In the Key of the Cosmos: A Signal Sung from the Stars “The Wow! signal melody” is available on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, and many others…
The Wow! signal melody, based on the sequence 6EQUJ5, 1977. Click to play or stop.
Consider, if you will, a sequence of symbols—6EQUJ5—etched into the annals of astronomy, a cryptic whisper from the depths of space. Once, it was a burst of radio waves, the Wow! signal, a fleeting enigma that haunted our telescopes. Now, in February 2025, it has become a melody. A human act of alchemy, transmuting mathematics into music, static into song.
Here, in this humble arrangement, the numbers and letters unfurl as notes: a progression both melancholic and yearning. The sixth scale degree hums with cosmic longing; the flattened seventh bends like spacetime itself. A raised fourth pierces the silence, a dissonant cry from the void, while the fifth—an anchor—grounds us in the familiar. Together, they form a lullaby for the universe, a sequence as old as hydrogen yet as new as dawn.
Is this what it sounds like when the cosmos composes? Or is it merely our own reflection, a mirror held up to the dark? We cannot know. Yet in these six notes, stretched across octaves and human imagination, we hear the ache of isolation—and the fragile hope of connection.
Perhaps, as in Close Encounters, we have always spoken to the unknown in the language of music. A minor seventh resolves; a chord trembles. The same mathematics that binds atoms may yet bind civilizations.
For now, the melody lingers: a question mark set to rhythm, a cipher unsolved. A reminder that in the grand fugue of the universe, even static may hold symphonies. We need only listen—and dare to reply.
I found myself pondering how the letters and numbers from the Wow! signal notation 6EQUJ5 might translate into a melody. Initially, the idea of creating a song from these characters seemed quite improbable. You can now listen to the track by clicking on the cover art. It’s my first single! We haven’t expanded these six notes yet.
Erich Habich-Traut
Based on the standard diatonic scale and common chord progressions, here’s a breakdown of the likely tonal values:
Individual notes:
* 6: This is typically the sixth scale degree of the major or minor scale, creating a major or minor sixth interval from the root. It often adds a sense of yearning or longing.
* e: This is the third scale degree, creating a major or minor third interval. It’s a consonant and stable note, often used in melodies and harmonies.
* q: This likely refers to the flat seventh scale degree (b7), creating a minor seventh interval. It adds a bluesy or jazzy flavor and can create a sense of resolution when moving to the root.
* u: This might refer to the raised fourth scale degree (#4), creating an augmented fourth interval. It’s a dissonant and unstable note, often used to create tension and drama.
* j: This likely refers to the flat sixth scale degree (b6), creating a diminished fifth interval. It’s also dissonant and can add a bluesy or jazzy feel.
* 5: This is the fifth scale degree, creating a perfect fifth interval. It’s a consonant and stable note, often used in melodies and harmonies.
Here’s a possible melody in C major, using the provided notes (6, e, q, u, j, 5) with a melancholic feel and simple piano rhythm.
C (5) – E (e) – G (5) – A (6) – G (5) – E (e) – D (q) – C (5)
C (5) – E (e) – G (5) – A (6) – G (5) – E (e) – D (q) – C (5)
Rhythm: Each note is played with a quarter note duration (a steady beat).
Piano Playing Style: Play with a gentle touch and sustain the notes slightly for a more expressive sound. Experiment with dynamics (louder and softer notes) to create a sense of ebb and flow.
Key Considerations: Melancholic Feel: The descending line from A to G and the use of the minor seventh (D) contribute to the melancholic mood.
Simplicity: The repetition of the melodic phrase and the consistent quarter note rhythm create a sense of simplicity and introspection.
Introduction: Where Quantum Physics Meets Consciousness
The human brain, a labyrinth of neurons and synapses, has long been a subject of fascination. Yet, its most profound mysteries—consciousness, intuition, and even the potential for telepathy—remain elusive. Recent discoveries in quantum physics, particularly in quantum tunneling and evanescent waves, coupled with the enigmatic topology of 1-brane string theory, suggest that the brain’s inner workings might defy classical physics. They might even defy Einstein’s cosmic speed limit.
Quantum Tunneling: Breaking the Light Barrier
In 1962, physicist Thomas Hartman uncovered a paradox: particles like photons could tunnel through barriers instantly, regardless of thickness. This “Hartman effect” hinted at superluminal motion, where particles bypass classical spacetime constraints. Decades later, experiments by Günter Nimtz and Horst Aichmann proved this phenomenon wasn’t theoretical. By transmitting Mozart’s 40th Symphony through a quantum tunnel at 4.7 times light speed, they demonstrated that information itself could outpace light.
Key Insight: Quantum tunneling relies on evanescent waves—fleeting electromagnetic fields that decay exponentially but propagate faster than light. These waves emerge when particles encounter barriers, slipping into a dimension where time and distance dissolve.
Evanescent Waves in the Brain: The WETCOW Revelation
In 2023, neuroscientists Vitaly Galinsky and Lawrence R. Frank proposed a radical idea: the brain’s “noise” might actually be weakly evanescent cortical waves (WETCOW). These waves, previously dismissed as static, could enable superluminal communication between neurons, suggesting a possible basis for telepathy.
How It Works: When electrical signals in the brain hit synaptic barriers, evanescent waves tunnel through. They transmit information faster than light. This aligns with experiments showing decision-making brain activity preceding conscious awareness.
Implications: The brain’s processing speed—capable of 1,000,000 trillion operations per second (1 exaflop)—may stem from these quantum shortcuts. Astrocytes, star-shaped cells connecting millions of neurons, mirror cosmic structures (like galactic networks). This hints at a universal architecture optimized for superluminal signaling.
1-Brane String Theory: The Topology of Timelessness
DIMENSIONS: All mathematics is based on geometry. In zero dimension, a point exists. in 1 dimension, a string takes form. Below the 4th dimension, in subspace, time does not exist. Quantum tunneling takes place in the 1st dimension, where neither time nor space exist. This explains the interference in the double slit experiment. Illustration by NerdBoy1392, CC BY-SA 3.0.
String theory’s 1-brane concept offers a geometric explanation. A photon, typically a zero-dimensional point, becomes a one-dimensional “string” during tunneling. This 1-brane exists in a spaceless, timeless dimension, re-emerging into our 4D reality as an evanescent wave.
Phase Paradox: Horst Aichmann observed that tunneled waves retain their original phase, implying zero time elapsed during tunneling. “Inside the barrier, there’s no time or volume—just a line connecting two points,” he noted.
Cosmic Consciousness: If the brain accesses this 1D realm, consciousness might tap into a unified field. In this field, past, present, and future coexist—a concept echoing Carl Jung’s “collective unconscious.”
Telepathy and the “Spooky Action” of the Mind
Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” describes quantum entanglement, where particles influence each other instantaneously across vast distances. If evanescent waves entangle neural circuits, they could enable mind-to-mind communication through telepathy.
Experimental Clues: Nimtz’s superluminal Mozart transmission and the Larmor clock’s measurements (showing rubidium atoms tunneling faster than light) suggest that macroscopic quantum effects are possible.
Extraterrestrial Links: The author speculates that advanced civilizations might use evanescent waves for interstellar communication. This would bypass the limitations of radio waves.
Consciousness: A Quantum Phenomenon?
The “hard problem” of consciousness—how subjective experience arises from matter—might find answers in quantum biology. Plants use quantum coherence in photosynthesis; humans might exploit tunneling for cognition, potentially explaining phenomena linked to telepathy.
Precognition and Time: If evanescent waves briefly invert causality, they could explain precognitive hunches or déjà vu.
Technological Horizons: Brain-computer interfaces leveraging evanescent waves might one day enable direct thought transmission. This could blur the line between mind and machine.
Conclusion: Rewriting the Rules of Reality
The discovery of superluminal brainwaves challenges not just physics, but our understanding of existence itself. As we unravel the quantum threads weaving through our minds, we edge closer to answering age-old questions. Are we bound by spacetime, or is consciousness a gateway to dimensions beyond? In the words of the author, “The brain is not just a computer—it’s a quantum radio, tuned to the frequency of the cosmos.”
Artistic representation of the inner workings of one animal cell (humans are members of the animal kingdom)
I’ve done computer programming myself, and in the 1990s, I already worked on self-learning language models. I know that in computer games, the focus of the highest definition and resolution is within the immediate field of view of the player. However, this is where a simulation differs from reality: reality has full resolution at every bit and pixel, not just at the center of the player’s attention. For instance, there are no non-player characters in reality—every person is a person.
To say some people are “NPCs” is dangerous nonsense. It’s the same as saying that some people are not human. Dehumanization is the denial of full humanity in others along with the cruelty and suffering that accompany it.
The tapestry of reality is far too intricate, too breathtakingly complex at every level to be the product of mere simulation. Rather, WE are the ultimate computers, brimming with extraordinary potential!
Imagine this: our bodies are composed of a staggering 100 trillion cells! If we dared to assign computational power to a single cell in bits, it might seem modest—akin to the early, groundbreaking Intel 4004 CPU with its mere 2,300 transistors. But wait! With 100 trillion cells, that’s a cosmic total of 230,000 trillion transistors at work in just one human body! You could say, I don’t think with my stomach. So, we have 87 billion nerve cells in the brain, equating to 197 trillion transistors.
To put that in perspective, some of today’s supercomputers boast an impressive 400 trillion transistors (Sunway TaihuLight).
Yet, our remarkable cells don’t just think—they act as atomic and molecular assemblers, performing intricate repairs, fostering growth, and generating energy! Each single cell is a microscopic marvel, assembled from about 100 trillion atoms. These surpass early computers in both function and capability.
Now, let’s crank it up! There are 8 billion humans inhabiting this planet. Add to that the countless organisms and cells that share our home—the fantastical diversity of life on Earth. Some estimates suggest there are one trillion different species (with only 1.2 million documented thus far), all contributing to the exquisite symphony of life that is around us.
The weight of life on our planet is unfathomable: approximately 545.8 billion metric tonnes of living matter! Each metric ton of living matter has about 1330 trillion cells.
So we have on Earth alone the organic computing power of four quadrillion one hundred seventy-four trillion five billion five hundred million supercomputers… by transistor.
But it’s not the number of “transistors” that is crucial in a neural network; it’s all in the number of connections. This is not fair to Intel: each transistor has three connections, but each nerve cell has about 10,000 connections.
And as we drift beyond our own blue planet, consider the cosmos—an estimated **2 trillion galaxies** peppered throughout the Universe. Each teems with at least **100 billion stars**. This means there could be a staggering **20 billion trillion planets** out there, waiting to be discovered! (Source: The Planetary Society)
All of this unfolds in a universe that has been running flawlessly for **16 billion years**—without ever requiring a reboot.
So, bring it on, technological singularity!
The orchestration of life and the cosmos is too magnificent, too complex, and too real for any mere simulation. Embrace the adventure that is our existence!
Fact check:
100 Trillion Cells: The statement that the human body has approximately 100 trillion cells is widely accepted in biological literature. However, various estimates exist, and some sources suggest that the number might be lower or higher, typically ranging from 30 to 100 trillion cells.
Nerve Cells: The claim regarding there being around 87 billion neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain is well supported by neurological research.
Transistor Comparison: The comparison of the number of cells to transistors in state-of-the-art supercomputers like the Sunway TaihuLight is a conceptual comparison rather than a strict quantifiable one. It’s accurate to say that modern supercomputers have hundreds of trillions of transistors. The exact figures can be checked based on current specifications from trusted tech sources.
Biomass of Earth: The estimate of Earth’s total biomass being around 545.8 billion metric tons is consistent with recent studies. Numbers may vary slightly based on different methodologies of estimation.
One Trillion Species: The claim that there might be one trillion different species is a hypothesis rooted in biodiversity studies. To date, around 1.2 million species have been described. Estimates of total species on Earth vary widely, with numbers often cited ranging up to over 8 million or more.
2 Trillion Galaxies: The figure of about 2 trillion galaxies in the universe is backed by recent astronomical studies. Observations made by telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope support this claim.
Planets in the Universe: The estimate of there being about 20 billion trillion planets can be derived from the average number of planets per star and the estimated number of stars in the universe.
A groundbreaking UFO study published by Ukrainian astronomers has stirred up speculation with claims of mysterious flying objects captured on radar, leaving both skeptics and believers buzzing.
Half a year after the onset of the Russian invasion, these researchers unveiled striking evidence of unidentified aerial phenomena soaring across the skies, clocked at astonishing speeds of up to 54,000 km/h!
But as renowned astronomer Avi Loeb throws cold water on the findings—asserting they could simply be artillery shells—the debate over what truly lurks above Ukraine intensifies. Is it extraterrestrial life, or are earthly conflicts warping our perceptions? Buckle up as we dive into this cosmic controversy!
SETI pope Avi Loeb claimed that Ukrainian astronomers mistook Russian artillery shells for UFOs. The UFOs were clocked at 54,000 km/h. The world’s fastest artillery shell () travels at 2,977 km/h. The world’s fastest missile (Avangard) reaches 37,044 km/h.
Avi Loeb asserted that the astronomers had only estimated the distance, resulting in a ten-fold error in both distance and speed. Even then, the objects photographed were still too fast to be artillery shells.
Then Avi Loeb claimed that no HUMAN-MADE objects can travel at these speeds in Earth’s atmosphere, as otherwise, there would be a fireball around them due to intense air ionization and friction.
Case In Point.
And why does Avi Loeb initially dismiss the observations of the Ukrainian astronomers as being wrong, but then later argues that if the observations were valid, it wouldn’t be possible due to air friction?
Here is the story:
The Ukraine UFO study
Half a year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in spring 2022, the Ukrainians published a UFO study.
It was claimed that not one but two meteorite-observing stations had discovered something extraordinary at the same time: flying objects moving faster than the unaided human eye can see.
“The eye does not fix phenomena lasting less than one-tenth of a second,” the paper said. “It takes four-tenths of a second to recognize an event. “ — Ukrainian UAP study
One observing station was based in the capital of Kyiv and the other in the village of Vinarivka, 132 km to the south.
The Ukrainian astronomers detected the UFOs with specialized meteorite detection equipment:
“Ordinary photo and video recordings will () not capture the [unidentified aerial phenomena]. “ — Ukrainian UAP study
The equipment was 132 km apart, meaning that they could triangulate the speed, position, and size of the objects really well.
Triangulation is a technique that astronomers do all the time. For instance, it’s used to determine the distance of stars.
The objects measured between 3 and 12 meters and were clocked at speeds up to 54,000 km per hour (33,554 mph)!
The Ukrainians first published their findings on a preprint server named Arxiv:
“Unidentified aerial phenomena, I. Observations of events”
Scientists use Arxiv to receive feedback from peers before publication. Arxiv also provides public access to papers that might otherwise be hidden behind paywalls.
Everybody assumed (without basis in fact) that the Ukrainian UFO sightings were somehow related to the raging Ukraine—Russia conflict. — Erich Habich-Traut for the Contact Project
Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb, who had gained worldwide fame in 2018 with his theory that comet Oumuamua was an extraterrestrial probe, was aware of the Ukrainian study.
But he hadn’t looked at it closer until he was asked by the director of the new UAP office in Washington, DC, to write a short paper about it.
The Contact Project first heard of Avi Loeb’s “debunking” of the Ukrainian study from his email:
Quote: “You might enjoy the essay and related paper below. I was reluctant to even read the Ukranian paper, but on Monday night I was visited at home by the director of the new UAP office in DC and he asked me to write a short scientific paper on UAP. So yesterday morning at 4.30AM (before my routine morning jog) I had a look at the Ukrainian paper and within an hour figured that they got the distance to their dark objects wrong by a factor of ten (or else there would be a huge fireball around each of them as a result of the friction with the air). After correcting that everything falls into place, with the parameters of artillery shells As Feynman noted, there’s a great pleasure in figuring things out. There is no way out of this argument because they claim the objects are dark, meaning that they block light. The cross-section with photons implies that the objects must interact with air molecules.” — Avi Loeb
According to his email, Avi quickly reviewed the “Ukranian” paper before starting his daily morning jog at 4:30 am. Within one hour he had already concluded that the objects could not move at the speeds claimed by the Ukrainians (because the air would burn around them from friction), and they were, in fact, artillery shells:
Avi Loeb contended that the Ukrainian astronomers had failed to exercise due diligence, resulting in a ten-fold miscalculation of the UFOs’ speed. He said that was because they had not triangulated the distance of the objects and only estimated their distance.
Then Avi Loeb said the UFOs were in reality (Russian) artillery shells.
From that point on, the “debunking train” rapidly gained momentum, leading nearly every publication that had previously supported the story to criticize the Ukrainian astronomers’ findings as inaccurate Russian artillery.
I scratched my head.
When were the observations made? How did Avi Loeb know that the UFOs were artillery? The Russian bombardment of Ukraine had started after the 24th of February 2022. There was not a single mention in the Ukrainian UAP paper of when the observations were actually made. Only a vague reference in the footnotes to an Astronomical Schools Report from 2021.
Clearly, that was an omission. To find clarity on the matter, I wrote two letters to the Ukrainian astronomers:
Quote “Dear Mr. Zhilyaev, Avi Loeb has made a comment regarding your paper on Arxiv, that your observations are those of artillery shells. Do you believe this to be a possibility?” — The Contact Project
That first letter got no reply. Avi Loeb’s comments about artillery shells became the de facto explanation for UAP in Ukraine.
A few weeks later, I decided to write a second letter to the Ukrainian astronomers, being more precise in my question. I also put Avi Loeb in the BCC, in case he wanted to clarify his argument:
Quote “Dear Mr. Zhilyaev, writing on behalf of the Contact Project, ( I’m curious about your UAP sightings.
Arxiv: “Unidentified aerial phenomena I. Observations of events,” by B. Zhilyaev, V. Petukhov, and V. Reshetnyk
I would like to note that your preprint archive paper does not say precisely WHEN your observations took place, and I am curious about that date.
In your references (2) regarding “phantoms,” you quote a publication from 2021, a date well before the Russian invasion in 2022.
(2) Zhilyaev B.E., Vidmachenko A.P., Petukhov V.N., et al., 2021, Astronomical Schools Report, 17, N 1–2, 1–8
Is it correct then to assume that at least some of the observations that are the basis of your preprint paper are from a time when there were no artillery shells flying through Ukrainian skies?
From my reading of your paper, I understand that you had access to two observation stations. You probably triangulated the object distance from that?
What do you say?” — The Contact Project
This time I did receive a short reply from the lead astronomer of the Ukraine UAP study:
Quote: “We have been watching UAP since 2018. We do not associate their activity with the war in Ukraine. Observations from 2 points are carried out for the purpose of triangulation.” — B.E. Zhilyaev
It was as I thought: the Ukrainians had claimed nowhere to have made their observations in 2022 during the war.
Instead, the UFO/UAP sightings date back to the year 2018. Furthermore, the Ukrainian astronomers had not “estimated” the distance of the objects; instead, they had used two observation posts to triangulate the distance scientifically. This also made it possible to calculate their size.
CONCLUSION The observations made by the Ukrainian astronomers were from 2018, not during the war. In fact, they had been monitoring UFO sightings since then. Furthermore, the team used two observation posts to triangulate the distance of the objects scientifically, which allowed them to calculate their speed and size.
This information raises questions about Avi Loeb’s conclusions. Given that the observations were made before the war, it becomes unlikely that the objects were artillery shells. The ability to triangulate the objects also contradicts Avi Loeb’s argument.
The truth, in this case, requires persistence and the ability to interpret ambiguity.
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