UFO sightings since then. Furthermore, the team used two observation posts to triangulate the distance of the objects scientifically, which allowed them to calculate their speed and size.
This information raises questions about Avi Loeb’s conclusions. Given that the observations were made before the war, it becomes unlikely that the objects were artillery shells. The ability to triangulate the objects also contradicts Avi Loeb’s argument.
The truth, in this case, requires persistence and the ability to interpret ambiguity.
The Grandfather Paradox / How Does Time Travel Work? / How to Travel Into the Future / 1. **The Waiting Game** / 2. **Time Dilation** / 3. **Suspended Animation** / 4. **Traveling as a Time Tourist** / 5. **Changing History Through Time Dilation**
**The Grandfather Paradox** The grandfather paradox raises a troubling question: What would happen if you traveled back in time and killed your grandfather? In that scenario, your grandfather would indeed be dead, just as he would be if you killed him in the present. However, this creates an inconsistency—you would still exist, since you’ve already been born. Essentially, you cannot simply “unborn” yourself.
**How Does Time Travel Work?** To travel back in time, you would need a superluminal vehicle, which is capable of moving faster than the speed of light. To reach your intended destination, you must aim it at specific coordinates in both space and time. It’s important to note that Earth and the solar system are constantly moving at high velocities through the cosmos. Fortunately, superluminal vehicles can match these speeds.
To successfully arrive at your destination without incident, precise timing is essential. As you plan your journey further back in time, the calculations become increasingly complex. To ensure safe arrival, it’s advisable to target the space surrounding Earth, rather than the planet itself, to avoid collision. Ultimately, you would need to use a smaller ship to land, approaching from outer space.
**How to Travel Into the Future** There are several methods to travel into the future—specifically, five intriguing ways.
1. **The Waiting Game** The simplest method is to simply wait. All of us are constantly moving into the future at a steady pace of one second per second. While our mental states can influence how we perceive the passage of time, the rate at which time moves remains consistent for everyone. However, time does flow differently depending on gravitational conditions. For instance, at sea level, time passes more slowly than it does at the top of a mountain, where gravity’s influence is weaker.
2. **Time Dilation** Time dilation offers another fascinating approach. If you’re inside a moving object, such as an airplane or a rocket ship, time slows down for you relative to those who remain stationary. If you were to accelerate that rocket ship to the speed of light, time would effectively come to a standstill for the occupants. Upon returning to the launch site after traveling at near-light speed, you would find that everyone left behind has aged significantly. If the journey lasted for many centuries, those back on Earth would have experienced the full passage of that time, while you remain unchanged.
3. **Suspended Animation** Another method involves suspended animation. Our bodies age and progress through time at a constant rate due to our metabolism and the Brownian motion occurring within our cells. By slowing down or halting these processes, one could enter a deep sleep and awaken decades or even centuries later, having aged not a moment.
**Returning from Your Past After Time Travel** When it comes to returning to the future after time travel, there are two scenarios to consider, depending on your intentions: traveling as a tourist or aiming to change history.
4. **Traveling as a Time Tourist** In this scenario, you commandeer a faster-than-light spacecraft and direct it toward the approximate position in space where Earth will be after a millennium. Since you can’t perceive where Earth will be in a thousand years—because it hasn’t reached that point yet from your current perspective—you must rely on your knowledge of the timeline. If you traveled to the past using a faster-than-light spacecraft and then returned, you would find that, despite any previous changes like hypothetically killing your grandfather, the course of history remains remarkably unchanged, and your grandfather would still be alive. You’d walk away with a fascinating story to tell.
5. **Changing History Through Time Dilation** Conversely, if you choose to travel from your past into the future via the time dilation method—perhaps by orbiting Earth at near light speed—you would arrive in a timeline drastically altered by your actions. In this case, you might find yourself in a “beta universe” where your grandfather never existed, and consequently, neither would you. While you could observe this altered reality, it doesn’t pose a problem since you hail from a different branch of the multiverse (the “alpha universe”). Thus, even though you have no place in the beta universe, your past experiences in another universe endow you with a unique perspective.
By understanding and leveraging these methods, the concept of time travel transcends mere science fiction, inviting us to explore the mysteries of our existence and the nature of time itself.
In the beginning, there was nothing—an infinite void, silent and dark, until an unimaginable explosion shattered the stillness. Join us on an exhilarating quest through the realms of science, philosophy, and the unknown as we seek to uncover the enigmatic force behind the Big Bang. Who created the Big Bang?
Imagine standing beneath a starlit sky, gazing up at the twinkling cosmos, and pondering the greatest question that has captivated humanity for centuries: What is the shape of the Universe? Is it a boundless expanse stretching out infinitely in all directions, or does it curve back on itself like the surface of a balloon?
The Big Bang created the universe. What created the Big Bang?
It was the Belgian priest and Vatican astronomer Lemaitre who coined the term “Big Bang”. He was trying to reconcile the Bible’s statement in Genesis (Gen. 1:3, God said, “And there was light”) with cosmology.
Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître
Outside of religious considerations, therefore, I believe that the question of the origin of the universe is misleading. I do not believe that anything or anyone created anything in the past. Scientifically speaking, researchers consider the concept of time —past, present, and future— to be outdated. Time is an illusion, said Einstein. An illusion of the human perspective, I say.
Albert Einstein clock face
For most people, there is a beginning, for instance, when we think back to our childhood. A first memory, a first thought.
But that is also an illusion, born of human amnesia. The human amnesia of the past is our amnesty from sin.
Philosophically speaking, the universe has always existed. What is new is that today we have the consciousness to understand that there is “us” and the universe. We create the (human) universe in our thoughts at this moment. There is no separation between our inner and outer world.
By “us,” I mean you, me, and everything we understand and that “exists.”
We try to make sense of it and look for a “beginning,” a “big bang.” But the universe has always existed. It is infinite and has no beginning or end, like a Moebius strip.
Why? Why not?
Question by C.A.: The term “infinity” is a contradiction. The universe, of which we perceive a small part, cannot and must not be “infinite”.
Because everything that exists as a whole is in itself an interaction (>2). Such a whole can only exist in a state of equilibrium because it can be determined and thus considered to exist. Otherwise, one side (as an equilibrium parameter) would very quickly “destroy” the whole. An equilibrium must consist of mutually balancing subunits.
The equilibrium in a whole (even if its boundaries cannot be clear to us!) cannot be “infinite” as such, because otherwise the interacting components (the counterforces) that keep each other in check should be simultaneously and reciprocally “infinite” depending on the change in the size of the opposing side, but this cannot be explained rationally in physical terms.
For example: Although the number 10 symbolizes a unique quantity, dividing this quantity by three results in a repeating “infinite” number. This is because 3 is not a divisor of 10, which means that such divisions do not lead to a finite result.
Comment by A.P.: Very well written! I would just add with regard to the question that the alleged “Big Bang”, like ALL theories, has never been proven and is based only on assumptions and speculations… well, and perhaps EVERYTHING in the manifested worlds is ultimately an illusion and follows a detailed plan with rules and laws.
Question by C.R.:
Well, I’m not a physicist. But the “Big Bang,” i.e., the beginning of the universe as we think we know it, was neither a bang in the sense of an explosion (there would have been no one there who could have heard it, no one was there anyway), nor did it take place at a point. I imagined it as a pure calculation model, so not concrete at all. There are reliable measurements of an apparently expanding universe, and you can calculate that back to a point. Point? A candle that burns cannot have burned forever.
Is the entire energy and mass of the universe (which according to Einstein is the same thing) limited, or do both create themselves anew, or does it all just change? Does everything that moves go back to ever new causes up to the first “shove” that has no cause (Aristotle), God for theists? But God is not part of the methodology of the natural sciences, since he is neither provable nor measurable. As interesting as that would be, I can’t imagine anything.
Answer: Yes, we have the expanding universe. But if it expands into infinity, it doesn’t need a beginning, does it?
All calculation models are based on the assumption that the redshift is caused by expansion. The expansion theory assumes a certain geometry for the universe: the Riemann sphere, a ball, to put it simply.
A simplified Riemann Sphere and human
I am a fan of the torus theory, however, even if the transmission of this information was done in an unconventional way. You could also say: telepathic.
Telepathy has been a staple of science fiction for a while. In recent years, it has been successfully demonstrated in laboratories on mice, using cable.
Humans have also been successfully wired up as telepathy test subjects. Internet protocols were used to transmit thoughts between humans on different continents. Naturally occurring telepathy in hypersensitive individuals without technical aids is considered extasensory perception, or ESP.
There’s a stigma surrounding ESP. Studies inverstigating ESP that confirm it’s existence are considered pseudoscience.
In telepathy, the meaning of a concept sometimes gets garbled in transmission. For instance, transmitting the concept of a horn torus can be mistaken by the receiver for a horn TAURUS, or the horns of a bull.
This was my vision: Back in 1986, before I went to sleep, I saw this majestic structure floating in the room, and all the stars and galaxies were moving towards the center.
At first, I wasn’t sure what I was seeing: a torus with an infinitesimal hole in the middle, and everything on its surface moves towards a POINT (or a tunnel) to then be reborn at the other end.
Was it a “bagel”?
This bagel 🥯 model is now called HTUM in scientific nomenclature, the Hyper-Torus Universe Model. Each sesame seed on the (simplified) bagel corresponds to a galaxy cluster.
All fields have this shape. By that, I don’t mean flower fields, but electromagnetic fields.
The shape of fields
The website “Hyper-Torus Universe Model” has an interactive simulation of the Hyper-Torus (link).
I would show them my pulsar map. Astronomer and astrophysicist Frank Drake designed the map, working with fellow astronomer Carl Sagan and artist and writer Linda Salzman Sagan. The pulsar map shows the location of our sun relative to known pulsars. This map was placed on the interstellar space probes Voyager 1 & 2 in 1977.
Whether or not to have a tattoo of it is debatable. A dog tag may be easier to carry.
The Magic About Pulsars Discovered in 1967 by Northern Irish astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell, pulsars were described by Antony Hewish to be the remains of collapsed suns.
For reasons not entirely understood they emit pulses of radio waves (and like lighthouses sometimes visible light) with the accuracy of atomic clocks, staying active for billions of years. It has something to do with magnetic fields.
Frank Drake drew the pulsar map using 14 pulsars that were known in the early 1970’s. Today we know of many more pulsars but they are not as powerful and bright. Frank Drake’s original pencil-drawn pulsar map today lives in an old tomato box at home.
Each pulsar is connected to the sun by a solid line. The length of the line represents the pulsar’s approximate relative distance from the sun. Etched along each of the pulsar lines are vertical and horizontal dashes that represent a binary number that can be converted into a decimal. When multiplied by a known measure of time, that number reveals the frequency of the pulsar—how fast it spins and flashes.
Successfully decoding the map would unambiguously pinpoint the sun’s position and the time frame of the spacecraft’s launch.
Astronaut Butch Wilmore heard odd noises coming from Boeing’s Starliner spaceship that was attached to the International Space Station on Saturday, August 31, 2024. He commented, “I do not know what is making it.”
We know about this because space geek Rob Dale wrote some software that listens to the NASA communications from the International Space Station. It trims out the silent gaps and uploads that to a public server. Rob says that he is the only one in the world doing this; otherwise, we would never have heard about this story. It would still be behind NASA’s closed doors.
NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore reported hearing unusual sounds from the Starliner spacecraft on Saturday. He was docked at the International Space Station.
He inquired about the source of the noises to Mission Control. They confirmed to be able to listen in through a hardline connection.
There were clear, sonar-like pinging sounds when Wilmore held his microphone up to the speaker.
We are going to listen to those sounds.
Although the origin of these sounds remains unclear, they are likely harmless and reminiscent of similar occurrences reported by astronauts in the past.
Many people thought that the sounds were very similar to the sounds from the 1997 Carl Sagan movie “Contact.”.
It was not immediately clear what was causing the odd and somewhat eerie noise on Starliner.
Given the ongoing challenges with the Starliner mission, including helium leaks and thruster issues, it was recently announced that the spacecraft will return to Earth autonomously on September 6, 2024, without its original crew.
Wilmore and fellow astronaut Suni Williams will return to Earth in February aboard a Crew Dragon spacecraft.
Update: On Monday, September 2, NASA released the following statement regarding the strange noises: “A pulsing sound from a speaker in Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft that NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore heard aboard the International Space Station has stopped.” The feedback from the speaker was the result of an audio configuration between the space station and Starliner.
Why has nobody built rotating spacecraft to simulate gravity?
Pictured: a fairground ride from the 1950’s, I call it a GRAVITY DRUM.
A whole spacecraft is expensive to rotate, but small spaces on space stations or ships could easily be rotated.
Can those small spaces be big enough to provide meaningful and healthy artificial gravity?
From my physics knowledge I recall that gravity and acceleration are the same.
If I remember correctly, 1 g is equal to an acceleration of 9.81m/sec per second. In other words, a wheel with a circumference of 10 meters would have to be spun about once per second to simulate 1 g in Zero gravity? Not quite.
Alas, it’s a bit more complicated than that, and thankfully we don’t have to spin the wheel quite so fast. That’s a bonus!
Here are a few handy calculators to work out wheel sizes and rotation rates to simulate Earth gravity:
SpinCalc, solves for gravity, radius and rotation rate,
A wheel with a circumference of 10 meters would have a diameter of 3.18 meters. This would be a handy size for artificial gravity experiments, even on Earth.
Would it be comfortable to spend any time in this? The wheel should rotate at about 24 RPM to simulate 1 g. It could be compartmentalized in to 1 x 2 meter beds, holding ten crew.
So at least during their rest period spacefarers would have the benefit of normal gravity. The astronauts are lying on the inside of the wheel, a bit like in the fairground ride illustration but with more privacy.
We know that the negative effects of zero gravity are really serious and numerous. Even 2.5 hours of daily treadmill exercise are insufficient to prevent these effects:
fluid redistribution: Bodily fluids shift from the lower extremities toward the head. This precipitates many of the problems described below .
fluid loss: The brain interprets the increase of fluid in the cephalic area as an increase in total fluid volume. In response, it activates excretory mechanisms.
electrolyte imbalances: Changes in fluid distribution lead to imbalances in potassium and sodium and disturb the autonomic regulatory system .
cardiovascular changes: An increase of fluid in the thoracic area leads initially to increases in left ventricular volume and cardiac output. As the body seeks a new equilibrium, fluid is excreted, the left ventricle shrinks and cardiac output decreases.
red blood cell loss: Blood samples taken before and after American and Soviet flights have indicated a loss of as much as 0.5 liters of red blood cells.
muscle damage: Muscles atrophy from lack of use. Contractile proteins are lost and tissue shrinks. Muscle loss may be accompanied by a change in muscle type.
bone damage: Because the mechanical demands on bones are greatly reduced in micro gravity, bones essentially dissolve.
hypercalcemia: Fluid loss and bone demineralization conspire to increase the concentration of calcium in the blood.
immune system changes: Loss of T-cell function may hamper the body’s resistance to cancer — a danger exacerbated by the high-radiation environment of space .
interference with medical procedures: Bacterial cell membranes become thicker and less permeable, reducing the effectiveness of antibiotics.
vertigo and spatial disorientation: Without a stable gravitational reference, crew members experience arbitrary and unexpected changes in their sense of verticality.
space adaptation syndrome: About half of all astronauts and cosmonauts are afflicted. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, anorexia, headache, malaise, drowsiness, lethargy, pallor and sweating.
loss of exercise capacity: This may be due to decreased motivation as well as physiological changes.
degraded sense of smell and taste: The increase of fluids in the head causes stuffiness similar to a head cold.
weight loss: Fluid loss, lack of exercise and diminished appetite result in weight loss. Space travelers tend not to eat enough.
flatulence: Digestive gas cannot “rise” toward the mouth and is more likely to pass through the other end of the digestive tract “very effectively with great volume and frequency” .
facial distortion: The face becomes puffy and expressions become difficult to read, especially when viewed sideways or upside down.
changes in posture and stature: The neutral body posture approaches the fetal position. The spine tends to lengthen.
changes in coordination: Earth-normal coordination unconsciously compensates for self-weight. In weightlessness there is a tendency to reach too “high” .
Compared to these adverse effects of zero gravity, here are some studies by a psychologist named Graybiel from 1977 on the effects of rotating a human on his own axis here on Earth, like on a spit (from https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1980-22567-001).
Graybiel concluded that 1.0 RPM: even highly susceptible subjects were symptom-free, or nearly so 3.0 RPM: subjects experienced symptoms 5.4 RPM, only subjects with low susceptibility performed well 10 RPM, adaptation presented a challenging but interesting problem. Even pilots without a history of air sickness did not fully adapt in a period of twelve days.
The “adaption” that Graybiel is talking about is the getting used to the absence of the rotation, after the body had been spun.
What that feels like we all remember from childhood.:
I must say that spit rotating a human on his own axis in the horizontal under the influence of Earth gravity is most likely to be very far removed from what a human may experience in an artificial gravity drum in weightless space.
I’d go as far as to say that Graybiel’s rotation comfort zones have absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with artificial gravity by centripetal force. All he proved in his paper “Somatosensory motion after-effect following earth-horizontal rotation about the Z-axis” is that the after effect of spinning someone rapidly is disorientation of the vestibular system of the ear, leading to dizziness, aka vertigo.
But let’s see if these Graybiel’s comfort zone figures can be applied. The SpaceX Mars rocket is going to have a diameter of 9 meters. Would it be possible to create a comfortable habitat for sleeping or resting spacefarers within the confines of this rocket?
A 9 meter drum would need to rotate at 14 RPM to simulate 1 g, or at 8 RPM to achieve 1/3 of Earth gravity. Graybiel’s findings would indicate that the space available on the SpaceX Mars rocket would be too small.
However, I believe that the gravity (centripetal force) acting on the body as it lies down, not spinning about itself and on one level , will be more comfortable than twirling rapidly around one’s own axis.
In Drum Gravity Bed Units there would be no head-to-foot acceleration gradient.
DRUM GRAVITY BED UNITS The drum gravity bed units are conceived of as an add-on module to a spacecraft or space station, be it in transit, orbit or on the Moon, Mars or asteroids to provide more natural gravity.
Have prototypes of this concept been built?
In a certain way: Yes! The first picture in this post is a fairground attraction from the 1950’s.
Did humanity really forget from the ’50s how easy and fun it is to enjoy artificial gravity? Apparently the fairground visitors subjected themselves to the experience voluntarily and enjoyed it.
“Rotor Ride”
Simple gravity devices like this could help spacefarers to maintain their health, after the device is tweaked.
Here are the calculations on the von Braun wheel from 1952 used in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey:
They envisioned a rotating wheel with a diameter of 76 meters (250 feet). The 3-deck wheel would revolve at 3 RPM to provide artificial one-third gravity. It was envisaged as having a crew of 80.
Fast forward 70 years (not much has happened since the 1950’s):
SAHC HUMAN CENTRIFUGE The SAHC human centrifuge began testing and operations in about 2020. It’s to investigate the tolerability and use of artificial gravity on astronauts and their health, to counter the effects of weightlessness. What’s taken so long?
The machine measures 5.6 meters in diameter. It would be small enough to put in the SpaceX Mars rocket. But it needs a few more seats.
With the Short-Arm Human Centrifuge (SAHC) in Cologne — provided by the ESA — artificial gravity will be created to afford fundamental research in medicine and human physiology. The main focus is on the possibility to extend e.g. bed-rest studies to test methods of artificial gravity based counter-measures for medical risks due to weightlessness.
Technical data:
Max. radius at outer perimeter: 2,8 m Max. overall payload: 550 kg
Max. centrifugal acceleration (foot level, test subject height 185 cm): 4.5 g Max. revolution of centrifuge rotor (software limit): 39 rpm
Scientific applications
Development of effective countermeasures for neuromuscular and skeletal degeneration of astronauts using Artificial Gravity, etc…
Don’t Be Afraid of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence | Douglas Vakoch
Dr. Vakoch is President of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI).
“As astronomers launch ambitious projects for Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, alarmists worry that transmitting intentional radio and laser signals into space may provoke an alien invasion. These critics overlook one fundamental fact: it’s too late to hide.”
Dr. Vakoch, Feb 3, 2020
Dr. Vakoch is currently not associated with the ‘Contact Project & Initiative’. His statement was directed at the fact that humanity has been announcing it’s presence via radio signals to our cosmic neighborhood for the last 100 years. He did not mean to imply that Alien presences are already here.
This is what the Contact Project & Initiative is about: The Mission of ‘The Contact Project & Initiative’ is to investigate UAPs/UFOs on every frequency, using real-time tracking, radio receivers and transmitters, HD video, HD images, optical and radio telescopes and passive & active radar, so that the question of the nature and origin of UAP can be answered without doubts.
The engine of this initiative will be an app custom designed to coordinate real-time reporting, alerting, documenting and contacting efforts.
Anyone can take part, there’ll be a public as well as a science data channel. The goal of the ‘Contact Initiative’ is to gather high quality evidence.
To do this every frequency will be scanned, including the 1420 Mhz hydrogen waterhole, which is legal as long as it’s done passively. If transmissions are found, the next step is to discover if UAPs react to radio transmissions. Broadcasting at a frequency of 1420 MHz is illegal under international law, however.
Should the UAP respond to transmissions on HAM or CB radio amateur frequencies, great! But what if it doesn’t?
To have any chance to stay legal under current law and to be able to broadcast at 1420 Mhz the UAP position data must be forwarded in real time to SETI for further investigation.
Actually, a memorandum should be drafted to provide for an exception to broadcast on 1420 Mhz for METI purposes. The relevant article of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is recommendation RA.769 :Protection criteria used for radio astronomical measurements
What does the Contact Project want to do? We want to do METI (messaging ETi) with a target that’s already here, UAPs. We don’t have to worry about attracting the attention of “hostile” aliens by messaging them as they already know of us, if that’s what UAPs/UFOs are.
As things go, this possibility wasn’t seriously considered by the METI organization in 2015, because the subject of UAPs was still considered too crackpot then.
So, the statement issued by the METI organization regarding messaging extraterrestrial intelligence only covers targets outside of Earth’s atmosphere (statement here).
Since then, in 2021, this outlook has changed somewhat by the release of a preliminary assessment of the American Director of National Intelligence on UAPs (assessment here).
The METI statement called for a worldwide scientific, political and humanitarian discussion about the implications of messaging ET, before anything should be initiated. Arguably, since UAPs first made headlines in 1947 there’s been a worldwide discussion about “them” for over 75 years.
A lot of that time much of humanity reacted like an ostrich, sticking it’s head in the sand when hearing UFO reports. Or like three monkeys. Which comparison do we prefer?
Did it never occur to anyone that these phenomena may be more than swamp gas or the result of delusions? Sadly, as a result of the swamp gas hypothesis, the METI statement covers only METI targets outside of Earth.
METI might wish to reconsider their statement. Because currently there seems to be no position on contacting UAPs, to the best of my knowledge.
METI says: ETI’s reaction to a message from Earth cannot presently be known.
If extraterrestrial civilizations have a presence on Earth in the form of UAPs/UFOs or drone-like von Neumann probes they will certainly be able to monitor our news and events. We already know that there was no reaction from UAPs/UFOs to the Voyager space probes and the Golden Records.
METI says: We know nothing of ETI’s intentions and capabilities, and it is impossible to predict whether ETI will be benign or hostile.
Experience shows that when UAP are pursued by military jet fighters they don’t react hostile. Civilian planes are not attacked either. It’s reasonable to assume that the intelligence behind UAPs is mostly benign.
“The threat to humanity from each other is magnitudes greater than from ETi. That hasn’t and shouldn’t stop us from talking to each other and that includes ETi.”
The Contact Project
GALACTIC FEDERATION? All sorts of explanations about UFOs and their prospective occupants have been given, from the no-contact rule of a Galactic Federation to higher dimensional frequencies that mortals can join only after exhaustive preparation.
Healthy skepticism is of course in order as most sightings have a prosaic explanation, ranging from misidentifications to pranks and hoaxes. But they don’t account for every sighting.
To admit in 2021 that some UAP cannot be explained was a major step forward by the US government.
The Contact Initiative wants to find out if there is just one UAP that will respond to radio transmissions. And that is easy.
And to prepare for the possibility of a positive response from an UAP? Not so easy.
“There was a specific electronic signature (frequency) emanating from them (UFOs/UAPs) when they were going into or coming out of the water, so they were easy to track. “
wrote Bob Fish in an Email to John Podesta, published on Wikileaks by Julian Assange.
Robert Fish, USS Hornet
Can we send “welcome” radio messages during a sighting at UFOs and listen back for a response? Of course we can. That has not been done yet. At least not by civilians. Someone asked on a forum what the frequency is that the Navy listened to…
The frequency is easy to find out. When an UFO is near we use a multi frequency receiver that scans the entire (electromagnetic) radio spectrum in an instant. The “Uniden Close Call” feature is incorporated into many HAM radios. “Whistler Spectrum Sweeper” is another option.
Both are ways to find frequencies that are close to you with a very strong signal.
Uniden Close Call vs Whistler Spectrum Sweeper
The “AOR AR-7400” is another receiver that scans a predetermined spectrum in one second.
Licensed radio amateurs (HAM operators) near a sighting could try to find the correct UAP frequency and then try to make contact.
To do this there’s no need for highly sensitive multi billion dollar radio telescopes. SETI pointed their dishes at very narrow points in the sky, searching distant star systems for alien messages.
That is not necessary when the potential alien transmitters are close by.
With the open source smartphone app “UFO Alert!” any search partner will be informed immediately of interesting nearby UAPs.
If UAPs emit radio frequencies their signal will be close by and strong enough to be picked up by conventional antenna.
Avi Loeb The question of “what are UAPs? is also being investigated by Avi Loeb with the “Galileo Project”: this consists of hundreds of stationary optical telescopes that hope to photograph UAPs in high resolution.
I don’t think pictures alone will be sufficient to explain UAPs, no matter how high the resolution. I wrote to Avi suggesting we pool our ideas.
Science has a tendency not to publish results until 100% certain about them. That could mean a delay.
Public channel On the public channel of the “UFO Alert!” app there will be no such delay. Public participation and discussion about possible results is the apps main feature. It will be totally transparent.
Science channel The “UFO Alert!’ may have search partners that take a more cautious approach in publishing their findings.
That’s possible due to the open architecture of the app. The results of one search partner or group may disagree with that of another.
Conclusive evidence But the app of the Contact Project has one main goal: radio contact with UAP. The analysis of those transmissions, if they exist, should leave no doubt about the result.
I’m excited to share a fresh perspective on the Contact Project. While many gaze into the vast expanse of space, searching light-years away for evidence of extraterrestrial life, I believe we should look closer to home. Yes, radio astronomy may one day unveil the whispers of alien civilizations beyond our solar system, but in my view, Earth is already a crossroads for extraterrestrial visitors.
We don’t need to venture far to find “ET.”
Radio amateur Henry Feinberg explains the communicator he built for the movie “ET: The Extraterrestrial.” Have you ever wondered how quickly the mothership responded to ET’s call? The E.T. movie phone can transmit actual messages into space to orbiting saucers. Doesn’t that sound ludicrous?
E.T.’s mothership wasn’t actually very far from Earth. That’s how he was rescued so quickly. The banner for the Contact Project embodies this very idea. What many see as a simple child’s toy, reminiscent of the beloved movie “E.T. The Extraterrestrial,” is, in fact, a working communications device capable of sending signals into Earth orbit.
I’m not saying that we should build this contraption. But the idea that it may be possible to contact ETi by sending radio signals is the core idea of this website, the “ContactProject.Org.”
In the world of science and technology communication, Henry Feinberg shines brightly. A true innovator at heart, he crafted the remarkable communicator featured in the film “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.”
Using everyday household items, Henry pieced together an ingenious device that could transmit E.T.’s iconic “phone home” signal.
The communicator consists of three distinct components. At its core lies a modified Speak and Spell, with its keys reconfigured to form an entirely new alphabet. From each key, Henry connected wires to another pivotal piece—the programmer.
This unconventional programmer is built atop a turntable, but instead of a record, it features a saw blade adorned with multiple coats of insulating spray paint.
Henry crafted openings in the saw blade that correspond to specific letters. As the turntable spins, the saw blade passes under a row of Bobby pins, which contact and activate the Speak and Spell just as if one were pressing the buttons directly. Adding to the complexity of this creation, Henry ingeniously fashioned a ratchet system using a knife and fork hinged together. As the turntable rotates, the knife and fork pivot back and forth, precisely indexing the saw blade to generate the next letter of the message.
To further enhance his creation, Henry attached a rope to a nearby tree branch in the forest. As the wind rustled through the trees, it pulled the branch back and forth, gently advancing the saw blade tooth by tooth. With this setup, he not only programmed a message but also needed to transmit it across the cosmos.
For the transmission, Henry utilized a speaker-microphone from a CB walkie-talkie that belonged to Elliott. He ingeniously routed the signal to a UHF TV tuner—an ingenious piece that E.T. had “borrowed” from Elliott’s mother’s television set. This tuner elevated the signal from the CB frequency into the microwave range, channeling it into a coffee can that vibrated to amplify the transmission.
Finally, the message was funneled through an umbrella lined with a reflective coating, which directed the signal outward into the vastness of outer space. Each component harmonized beautifully, showcasing not only Henry’s talent as an inventor but also the enduring possibilities of communication across galaxies.
So, we’re transmitting voice or data by radio to an UAP. They respond. What now?
Before we can have a meaningful communication with ETI (by radio), we need to agree on some form of handshake protocol. This is not just a friendly formality.
Communication, either analogue or digital, is dialogic. Dialogic processes refer to words uttered by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. We must make sure that the speaker is understood by the listener and that the listener can respond. It takes two to tango.
A handshake protocol can agree on the speed and language cypher to be used.
Language is seen as a cypher for thought, different groups of individuals employing unique sounds.
Language sets people apart, it seperates people into nations and regions. This gives them identity.
Digital V90 handshake
Computers or civilized states on common ground have developed handshake protocols for meeting strangers.
An example of a digital handshake are the modem sounds from dial up internet of the 1990’s. What we hear is the V90 handshake protocol of TCP-IP, the internet protocol.
In the movie end sequence in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, when the 5 note sequence is played and the mothership responds, we hear a demonstration of a tone-frequency handshake protocol that’s played by a musician.
Star Trek “First Contact”: ETI communication is initiated by handshake.
In the example from the Star Trek movie “First Contact”, a human literally shakes the hand of a Vulcan before communication is initiated. This is a dialogic handshake.
Not every human is comfortable shaking hands because of fear of viruses. Especially alien ones.
What kind of handshake protocol we’ll be using when we make First Contact with ETI we don’t know precisely.
But when it comes to the transmission of data then it will be a digital handshake. Therefore it’s pointless to expect to hear a single word from ET without ACK.
ACK! SYN? Mars Attacks movie poster
Known as the “SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK handshake,” computer A transmits a SYNchronize packet to computer B, which sends back a SYNchronize-ACKnowledge packet to A. Computer A then transmits an ACKnowledge packet to B, and the connection is established.
During April 2020 I had a lot of time on my hands. It was the first Corona lockdown in Germany. I decided to sort through old 35 mm negatives in an old drawer in our basement. The drawer serves as a storage box.
As I was pulling the film strips through the scanner, I came across negatives from England, where I had lived in 1995. Between those negatives were two frames of particular interest.
Ilford XP2 35 mm film, 1995
Ilford XP2 film frames 7 and 8 showed an UAP. I was not prepared to find these pictures. I had completely forgotten this UFO sighting for 25 years. The only other two people who knew about it were my girlfriend and her father who were with me when the sighting took place.
The blurry camera images are not as good as what I saw with my own eyes that night in 1995. I got two exposures of the same object driving in a straight line at 70 mph on the motorway. That made it possible to actually triangulate distance, speed and size of the object:
Triangulation of distance to UAP, frames 7 & 8
It has been suggested that what I saw was an advertising blimp parked near the motorway. I don’t think so, because it had no advertising or any markings on it. Also, the object became 25% smaller as we drove towards it for approx. 15 seconds at 70 mph.
To get smaller the blimp would have to have traveled faster than 70 mph. But a blimp top speed is only 55 mph.
That leaves me with the question: what did I see?
This is the reason I am stepping forward, now. I know how to answer this type of question, once and for all.
The Mission of ‘The Contact Initiative’: to investigate UAPs/UFOs using real-time tracking, radio, video, gigapixel images and passive radar, so that this type of question can be answered without doubts.
The engine of this initiative will be an app designed to coordinate real-time reporting, alerting, documenting and contacting efforts.
The goal of the ‘Contact Initiative’ is to gather high quality evidence and, if possible, find out if UAP react to radio transmissions.
The CONTACT INITIATIVE looks for answers about the nature of UAPs/UFOs by trying to make radio contact with them. We need volunteers, outreach workers and programmers to develop an open source app.
My name is Erich Habich-Traut and I’m 57 years old. I’m the initiator of the ‘Contact Initiative’ (CI).
I’ve coordinated a multinational science project 2001 – 2015 with my website “Our Planet Earth From Space”, which tracked Earth Changes: http://opefs.com.
I’m writing to you as the initiator of the ‘Contact Initiative’ (CI). It’s primary goal is to make radio contact with ETI.
The difference between the Contact Initiative and classical SETI is that UAPs are included in its search for techno signatures.
The Contact Initiative wants to gather high quality evidence about the phenomenon. It also wants to inform and enthuse the public about the possibility of contact
UFO ALERT The engine of this Contact Initiative is a smartphone app that records GPS coordinates of UFOs after a user alert. Users can also take snapshots or video of the UFO with their smartphone. But that is not the primary goal. When the smartphone is used to photograph the UFO, its gravity sensors record the elevation and the compass records its azimuth.
The UFO alert is sent to an astronomical database, NORAD database and air traffic databases to identify known flying objects. Secret military projects are excluded via NORAD TLEs.
The remaining objects qualify as prospective UAP. They will be investigated by forwarding their GPS coordinates to close-by search partners using the same Contact app. All this happens near real-time.
The search partners are selected by their proximity to the sighting and their capability/qualifications.
Search partners can be HAM radio operators, videographers, gigapixel camera operators, Unistellar telescope operators and (passive) radar operators. Passive radar is a subset of radio HAM enthusiasts.
To motivate the public to take part in this search prizes can be given for successful detections of UAPs, staggered by evidence weight:
more important: 4. reception of radio emissions, 5. verifiable conversation with ETI (CETI), 6. physical alien artifact, 7. actual landing of UAP with ETI.
Alternative to cash prizes, credits may be given. Those could be collectible non-fungible tokens (NFT’s), whose value is based on their desirability.
The whole endeavor (and prize money) will be funded by private enterprise through the “Alien Marketplace” advertising space. This marketplace is accessed through the Contact app. To filter out fakes and false identifications AI algorithms and volunteers evaluate the results. The volunteers may be paid cash or NFT tokens that can be traded on the Alien Marketplace.
MUFON #111680, UK, 1995
My own motivation to get this “Contact Initiative” off the ground are my own UAP sightings from Ireland in 1986 and 1995 in the UK.
The 1995 UAP I managed to photograph twice on 35mm film, making it possible for me to finally triangulate it’s approximate size, distance and speed in May 2020, when I found the lost and forgotten negative film from 1995.
According to a Gallup poll over 40% of the American public believes in UFOs. Now, after the release of the Pentagon ODNI UAP report in July 2021 the climate seems right to get to the bottom of this and ask the question for real and to get a real answer: Are we Alone?
After this introduction, could I please interest you in reading the proposal outline and flowchart of the “Contact Initiative”?
Keywords: Contact Initiative, GPS tracking, smartphone app, crowd sourced, automated alert system, distributed, public and specialized observers, passive radar operators, proactive HAM radio operators, gigapixel camera operators, CETI, METI, SETI, commercial funding, NFT, alien marketplace
Here’s the PDF version of the Contact Project research proposal, together with the introductory note and the “Contact app” flowchart. The working title for the Contact App development is currently “UFO Alert!”.
Download and email these documents to promote or evaluate the Contact Initiative. If you do forward these documents I’d be interested in the responses you get.
Contact Project: The Introduction Letter
Contact Project: The Research Proposal
Contact Project: The Contact app flowchart
A note on the Alien Marketplace, funding, etc. As with most projects or initiatives, a positive cash flow greatly contributes to development speed and stamina.
The last chapter of the research proposal is the “The Alien Marketplace”. This type of chapter is more at home in a business plan than a research proposal and it outlines a funding possibility.
To finance the Contact Initiative a lottery and ad platform funded by advertisers and NFT trading technology are optional but not mandatory. It seems to be the most straightforward way to finance the app and its development and growth.
The Contact Project and Initiative welcomes donations and investments. Mostly the two are mutually exclusive, but I’m not an expert. How investment into the Contact Project could convert into equity has not been explored. I’m open to suggestions.
For donations: we are not tax exempt since this is the early start-up phase.
A Proposal To Contact UFOs/UAPs by Radio Keywords: crowdsourced, open source, automated alert system, distributed, public and specialized observers, smartphone app, passive radar operators, proactive HAM radio operators, gigapixel camera operators, megapixel telescope operators, CETI, METI, SETI
Erich Habich-Traut, https://contactproject.org 27. October 2021
1. INTRODUCTION After more than 70 years the US Government recently confirmed the existence of UAPs/UFOs. There is a possibility that some of these objects or phenomena are not of earthly origin. To find out where they are from we want to try and talk to them by radio,
The Contact Initiative (CI) believes that UAPs/UFO’s are under the control of some form of intelligence and non-hostile.
SETI has been trying for decades to find signals of alien radio communications by pointing radio telescopes often at random at nearby stars in the hope that they may harbour intelligent life.
SETI faces three difficulties: 1. It has to find a planet that is populated by intelligent life 2. The alien life must be using radio waves to communicate 3. Any alien signals detected will be decades or centuries old and will take twice that time for a reply. (If we receive a message from ET in 25 light years distance, and we respond with a message immediately, then it will take 25 years to send signals to ET and another 25 years before we can hear a response. Hence, a human lifetime of 75 years will have passed.)
Point three shows the difficulty of trying to use radio waves for interstellar communications. Very often the participants of such a communication die of old age before they have even exchanged first welcomes..
In the movie “Contact” Carl Sagan tried to circumvent this inconvenience by speculating that ET could send instructions for a wormhole transporter that doesn’t rely on slow radio waves.
Even in the idealized world of the Hollywood movie “Contact” this approach didn’t prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence to all sceptics, because the resulting exchange between human and ETI left no convincing physical evidence.
The premise of SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, is that we are not alone in the universe and that Alien life somewhere has developed radio technology just like us.
We expect the Aliens to be friendly or at least impartial to our existence. That is by no means a certainty, looking at the example of our own species.
The Contact Initiative (CI) has as its goal to implement “active SETI”, or ‘CETI’ as it is known (communication with extraterrestrial intelligence).
Definition contact /ˈkɒntakt: 1. the state of physical touching. 2. the action of communicating or meeting.
By definition, merely receiving an extraterrestrial transmission does not fulfill the criterion of “Contact”.
Doug Vakoch, President of METI
It was in 2015 that scientists Douglas Vakoch, David Grinspoon, David Brin, Seth Shostak and others discussed this issue at the American Association for the Advancement Of Science (AAAS): is it a good idea to transmit messages to possible intelligent extraterrestrials in the Cosmos?
Within a week of this discussion a statement was signed and released, together with 24 other SETI experts, declaring that a “worldwide scientific, political and humanitarian discussion must occur before any message is sent”.
When the statement was signed, SETI by radio telescopes was humanity’s best hope to contact Aliens.
A then 68 year old phenomenon titled by the public as “UFOs” was known about at the time of this statement in 2015. But UFOs were not considered to be connected in any shape or form to Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Neither were “UAPs”.
Even though there is no proof of it, some people have always believed that UFOs/UAPs are somehow connected to extraterrestrial intelligence. Those people were not necessarily represented at the AAAS conference in 2015, but they express their beliefs at other venues.
Roswell Parade
Are UFOs connected to Aliens? The Contact Initiative wants to find this out by trying to make radio contact with UAPs. To do this we’ll develop an open source app which is now on Github https://github.com/contactproject.
We, the Contact Project & Initiative, hope that the Contact app will be downloaded by many millions of people worldwide.
Once deployed, every one million app users will contribute to about 1 sighting per week that has absolutely no reasonable explanation. This estimate is based on the Allan Hendry study and a US UAP sighting survey.
We believe we have better chances of finding extraterrestrials or their technosignatures by targeting UFOs/UAPs than by targeting distant stars.
It doesn’t compute to intercept or attempt interstellar Alien communications with light-speed radio waves. At this stage in technological development, even we have a better outlook of building faster-than-light spaceships (Dr. Erik Lentz), than to generate impossible faster-than-light radio waves.
Why should Extraterrestrials be any different? It makes more sense to search for superluminal objects (UFOs) that can travel interstellar distances in days, rather than to listen for relatively snail-paced radio beams, taking years to cover the same distance.
Radio waves can only carry information. Objects on the other hand can carry more than information, such as passengers, but… objects can also carry much more information.
For instance, to physically store the information of all books ever written on Earth (Ref. 1) it requires the volume of 10 stacked 3.5 inch HD drives (175 terabytes of data (Ref. 2), HD capacity in 2021 (Ref. 3)).
In other words, in 2021 the knowledge from all books ever written on Earth fits inside a cube measuring 15 cm each side, weighing 6.7 kg (Ref. 4). To download the same amount of data by radio through space, considering our current data transmission capabilities between Mars and Earth (Ref. 5), it would take about 7.4 years (Ref. 6) of continuous transmission.
The Contact Project is about the reception and transmission of signals, as well as the possibility of physical contact. The gold standard for evidence is physical evidence. In a matter of such importance and possible consequence to human civilization as the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, nothing else may be sufficient to prove it.
Headline of the Chicago Sun, June 26, 1947. This started modern UFO/UAP history.
It’s been 74 years since the first widely publicized UFO encounter of Kenneth Arnold in 1947, who coined the term “flying saucer” when he saw nine objects skipping along the sky from his plane. Since then there have been tens of thousands reported unidentified flying objects in the Earth’s skies, some of them even similar in shape to Arnold’s sighting.
Countless theories about the origin and purpose of these phenomena exist. UFOs were a subject of public interest and regularly reported in the media until the end of the 1960’s .
Fall RIver Herald News, July 29 1952: The invasion of WashingtonUFO/UAP captured from government survey plane in 1971 over Lake Cote, Costa Rica
After the moon landing, skeptical scientists who questioned the alien origin of Flying Saucers won the scientific debate, relegating believers of the extraterrestrial hypothesis to fringe status.
This pretty much ended serious mainstream media coverage of UFOs.
THE SAGAN STANDARD The mantra became that ‘extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence’, a phrase known as ‘The Sagan Standard’.
To find extraordinary evidence for the existence of technologically intelligent aliens, lacking suitable specimens for testing, Sagan proposed instead to search for their signals in the sky with radio telescopes.
This concept he illustrated in his movie “Contact”, which had its premiere in 1997.
Two years after the premiere of “Contact” the University of Berkeley made it possible for anyone with a computer to join in the search for alien signals, when they launched the seti@home screensaver.
The seti@home screen saver
165000 people seized the opportunity to find ET on their computer, taking part in the largest participatory computing project in history. I was one of the first to sign up, on the 16th of May 1999. Sadly, seti@home stopped processing new data on March 31 2020. No announcement had been made whether or not it had been successful in its mission: to find radio evidence for extraterrestrial life.
PENTAGON ACKNOWLEDGES “UAPs” The next month, on the 27th of April 2020, 73 years after the first widely documented flying saucer sighting, the Pentagon publicly acknowledged the existence of UFOs, supplying pilots testimony, audio- and video recordings.
By now the UFO phenomenon had been so thoroughly discredited that skeptics quickly began questioning the Pentagon’s UFO/UAP material.
However, the material didn’t just consist of fuzzy camera footage, but also recorded radar tracks and simultaneous sightings by pilots and aircraft carrier personnel.
In any UFO/UAP sighting, camera images are corroborative evidence of the witness testimony. Very often the quality of the camera can not capture what the witnesses have perceived.
The Contact Initiative uses a wide variety of methods to verify UFO/UAP. First we have the human observer, who may be able to capture the UFO image in low-res with his smartphone camera.
Then the location of his sighting is forwarded to a number of search partners in his neighborhood. They will try to capture the UFO with HD telescopes, cameras and radar, as well as listening with RF scanners to incoming radio waves from the object.
Excerpt of “UFO Alert!” flowchart
The more data about a UFO/UAP sighting exists, in as wide a range of frequencies as possible, the easier it is to verify the sighting as genuine. And if that wasn’t enough, HAM radio amateurs will try to hail the sighting.
The Contact Initiative does not rely on images. Having the UFO Alert! app is like carrying the resources of an airplane carrier in your pocket.
The author examining 35 mm negative with a digital microscope, MUFON case #111680, 1995.
It isn’t clear if UAPs are the product of human or non-human technology. It is only by their shape and fantastic alien flight characteristics that a non-human origin can be inferred. Human planes can not make 90° hairpin turns or accelerate from zero to hypersonic speeds in the fraction of a second.
The majority of the public believes that other intelligent life in the cosmos exists and that we are not the only species inhabiting the Universe. This concept was popularized in the TV show “Cosmos” by exobiologist Carl Sagan and it is held to be true in the general consensus.
People who believe that humanity plays a more special role in the cosmos (anthropocentrists) do think that UFOs come from our own future, instead from alien worlds. They cite the large distances between solar systems as an obstacle for interplanetary spacecraft to make contact.
Some people think that it would be easier to build a time machine than a faster than light spacecraft. Otoh, with a time machine, superluminal flight would be easy. Just slow down the clock dial whilst maintaining forward momentum and viola!, speed is increased.
Superluminal flight implies time travel, according to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Time slows down progressively the more one approaches the speed of light. And should one travel in excess of light speed, then time begins running backwards. That follows from the theory and mathematics of relativity, which does not consider time paradoxes. It’s just numbers.
Book cover of “Identified Flying Objects”, 2019, by anthropologist Michael Paul Masters
Professor of anthropology Dr. Michael Paul Masters is one of the proponents of the UFO as time travelers. He explained it in more detail in his book “Identified Flying Objects” calling the time travelling occupants of these craft “extratempestrials”.
I believe that it’s a definitive possibility that some UFOs do come from our own future. Yet the infinity of possible futures in time means that SOME UFOs will also come from other worlds, even if it’s just our mutated time-traveling offspring from thousands of years into the future visiting their ancestral home planet.
If they exist they may be just visiting their ancestral home planet, or their great-great-great-great-great-grandfather. Is there a paradox?
The Contact Initiative (https://reddit.com/r/contactproject) wants to discover if it’s possible to make radio contact with UFOs, to ask them what they are. It’s as simple as that.
The key to interplanetary travel is faster than light transport: a soliton warp bubble may be made from plasma, thereby warping space itself. A soliton warp bubble is a solitary complex wave, a self-reinforcing wave packet that maintains its shape while propagating at a constant velocity.
This concept known as ‘warp drive’ makes it possible to break the light barrier without violating general relativity. It would be easy to bridge the chasm between the worlds of different solar systems and galaxies when one travels at hyperspeed.
Miguel Alcubierre was the first theoretical physicist who tackled the problem of FTL travel in the year 1994. The metrics he laid out were all very logical and did fit within the framework of general relativity, but they called for an unknown exotic form of energy to work.
Artistic impression of different spacecraft designs considering theoretical shapes of different kinds of “warp bubbles”.
Then, in March 9 2021, Dr. Erik Lentz published his “solution to warp field equations for positive energy”. He’s achieved a theoretical breakthrough because his approach uses positive energy instead of non-existent negative energy.
He went on to graduate school at the University of Washington and in Seattle he got his Phd in theoretical physics around 2017. Then he went on to do a post-doc at the University of Göttingen in Germany and he’s been working on theoretical physics ever since.
Erik studied at Embry Riddle University because of their degree program in space physics where he was able to specialize in exotic propulsion systems. At Embry Riddle he was exposed to a lot of very interesting ideas and learned a lot about general relativity, with, amongst others, Dr. Quentin Bailey.
Dr. Erik Lentz soon realized that faster than light travel was more of a fundamental physics problem than an engineering challenge. During the Covid-19 lockdown he found myself with a lot of free time and immersed himself in the problem and its solution. His discovery that exotic matter or negative energy is not required to create hyper fast warp fields is a breakthrough.
General relativity does permit these superluminal (faster than light) mechanisms. His warp equations obey what’s called the weak energy condition, essentially meaning that it only requires positive energy to make hyper fast Warp fields happen.
Video of Dr. Erik Lentz explaining his warp field solution, from the Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium
FTL travel is now a little more science and less fiction.
The Contact Initiative believes that life in the Universe developed more than once. We are one small island in an infinite sea of space harboring life. If we can develop a theory of faster than light travel, then there is a chance that other life in the universe has already done this before us.
Sighting of UAP near or over the authors house, reported by third parties in 2.9 km distance
In this case, shielded by fuzzy plasma fields, we may be in the process of being visited by UAPs that are not of this Earth. But who cares about the “may be”. The Contact Project wants to try and make radio contact, to discover the truth.
Original publication: Erik W Lentz, Breaking the Warp Barrier: Hyper-Fast Solitons in Einstein-Maxwell-Plasma Theory, Classical and Quantum Gravity, March 2021. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/abe692 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6382/abe692
KITTY HAWK, N.C. — The Wright Brothers conduct the first flight by man with a motor driven, heavier-than-air machine on Dec. 17, 1903. (U.S. Air Force file photo)
It’s only been 118 years since “first flight” in 1903, when we launched the engine powered “Flyer 1” near Kitty Hawk.
Supersonic aircraft Bell X1, October 14, 1947
1947 Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier.
Apollo 11 Launch, July 16, 1969
In 1969 we landed on our nearest cosmic neighbor, a moon which we fittingly named “Moon”.
Artist’s concept of Voyager 1 in flight, launched September 5, 1977
In 1977 Voyager 1 was launched, Earth’s first interstellar space probe.
Dr. Erik Lentz solved Warp equations for positive energy, March 12, 2021
What appears like a cool headline for sci-fi nerds actually has far-reaching implications: the logical equivalence principle means that anything that humans are able to think of can also be discovered by extraterrestrial civilizations.
I know, I know, ET civilizations have not been officially discovered yet. But it’s only a matter of time until this happens. And will the mode of contact be via interstellar radio messages that take decades to arrive and respond to, or via faster than light spaceships?
We as humans are just at the beginning of our exploration into flight. We’ve been flying just for over 100 years. “Faster than light flight” is just a variant of that journey of discovery. Imagine what a species only 100 or 500 years more advanced than us might have achieved already… and where we are in 500 years time.
And because we believe this, the Contact Initiative thinks it’s entirely possible that extraterrestrial spacecraft can visit Earth without too many difficulties.
Would ETI use radio waves moving at the speed of light to seek contact… if there was an alternative?
“Natural communication” between species using conventional radio is almost impossible over interstellar distances.
As ‘natural communication’ I describe an exchange of ideas where the sender can expect a reply before he/she has died from old age…
Using radio waves for communication is like sending mail with the Pony Express. Radio is bound to the “slow” speed of light, at about 1 billion km/h.
That may seem fast, except it isn’t, considering interstellar distances. Extraterrestrial species live so far from us that at best it will take us 8.7 years to send and receive a return message.
That is the time it takes for radio waves to pass to and from our nearest neighboring star system, Alpha Centauri.
Clearly, the speed of horses or light is not sufficient to speak to ET. Unfortunately, we can’t make horses or light go any faster. Is it possible to develop something faster than light to send a message (or people) to far-off lands?
Something faster than light?
Can the Alcubierre/Lentz drive move objects at hyperspeed? Is there any hint that extraterrestrial intelligence ever used “spacecraft unknown to humanity” to visit Earth, maybe to seek contact?
Are UAPs/UFOs spacecraft in the traditional sense, with occupants, or do they just contain a message that can be unlocked, for instance by transmitting a radio key sequence?
UFO sightings are understood by the Contact Initiative as possible signs of extraterrestrial technology. These sightings are fairly abundant.
SETI, by contrast, has not found any techno signatures of verified alien origin despite over 50 years of searching. Has SETI not been successful because it has looked for technosignatures in the wrong direction?
The Contact Initiative believes that there is a reasonably good chance for an UFO/ET connection to exist. This, I believe, is sufficient grounds to include UFOs/UAPs in searches for techno-signatures of alien civilizations
Superluminal spacecraft are the easiest way to contact civilizations that have not developed faster than light communication technology, such as Earth.
It makes sense to attempt listening for radio signatures from UAPs.
Robert Fish wrote in an Email to John Podesta that
“there was a specific electronic signature (frequency) emanating from them (UFOs/UAPs) when they were going into or coming out of the water, so they were easy to track.”
The SETI Institute is concerned with the effects of contacting ETIs on distant planets that are not aware of our existence. SETI Institute doesn’t want to alert potentially hostile Aliens to our presence.
On the other hand, we have been aware of UAP/UFO for decades, if not millenia. And, unless they are blind, so have UAP/UFO.
Therefore the (First) Contact protocol is not applicable.
Reconstruction by author, MUFON #82139, Ireland, 1986
Based on personal experience the author of “The Contact Initiative” estimates the chance to spot an UFO/UAP in any one day to be approx. 1:10.000.
UAP photographs on 35mm negative film, frame 7 of 2. MUFON #111680, UK, 1995, The UAP was grayish without markings as seen here. Photograph by author.
You may have a chance to take pictures or video of an UFO once every 50 years, as I did in 1995.
More impartial data than personal experience about the frequency of sightings comes from surveys. There are not a lot of surveys on the subject of UFO/UAP. More surveys should be carried out.
But there is one:
STUDY ON PUBLIC UAPSIGHTINGS One available survey comes from Century Fox Home Entertainment. They did a poll for a promotional campaign of the Ridley Scott movie “Phoenix Forgotten“.
Reconstruction of “Phoenix Lights” by eye witness Tim Ley, USA TODAY, 1997
The “Phoenix Forgotten” plot was inspired by the “Phoenix Lights” UFO phenomenon from 1997. (Ref.: 1, Ref.: 2)
Over 1700 Americans were asked if they had ever seen an UFO: 16.74% responded positively (Ref.: 3).
If that percentage is any guideline, then we can say that 16.74% of 258.3 million adults (Ref.: 4), about 43 million Americans, had a UFO sighting.
MISIDENTIFICATION OF UFOs According to author Leslie Kean, “roughly 90 to 95 percent of UFO sightings can be explained”. (Ref.: 5)
The chief investigator of CUFOS in 1979, astronomer Allan Hendry, concluded from 1307 cases that 91.4% had a clear and simple prosaic explanation. 8.6% were classed as “UFOs” and 1.5% of those cases had no possible plausible explanation. (Ref.: 6)
This leaves us with 645,000 unexplained sightings from 43 million. This covers a time-span of 38.4 years, it being the median age of the US population (Ref.: 7).
If there are 645,000 completely unexplained UAP sightings in 38.4 years, we get 16,796 (sixteen thousand seven hundred ninety six) sightings per year. That’s 46 UAP cases without possible plausible explanation daily in the USA.
I believe this to be a fairly high number.
The Contact Initiative doesn’t want to wait around to get results. To maximize the chances of spotting UAP/UFO a large number of volunteer UFO/UAP spotters are needed.
And the method of spotting and forwarding a report of a sighting must be as simple as taking a photo or video.
The “CONTACT APP” (name may be changed) will be designed for this purpose, to be as simple as possible. But it will be the most powerful civilian use flying object identification program on the market.
One of its appeals will be that it provides near instantaneous identification of objects and phenomena commonly mistaken as UFOs: celestial objects, meteors, planes, blimps, military training exercises, satellites. The app gives feedback to the UFO spotter if what he/she saw is a known phenomenon.
The app records with high accuracy the position and time of the sightings and the number of users who see the same thing.
POSSIBLE UAP/UFO YIELD PER MILLION APP DOWNLOADS If the Contact app is downloaded one million times (corrected), then the chances are that we will see 65 UAP cases without possible plausible explanation in a year.
That amounts to a bit more than one really, really, puzzling UFO case per week. This should be enough to engage and keep the attention of the public. Because, what good would be an UFO app that doesn’t spot UFOs?
PEACE OF MIND On the other hand, incorrect identifications of common or explicable phenomena as UFOs should become less with the Contact App. This way the great majority of witnesses would feel less stress.
EDUCATIONAL VALUE A large number of participants serves to raise the awareness of the possibility of Extraterrestrial Contact. What does it mean to be a part of a greater community of diverse intelligences in the Cosmos?
GOAL OF THE CONTACT INITIATIVE (CONTACT PROJECT) The goal is to prepare for and meet a technological superior non-human species. That we’re not the most advanced technological species in the Universe is logical:
THE SAGAN The Universe is billions and billions of years old. In it there are billions and billions of habitable planets. Modern human technology only exists since a few hundred years and we left the stone age just about 5000 years ago.
The development of life and intelligence is most likely not a one-time miracle confined to an infinitesimal speck of the Cosmos, the Earth.
BENEFITS OF FRIENDS The potential benefits of contact to an advanced intelligent extraterrestrial species are incalculable to the future and destiny of the human race.
It may be that we don’t have much in common with each other except curiosity. But that alone would be a driving force of human determination and progress, geared at finding out more about the other.
DON’T BE AN OSTRICH Should it turn out that UAP/UFOs are otherworldly emissaries of non-friendly intent, then it would also be important to find out. It could be fatal to stick our collective heads into the sand.
ULTIMA R̶A̶T̶I̶O̶ RADIO These are the reasons why the Contact Initiative proposes to contact “UFO sightings in progress” by radio waves.
References: 1.: Kurt Russell claims he saw — and reported — the ‘Phoenix Lights’, https://eu.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2017/06/14/kurt-russell-claims-reported-phoenix-lights-ufos/394749001/
2.: Ex Arizona Governor saw a UFO during the 1997 Phoenix Lights, https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Arizona_Governor_says_he_saw_a_UFO_during_the_1997_Phoenix_Lights
3.: New survey shows nearly half of Americans believe in aliens, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/new-survey-shows-nearly-half-of-americans-believe-in_b_59824c11e4b03d0624b0abe4
4.: U.S. Adult Population https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/08/united-states-adult-population-grew-faster-than-nations-total-population-from-2010-to-2020.html
5.: UFOs, UAPs and CRAPs https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ufos-uaps-and-craps/
6.: Identification studies of UFOs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identification_studies_of_UFOs
7.: US MEDIAN AGE https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2020/65-older-population-grows.html
Realtime data feed about in progress UAP sightings
Creation of Adam / Earth Rise Michelangelo / NASA
With the app named “UFO Alert!” (or “Contact Project App”) the Contact Initiative wants to engage with others who also think that they aren’t alone in the universe.
That includes not just our neighbors on planet Earth, should they exist. By that I mean neighbors on other planets.
We, the Contact Initiative, believe that there is a non-zero chance that UFOs/UAPs have an extraterrestrial origin. In other words and more precisely: we believe that UAP may be of extraterrestrial origin.
But we can’t be 100% certain.
In the past we may have seen something unexplained in the sky and wondered what it was… We never found out about it because no one told us and we didn’t have the tool to tell us.
We are the casual UFO/UAP witness. We are 46 million people in the USA alone. We wanna know what’s going on!
The UFO Alert! app
An tool to identify the identifiable and investigate the unknown.
click image to enlarge
Currently the flowchart of the app is not hewn in stone. No godly instructions were received on a mountain to create this.
This is a project in the brainstorming stage. To make it a reality compromises may have to be made.
That is possible because the app has a modular design. The app is composed of modules. Each module is desirable, but not essential to create the app.
For instance. the “Identified Flying Object Databanks” can be left out. They can be added at a later stage, or never. Omitting them would make the app programming much easier and faster.
How much can be realized at the first try?
That depends on a) funding or b) the selfless support from the open source community.
UFO Alert! is an open source UFO/UAP real time reporting tool. Every user who downloads the app is a “Search partner”. Users CAN register to use the app. During the registration users CAN enter their profession, such as pilots, air traffic controllers, military personnel, and age and hobbies.
Search partners can be anyone with a smartphone, radio operators, videographers, gigapixel camera operators, Unistellar telescope operators and (passive) radar operators, which are a subset of radio HAM enthusiasts and people that are close enough to have visual or audible contact with an UAP/UFO.
UAPs are a very transitory phenomenon. Often a sighting lasts less than a minute. Speed is of the essence to reacquire the target. Because it is in the reacquisition phase that the “UFO Alert!” app gathers most of its data.
The Contact Project
The “UFO ALERT!” app has two modes of operation: ALERT and CONTACT.
App users that report a sighting shall be called Alerters.
HAM radio and other operators that are sent the coordinates of the UFO shall be called Contacters.
What happens when an UFO is spotted? The user who sees the object/phenomenon presses the “UFO sighting in progress” or “Alert!” button of the CONTACT app:
The app immediately uploads the timestamp and GPS coordinates of the sighting:
The user can also try to take snapshots or video of the UFO sighting with their smartphone. This provides real time additional data: the smartphone’s gravity sensors record the elevation and its magnetic compass records the azimuth:
The data are then sent to an “Identified Flying Object server”. Here GPS and time data are parsed (and available elevation and azimuth). An astronomical real-time database, the NORAD database and air traffic databases are used to identify known flying objects near the UAP location, such as planets, planes and satellites. (To categorically exclude ship traffic, such as may have been filmed in Kumburgaz, Turkey, in 2007-2009, a marine AIS database should be included). Secret military projects are excluded via NORAD TLEs:
If the object is not identified, it becomes a “prospective UAP” (PUAP):
GPS coordinates and other data of prospective UFOs/UAPs are forwarded as an ALERT to close-by Contacters using the same Contact app, to be investigated in more detail:
Contacters are selected based on their vicinity to the GPS coordinates of the sighting and their hardware/qualifications/experience. The contacters may beHAM radio operators and others (search partners with CB / HD camera / HD video / telescope / radar):
Should the same PUAP be reported multiple times at different locations a trajectory can be computed and search partners will be notified in advance of a possible PUAP arrival.
Users that spot the PUAP can fill out a standard UFO sighting questionnaire and/or supply more detailed reports that will be attached to the alert.
The presence of a not identified flying object has now been broadcast to users of the CONTACT app in the vicinity of the sighting via multiple routes (SMS, EMAIL, POP-UP APP NOTIFICATION).
Alerted by this notification:
HAM RADIO OPERATORS will be listening for incoming broadcasts from the sighting using multiband radio frequency scanners. Should the sighting be a remote controlled drone it would now be identified via the unique drone radio frequency signature.
If the PUAP is a viable UFO and not a drone → then HAM operators will attempt to make contact using a variety of radio bands. A pre-recorded message or data burst transmission may be broadcast towards the UFO.
TELESCOPE AND CAMERA OPERATORS Other search partners may try to use the information to get radar or visual confirmation via HD cameras or automatic telescopes (for instance UNISTELLAR / VAONIS STELLINA).
(PASSIVE) RADAR OPERATORS A special field of amateur HAM radio is the analysis of passive radar data, often to observe meteor tracks. Sometimes unexplained tracks are recorded, showing flight maneuvers of objects at right angles. In case of these anomalous sightings an ALERT can be triggered with the aim of visual confirmation and radio contact.
VISUAL OBSERVERS Any search partner who can verify the sighting by eye sight using the CONTACT APP provides real time data to the sighting in progress.
The CONTACT INITIATIVE effort may be coordinated via the members of SETI Institute / SETI LEAGUE / MUFON / HAM and other organized networks.
All who download the app can make UFO reports. A sighting by a single person is less convincing than an event that many witnesses report from a distance to each other.
An AI algorithm will analyze live reports coming in in real time to determine if multiple witnesses are reporting on the same thing. This takes into account the position and possible flightpath of an object.
To motivate the public to take part in this search, prizes can be given for successful detections of UAPs, staggered by evidence weight:
more important: 4. reception of radio emissions, 5. verifiable conversation with ETI (CETI), 6. physical alien artifact, 7. actual landing of UAP with ETI.
Alternative to cash prizes, credits may be given, they could be collectible non-fungible tokens (NFT’s), whose value is based on their desirability.
The whole endeavor (and prize money) will be funded by private enterprise through the “Alien Marketplace” advertising space. This marketplace is accessed through the Contact app. To filter out fakes and false identifications AI algorithms and volunteers evaluate the results. The volunteers may be paid cash or NFT tokens that can be traded on the Alien Marketplace.
To motivate the public to take part in the Contact Initiative search and to download the app, prizes can awarded for UFO Alerts! that lead to detections of UAPs, staggered by evidence weight:
more important: 4. reception of radio emissions, 5. verifiable conversation with ETI (CETI), 6. physical alien artifact, 7. actual landing of UAP with ETI.
NFT’s for verified UAP sighting pictures or video? Alternative to cash prizes, credits may be given (that’s at the discussion stage), they could be collectible non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) linked to the detection record and/or the verified UAP pictures,. Their value is based on their historical value, rarity and desirability.
The whole endeavor (and prize money) will be funded by private enterprise through the “Alien Marketplace” advertising space.
This marketplace is accessed through the Contact app. To filter out fakes and false identifications AI algorithms and volunteers evaluate the results. The volunteers may be paid cash or NFT tokens that can be traded on the Alien Marketplace.
The app and the Contact Project Organization itself may be financed by advertisements in the APP, which sell on the ALIEN MARKETPLACE.
A ‘jackpot’ cash prize will go to the first person to report an UFO/UAP that makes contact. Lesser prizes are for genuine UFO reports, verified unidentified flying objects without explanation.
A credit system of some sort or a cash prize should be instituted to motivate the participants. False reports are penalized by subtracting from the prospective “jackpot” money of the participant.
Examples for advertisements on the ALIEN MARKETPLACE are any products of interest to UFO, SCI-FI and Fantasy fans, as well as the general population.
The logo needs a bit of explanation. The green branches are not a laurel crown, bestowed upon the victor in a game or after battle.
The branches are olive branches, a symbol of peace. The world map, seemingly overlaid with the grid of a gun sight, is an azimuthal projection. The grid lines represent latitude and longitude.
The UAP flying over the world visualizes that the phenomenon is a global one.
I decided to color in the UN logo, since I’ve never seen a blue olive branch, nor blue continents. But I did color the seas blue, which unaccountably where in white before.
When I designed the logo I did have in mind the grid lines of a targeting scope. This is because an accurately sighted UAP on the smartphone with the “UFO Alert!” app can be better pinpointed in space by azimuth and elevation.
The logo represents peace. The size of the UAP is due to the perspective.
United we can achieve great things.
Non-human contact has never been verified to have happened in recorded history. There exist records of sorts, but they belong to recorded myths.
Unless one understands those books, at least partially, as fact.
The Contact Initiative believes that UAP exhibit friendly to indifferent traits towards the “Children Of The Planet Earth”, as Nick Sagan called Earthlings on the Voyager Golden Record.
To find out more we want to make radio contact with UAP.
Satire, Comedy, Parody Get ready for a hilarious twist on a classic! This video features the original speech of Donald J. Trump, reimagined through the lens of the iconic 1940s Charlie Chaplin film, “The Great Dictator.”
Join DJT as he plays Adenoid Hynkel, whimsically swooning over the globe and dreaming of taking Greenland and Canada while hilariously considering renaming the Gulf of Mexico.
Don’t miss this unique blend of humor and nostalgia. Like and share!