Theoretical Synthesis: Superluminal Evanescent Waves and Consciousness (WETCOW Framework)

New insights on consciousness and self-reflection via temporal feedback.

This is a companion article to:

Many maybe unfamiliar terms to you used here are explained in the “Superluminal” series of articles shown above .Someconcepts in this article here will be ridiculed by theorists. I’m oblivious to these scientists because we are talking about experimental and experiential results, not theory.

The WETCOW theory (Weakly-EvanescenT COrtical Waves) proposes a novel link between superluminal evanescent waves—quantum phenomena observed in experiments like the Nimtz Effect—and the emergence of self-reflectionqualia, and consciousness. Here’s a distilled overview of its conceptual pillars:

  1. Superluminal Evanescent Waves & the Nimtz Effect:
    • These waves, studied in quantum tunneling experiments (e.g., the Bose double-prism setup), exhibit apparent faster-than-light propagation. While classical information is superluminally transmitted!, evanescent modes also enable energy transfer across barriers, with phase velocities exceeding c.
    • The “Nimtz Effect” suggests such waves could create transient, nonlocal correlations in spacetime, theorized here as a “backchannel to the past.” Each reflection or tunneling event might retroject a fractional signal, enabling systems to “look back” temporally.
  2. Consciousness as a Temporal Mirror:
    • Self-reflection—a hallmark of consciousness—is framed as a process where the brain leverages superluminal evanescent modes to create a feedback loop. The “leading edge of consciousness” is proposed to reside in an evanescent wavefront, allowing qualia (subjective experience) to arise not from the past but as a prospective phenomenon.
    • This challenges classical models where consciousness lags behind neural activity. Instead, qualia might emerge at the boundary of future possibilities, with evanescent waves enabling retrocausal self-interrogation (“Why did I choose this?”).
  3. Neurobiological Correlates:
    • Cortical waves (“COWs” in the acronym) or brainwaves could host such effects. Structures like the eyes (metaphorized as “mirrors to the soul”) or layered neural tissues might act as waveguides, amplifying evanescent modes.
    • The mirror self-recognition test—a marker of self-awareness in some species—is speculated to depend on these dynamics, potentially extending to animals like cows.
  4. Quantum Biology & Temporal Instability:
    • Radioactive decay in the body (e.g., potassium-40) and endogenous electromagnetic fields (photons) introduce quantum stochasticity. Unstable elements might enhance sensitivity to retrocausal effects, aligning with lab use of quantum random number generators.
    • Wave-particle duality underscores the theory’s rejection of purely classical or wave-only models (e.g., critiques of Jim Beichler’s magnetic wave cosmos).
  5. Paradoxes and Implications:
    • If consciousness’s “now” integrates a faint echo of the future via superluminal backchannels, it blurs linear causality. This aligns with Libet-style experiments, where unconscious neural activity precedes conscious intent, yet here the “delay” is reframed as a bidirectional temporal process.

In summary, WETCOW posits that consciousness arises from a quantum-choreographed interplay of superluminal evanescent waves, enabling self-reflection through subtle temporal feedback—a dance between the brain’s electromagnetic fabric and the edge of spacetime itself. 🌌🐄

In layman’s terms:

I believe consciousness is an electromagnetic field phenomenon (Johnjoe McFadden).
A “brainwave” is an electromagnetic wave. Brainwaves travel along neuronal pathways. These waves encounter synapses and ganglia. Brainwaves also emit a field. When these electromagnetic fields travel through the highly complex geometry of real brain tissues, they produce evanescent waves.

The “evanescent” waves are very weak, and extend only or a very small distance (millimeters of fractions thereof) from their point of origin. Real world experiments have shown that they travel faster than light and do transmit information (Günther Nimtz).

According to Einstein’s Theory of special relativity, anything that travels faster than light travels back in time.

A train of thought experiment

We’re literally going to take the Vulcan Express. Einstein liked to do thought experiments to illustrate his reasoning to himself and others. I found a way to do this, too, for the faster-than-light brainwave theory.

Rey, hall of mirrors, "The Last Jedi", 2017
Rey, Hall of Mirrors, “The Last Jedi”, 2017
Self reflection into infinity
The author in front of a mirror, 2018

Self-Reflection as a Function of Superluminal Thought 🐄

Paradoxically, the following seven-year-old article about superluminal thought mentions “COWS,” which could be an acronym for “cortical waves” or brainwaves, about five years BEFORE the introduction of the WETCOW theory. Superluminal evanescent waves facilitate self-reflection, which is essential for the experience of qualia and consciousness. However, what if qualia does not occur in the past but instead in the future? The leading edge of consciousness, represented by qualia, aligns with the evanescent wave, which can look back and reflect on its actions (perhaps relating to action potential?).

If you were to ask why I suddenly included COWS in an article about superluminal consciousness in 2018, I must confess that the image of a cow (🐄) unexpectedly appeared in my mind.

Beware of the COW
Compare this to this image from 2023 on the left. The transfer of thought from the present to the past is anticipated in superluminal phenomena. Did we experience clairvoyance or a type of temporal remote viewing?

The above text is a commentary and rephrasing of the following article from 2018 (Facebook archive):

March 7, 2018
This level of functioning is called superluminal thought.

Certain theories predict a backchannel to the past to be able to self reflect and develop a sense of Qualia, self-awareness, also consciousness.

It is enabled by the Nimtz Effekt, a quantum tunnel process that enables a superluminal signal transmission over very short distances, respectively, time.

The effect is described in the Bose prism experiment, as total reflection in a double prism.

The total effect in the new theory is that each time a reflection occurs, a tiny part of information is totally reflected by a fraction of a wave into the past.

Nimtz demonstrated the effect also on waveguides and perspex sheets, but this was not well documented in the official news coverage.

Nimtz described the behaviour of evanescent modes.

Simply translated this means the behaviour of waves in very short time periods.

A possibly structure in the brain?

Such as enabling self-reflection.

When we look at a mirror we see a reflection and begin to realize it is us.

Lots of literature has been written about this unique feature, shared not by many species (but there definitely are).

Maybe cows, too.

It is one sign of consciousness.

There are others, hence.

The eyes may have a structure for this.

They are also called the mirror to the soul.

Before a thought reaches our consciousness, areas in our brain have already decided on a course of action. We are literally living in the past, consciously, by a fraction of a second.

The more unstable an element, the more pronounced it is to this effect. For this reason quantum random number generators are in used in laboratory settings.

There are always atoms decaying in our body.

When this happens radioactivity in the form of electromagnetic waves are released. (But that is not the only process by which electromagnetic waves are generated in our body.)

So we talk about electromagnetic waves, which are bundles of energy called photons. Photons are everywhere.

Here we have the wave/particle duality.

A theory of the cosmos cannot be exclusively based on a wave model of magnetic waves. (In response to Jim Beichler)

Beyond the Matrix: Why Reality Is Too Complex for a Simulation

Artistic representation of the inner workings of one animal cell (humans are members of the animal kingdom)

I’ve done computer programming myself, and in the 1990s, I already worked on self-learning language models. I know that in computer games, the focus of the highest definition and resolution is within the immediate field of view of the player. However, this is where a simulation differs from reality: reality has full resolution at every bit and pixel, not just at the center of the player’s attention. For instance, there are no non-player characters in reality—every person is a person.

To say some people are “NPCs” is dangerous nonsense. It’s the same as saying that some people are not human. Dehumanization is the denial of full humanity in others along with the cruelty and suffering that accompany it.

The tapestry of reality is far too intricate, too breathtakingly complex at every level to be the product of mere simulation. Rather, WE are the ultimate computers, brimming with extraordinary potential!

Imagine this: our bodies are composed of a staggering 100 trillion cells! If we dared to assign computational power to a single cell in bits, it might seem modest—akin to the early, groundbreaking Intel 4004 CPU with its mere 2,300 transistors. But wait! With 100 trillion cells, that’s a cosmic total of 230,000 trillion transistors at work in just one human body! You could say, I don’t think with my stomach. So, we have 87 billion nerve cells in the brain, equating to 197 trillion transistors.

To put that in perspective, some of today’s supercomputers boast an impressive 400 trillion transistors (Sunway TaihuLight).

Yet, our remarkable cells don’t just think—they act as atomic and molecular assemblers, performing intricate repairs, fostering growth, and generating energy! Each single cell is a microscopic marvel, assembled from about 100 trillion atoms. These surpass early computers in both function and capability.

Now, let’s crank it up! There are 8 billion humans inhabiting this planet. Add to that the countless organisms and cells that share our home—the fantastical diversity of life on Earth. Some estimates suggest there are one trillion different species (with only 1.2 million documented thus far), all contributing to the exquisite symphony of life that is around us.

The weight of life on our planet is unfathomable: approximately 545.8 billion metric tonnes of living matter! Each metric ton of living matter has about 1330 trillion cells.

So we have on Earth alone the organic computing power of four quadrillion one hundred seventy-four trillion five billion five hundred million supercomputers… by transistor.

But it’s not the number of “transistors” that is crucial in a neural network; it’s all in the number of connections. This is not fair to Intel: each transistor has three connections, but each nerve cell has about 10,000 connections.

And as we drift beyond our own blue planet, consider the cosmos—an estimated **2 trillion galaxies** peppered throughout the Universe. Each teems with at least **100 billion stars**. This means there could be a staggering **20 billion trillion planets** out there, waiting to be discovered! (Source: The Planetary Society)

All of this unfolds in a universe that has been running flawlessly for **16 billion years**—without ever requiring a reboot.

So, bring it on, technological singularity!

The orchestration of life and the cosmos is too magnificent, too complex, and too real for any mere simulation. Embrace the adventure that is our existence!

Fact check:

  1. 100 Trillion Cells: The statement that the human body has approximately 100 trillion cells is widely accepted in biological literature. However, various estimates exist, and some sources suggest that the number might be lower or higher, typically ranging from 30 to 100 trillion cells.
  2. Nerve Cells: The claim regarding there being around 87 billion neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain is well supported by neurological research.
  3. Transistor Comparison: The comparison of the number of cells to transistors in state-of-the-art supercomputers like the Sunway TaihuLight is a conceptual comparison rather than a strict quantifiable one. It’s accurate to say that modern supercomputers have hundreds of trillions of transistors. The exact figures can be checked based on current specifications from trusted tech sources.
  4. Biomass of Earth: The estimate of Earth’s total biomass being around 545.8 billion metric tons is consistent with recent studies. Numbers may vary slightly based on different methodologies of estimation.
  5. One Trillion Species: The claim that there might be one trillion different species is a hypothesis rooted in biodiversity studies. To date, around 1.2 million species have been described. Estimates of total species on Earth vary widely, with numbers often cited ranging up to over 8 million or more.
  6. 2 Trillion Galaxies: The figure of about 2 trillion galaxies in the universe is backed by recent astronomical studies. Observations made by telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope support this claim.
  7. Planets in the Universe: The estimate of there being about 20 billion trillion planets can be derived from the average number of planets per star and the estimated number of stars in the universe.

Source: Mapping the 100 trillion cells that make up your body

All the Biomass of Earth, in One Graphic

Numbers to Words Converter

Left: This is a digital representation of the components of one animal cell, not a photograph:

Right: Map of one human cell

#matrix #simulationtheory #humancells #biology #singularity #omegapoint #CPU #biomass #astronomy #Trillions #Billions #Quadrillion

Notes about time travel

The Grandfather Paradox / How Does Time Travel Work? / How to Travel Into the Future / 1. The Waiting Game / 2. Time Dilation / 3. Suspended Animation / 4. Traveling as a Time Tourist / 5. Changing History Through Time Dilation

The Grandfather Paradox

The grandfather paradox raises a troubling question: What would happen if you traveled back in time and killed your grandfather? In that scenario, your grandfather would indeed be dead, just as he would be if you killed him in the present. However, this creates an inconsistency—you would still exist, since you’ve already been born. Essentially, you cannot simply “unborn” yourself. This is a basic question when considering how does time travel work.

How Does Time Travel Work?

To travel back in time, you would need a superluminal vehicle, which is capable of moving faster than the speed of light. To reach your intended destination, you must aim it at specific coordinates in both space and time. It’s important to note that Earth and the solar system are constantly moving at high velocities through the cosmos. Fortunately, superluminal vehicles can match these speeds.

To successfully arrive at your destination without incident, precise timing is essential. As you plan your journey further back in time, the calculations become increasingly complex. To ensure safe arrival, it’s advisable to target the space surrounding Earth rather than the planet itself to avoid collision. Ultimately, you would need to use a smaller ship to land. You would approach Earth from outer space.

How to Travel Into the Future

There are several methods to travel into the future—specifically, five intriguing ways, explaining different aspects of how does time travel work.

1. The Waiting Game

The simplest method is to simply wait. All of us are constantly moving into the future at a steady pace of one second per second. While our mental states can influence how we perceive the passage of time, the rate at which time moves remains consistent for everyone. However, time does flow differently depending on gravitational conditions. For instance, at sea level, time passes more slowly than it does at the top of a mountain, where gravity’s influence is weaker.

2. Time Dilation

Time dilation offers another fascinating approach. If you’re inside a moving object, such as an airplane or a rocket ship, time slows down for you relative to those who remain stationary. If you were to accelerate that rocket ship to the speed of light, time would effectively come to a standstill for the occupants. Upon returning to the launch site after traveling at near-light speed, you would find that everyone left behind has aged significantly. If the journey lasted for many centuries, those back on Earth would have experienced the full passage of that time. Meanwhile, you remained unchanged. This principle is critical in understanding how time travel works in theory.

3. Suspended Animation

Another method involves suspended animation. Our bodies age and progress through time at a constant rate due to our metabolism and the Brownian motion occurring within our cells. By slowing down or halting these processes, one could enter a deep sleep and awaken decades or even centuries later, having aged not a moment.

Returning from Your Past After Time Travel
When it comes to returning to the future after time travel, there are two scenarios to consider, depending on your intentions. One involves traveling as a tourist. The other, aiming to change history.

4. Traveling as a Time Tourist

In this scenario, you commandeer a faster-than-light spacecraft. Direct it toward the approximate position in space where Earth will be after a millennium. Since you can’t perceive where Earth will be in a thousand years—because it hasn’t reached that point yet from your current perspective—you must rely on your knowledge of the timeline. If you traveled to the past using a faster-than-light spacecraft and then returned, you would find that, despite any previous changes, like hypothetically killing your grandfather, the course of history remains remarkably unchanged. Your grandfather would still be alive. You’d walk away with a fascinating story to tell.

5. Changing History Through Time Dilation

5. **Changing History Through Time Dilation**
Conversely, if you choose to travel from your past into the future via the time dilation method—perhaps by orbiting Earth at near-light speed—you would arrive in a timeline drastically altered by your actions. In this case, you might find yourself in a “beta universe” where your grandfather never existed. Consequently, neither would you. While you could observe this altered reality, it doesn’t pose a problem since you hail from a different branch of the multiverse (the “alpha universe”). Thus, even though you have no place in the beta universe, your past experiences in another universe endow you with a unique perspective. It’s a critical aspect when debating how time travel works across different realities.

By understanding and leveraging these methods, the concept of time travel transcends mere science fiction. It invites us to explore the mysteries of our existence and the nature of time itself. This essentially answers the question: how does time travel work?

Strange Noises In Outer Space

Strange Noises in Outer Space!

Astronaut Butch Wilmore heard odd noises coming from Boeing’s Starliner spaceship that was attached to the International Space Station on Saturday, August 31, 2024. He commented, “I do not know what is making it.”

We know about this because space geek Rob Dale wrote some software that listens to the NASA communications from the International Space Station. It trims out the silent gaps and uploads that to a public server. Rob says that he is the only one in the world doing this; otherwise, we would never have heard about this story. It would still be behind NASA’s closed doors.

NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore reported hearing unusual sounds from the Starliner spacecraft on Saturday. He was docked at the International Space Station.

He inquired about the source of the noises to Mission Control. They confirmed to be able to listen in through a hardline connection.

There were clear, sonar-like pinging sounds when Wilmore held his microphone up to the speaker.

We are going to listen to those sounds.

Although the origin of these sounds remains unclear, they are likely harmless and reminiscent of similar occurrences reported by astronauts in the past.

Many people thought that the sounds were very similar to the sounds from the 1997 Carl Sagan movie “Contact.”.

It was not immediately clear what was causing the odd and somewhat eerie noise on Starliner.

Given the ongoing challenges with the Starliner mission, including helium leaks and thruster issues, it was recently announced that the spacecraft will return to Earth autonomously on September 6, 2024, without its original crew.

Wilmore and fellow astronaut Suni Williams will return to Earth in February aboard a Crew Dragon spacecraft.

Update: On Monday, September 2, NASA released the following statement regarding the strange noises: “A pulsing sound from a speaker in Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft that NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore heard aboard the International Space Station has stopped.” The feedback from the speaker was the result of an audio configuration between the space station and Starliner.

Now we can all go back to sleep.

The Starliner spacecraft has started to emit strange noises:


Statement of the Contact Project regarding METI

Text revised and updated: 11. January 2022

Don’t Be Afraid of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence | Douglas Vakoch

Dr. Vakoch is President of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI).

“As astronomers launch ambitious projects for Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, alarmists worry that transmitting intentional radio and laser signals into space may provoke an alien invasion. These critics overlook one fundamental fact: it’s too late to hide.”

Dr. Vakoch, Feb 3, 2020

Dr. Vakoch is currently not associated with the ‘Contact Project & Initiative’. His statement was directed at the fact that humanity has been announcing it’s presence via radio signals to our cosmic neighborhood for the last 100 years. He did not mean to imply that Alien presences are already here.

This is what the Contact Project & Initiative is about:
The Mission of ‘The Contact Project & Initiative’ is to investigate UAPs/UFOs on every frequency, using real-time tracking, radio receivers and transmitters, HD video, HD images, optical and radio telescopes and passive & active radar, so that the question of the nature and origin of UAP can be answered without doubts.

The engine of this initiative will be an app custom designed to coordinate real-time reporting, alerting, documenting and contacting efforts.

Anyone can take part, there’ll be a public as well as a science data channel. The goal of the ‘Contact Initiative’ is to gather high quality evidence.

To do this every frequency will be scanned, including the 1420 Mhz hydrogen waterhole, which is legal as long as it’s done passively. If transmissions are found, the next step is to discover if UAPs react to radio transmissions. Broadcasting at a frequency of 1420 MHz is illegal under international law, however.

Should the UAP respond to transmissions on HAM or CB radio amateur frequencies, great! But what if it doesn’t?

To have any chance to stay legal under current law and to be able to broadcast at 1420 Mhz the UAP position data must be forwarded in real time to SETI for further investigation.

Actually, a memorandum should be drafted to provide for an exception to broadcast on 1420 Mhz for METI purposes. The relevant article of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is recommendation RA.769 : Protection criteria used for radio astronomical measurements

What does the Contact Project want to do?
We want to do METI (messaging ETi) with a target that’s already here, UAPs. We don’t have to worry about attracting the attention of “hostile” aliens by messaging them as they already know of us, if that’s what UAPs/UFOs are.

As things go, this possibility wasn’t seriously considered by the METI organization in 2015, because the subject of UAPs was still considered too crackpot then.

So, the statement issued by the METI organization regarding messaging extraterrestrial intelligence only covers targets outside of Earth’s atmosphere (statement here).

Since then, in 2021, this outlook has changed somewhat by the release of a preliminary assessment of the American Director of National Intelligence on UAPs (assessment here).

The METI statement called for a worldwide scientific, political and humanitarian discussion about the implications of messaging ET, before anything should be initiated. Arguably, since UAPs first made headlines in 1947 there’s been a worldwide discussion about “them” for over 75 years.

A lot of that time much of humanity reacted like an ostrich, sticking it’s head in the sand when hearing UFO reports. Or like three monkeys. Which comparison do we prefer?


Did it never occur to anyone that these phenomena may be more than swamp gas or the result of delusions? Sadly, as a result of the swamp gas hypothesis, the METI statement covers only METI targets outside of Earth.

METI might wish to reconsider their statement. Because currently there seems to be no position on contacting UAPs, to the best of my knowledge.

METI says:
ETI’s reaction to a message from Earth cannot presently be known.

If extraterrestrial civilizations have a presence on Earth in the form of UAPs/UFOs or drone-like von Neumann probes they will certainly be able to monitor our news and events. We already know that there was no reaction from UAPs/UFOs to the Voyager space probes and the Golden Records.

METI says:
We know nothing of ETI’s intentions and capabilities, and it is impossible to predict whether ETI will be benign or hostile.

Experience shows that when UAP are pursued by military jet fighters they don’t react hostile. Civilian planes are not attacked either. It’s reasonable to assume that the intelligence behind UAPs is mostly benign.

“The threat to humanity from each other is magnitudes greater than from ETi. That hasn’t and shouldn’t stop us from talking to each other and that includes ETi.”

The Contact Project

All sorts of explanations about UFOs and their prospective occupants have been given, from the no-contact rule of a Galactic Federation to higher dimensional frequencies that mortals can join only after exhaustive preparation.

I didn’t make up the Galactic Federation link to UAPs, this claim comes from highly decorated former Israeli Space Security Chief Haim Eshed.

Healthy skepticism is of course in order as most sightings have a prosaic explanation, ranging from misidentifications to pranks and hoaxes. But they don’t account for every sighting.

To admit in 2021 that some UAP cannot be explained was a major step forward by the US government.

The Contact Initiative wants to find out if there is just one UAP that will respond to radio transmissions. And that is easy.

And to prepare for the possibility of a positive response from an UAP?
Not so easy.

Monolith © Utah Department of Public Safety Aero Bureau

The Contact Project can be found on

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Become like children…

I’m excited to share a fresh perspective on the Contact Project. While many gaze into the vast expanse of space, searching light-years away for evidence of extraterrestrial life, I believe we should look closer to home. Yes, radio astronomy may one day unveil the whispers of alien civilizations beyond our solar system, but in my view, Earth is already a crossroads for extraterrestrial visitors.

We don’t need to venture far to find “ET.”


Radio amateur Henry Feinberg explains the communicator he built for the movie “ET: The Extraterrestrial.” Have you ever wondered how quickly the mothership responded to ET’s call? The E.T. movie phone can transmit actual messages into space to orbiting saucers. Doesn’t that sound ludicrous?

E.T.’s mothership wasn’t actually very far from Earth. That’s how he was rescued so quickly.
The banner for the Contact Project embodies this very idea. What many see as a simple child’s toy, reminiscent of the beloved movie “E.T. The Extraterrestrial,” is, in fact, a working communications device capable of sending signals into Earth orbit.

I’m not saying that we should build this contraption. But the idea that it may be possible to contact ETi by sending radio signals is the core idea of this website, the “ContactProject.Org.”

In the world of science and technology communication, Henry Feinberg (call sign K2SSQ) shines brightly. A true innovator at heart, he crafted the remarkable communicator featured in the film “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.”

How to built a ET communicator, according to a radio ham

Using everyday household items, Henry pieced together an ingenious device that could transmit E.T.’s iconic “phone home” signal. The communicator consists of three distinct components. At its core lies a modified Speak and Spell, with its keys reconfigured to form an entirely new alphabet.

From each key, Henry connected wires to another pivotal piece—the programmer. This unconventional programmer is built atop a turntable, but instead of a record, it features a saw blade adorned with multiple coats of insulating spray paint.

Henry crafted openings in the saw blade that correspond to specific letters. As the turntable spins, the saw blade passes under a row of Bobby pins, which contact and activate the Speak and Spell just as if one were pressing the buttons directly. Adding to the complexity of this creation, Henry ingeniously fashioned a ratchet system using a knife and fork hinged together. As the turntable rotates, the knife and fork pivot back and forth, precisely indexing the saw blade to generate the next letter of the message.

To further enhance his creation, Henry attached a rope to a nearby tree branch in the forest. As the wind rustled through the trees, it pulled the branch back and forth, gently advancing the saw blade tooth by tooth. With this setup, he not only programmed a message but also needed to transmit it across the cosmos.

For the transmission, Henry utilized a speaker-microphone from a CB walkie-talkie that belonged to Elliott. He ingeniously routed the signal to a UHF TV tuner—an ingenious piece that E.T. had “borrowed” from Elliott’s mother’s television set. This tuner elevated the signal from the CB frequency into the microwave range, channeling it into a coffee can that vibrated to amplify the transmission.

Finally, the message was funneled through an umbrella lined with a reflective coating, which directed the signal outward into the vastness of outer space. Each component harmonized beautifully, showcasing not only Henry’s talent as an inventor but also the enduring possibilities of communication across galaxies.

How to create a satellite dish using an umbrella

From: “Creating a Satellite Dish Using an Umbrella”

Why I am coming forward now

During April 2020 I had a lot of time on my hands. It was the first Corona lockdown in Germany. I decided to sort through old 35 mm negatives in an old drawer in our basement. The drawer serves as a storage box.

As I was pulling the film strips through the scanner, I came across negatives from England, where I had lived in 1995. Between those negatives were two frames of particular interest.

Ilford XP2 35 mm film, 1995

Ilford XP2 film frames 7 and 8 showed an UAP. I was not prepared to find these pictures. I had completely forgotten this UFO sighting for 25 years. The only other two people who knew about it were my girlfriend and her father who were with me when the sighting took place.

The blurry camera images are not as good as what I saw with my own eyes that night in 1995. I got two exposures of the same object driving in a straight line at 70 mph on the motorway. That made it possible to actually triangulate distance, speed and size of the object:

Triangulation of distance to UAP, frames 7 & 8

It has been suggested that what I saw was an advertising blimp parked near the motorway. I don’t think so, because it had no advertising or any markings on it. Also, the object became 25% smaller as we drove towards it for approx. 15 seconds at 70 mph.

To get smaller the blimp would have to have traveled faster than 70 mph. But a blimp top speed is only 55 mph.


That leaves me with the question: what did I see?

This is the reason I am stepping forward, now.
I know how to answer this type of question, once and for all.


The Mission of ‘The Contact Project’:
to investigate UAPs/UFOs using real-time tracking, radio, video, gigapixel images and passive radar, so that this type of question can be answered without doubts.

The engine of this initiative will be an app designed to coordinate real-time reporting, alerting, documenting and contacting efforts.

The goal of the ‘Contact Project’ is to discover whether or not humanity is equipped to respond to extraterrestrial contact.

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The Short Version of the Contact Project Research Proposal as PDF

5. Dec. 2021

Here’s the PDF version of the Contact Project research proposal, together with the introductory note and the “Contact app” flowchart. The working title for the Contact App development is currently “UFO Alert!”.

Download and email these documents to promote or evaluate the Contact Initiative. If you do forward these documents I’d be interested in the responses you get.

Contact Project: The Introduction Letter

Contact Project: The Research Proposal

Contact Project: The Contact app flowchart

A note on the Alien Marketplace, funding, etc.
As with most projects or initiatives, a positive cash flow greatly contributes to development speed and stamina.

The last chapter of the research proposal is the “The Alien Marketplace”. This type of chapter is more at home in a business plan than a research proposal and it outlines a funding possibility.

To finance the Contact Initiative a lottery and ad platform funded by advertisers and NFT trading technology are optional but not mandatory. It seems to be the most straightforward way to finance the app and its development and growth.

The Contact Project and Initiative welcomes donations and investments. Mostly the two are mutually exclusive, but I’m not an expert. How investment into the Contact Project could convert into equity has not been explored. I’m open to suggestions.

For donations: we are not tax exempt since this is the early start-up phase.

What do you think of the Contact Initiative? Join the discussion on or friend me on Facebook.

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Left: Kenneth Arnold with UFO sighting in June 24, 1947
Right: first official UFO/UAP footage from the USG, 2021

A Proposal To Contact UFOs/UAPs by Radio
Keywords: crowdsourced, open source, automated alert system, distributed, public and specialized observers, smartphone app, passive radar operators, proactive HAM radio operators, gigapixel camera operators, megapixel telescope operators, CETI, METI, SETI

Erich Habich-Traut,
27. October 2021


After more than 70 years the US Government recently confirmed the existence of UAPs/UFOs. There is a possibility that some of these objects or phenomena are not of earthly origin. To find out where they are from we want to try and talk to them by radio,

The Contact Initiative (CI) believes that UAPs/UFO’s are under the control of some form of intelligence and non-hostile.

SETI has been trying for decades to find signals of alien radio communications by pointing radio telescopes often at random at nearby stars in the hope that they may harbour intelligent life.

SETI faces three difficulties:
1. It has to find a planet that is populated by intelligent life
2. The alien life must be using radio waves to communicate
3. Any alien signals detected will be decades or centuries old and will take twice that time for a reply.  (If we receive a message from ET in 25 light years distance, and we respond with a message immediately, then it will take 25 years to send signals to ET and another 25 years before we can hear a response. Hence, a human lifetime of 75 years will have passed.)

Point three shows the difficulty of trying to use radio waves for interstellar communications. Very often the participants of such a communication die of old age before they have even exchanged first welcomes..

In the movie “Contact” Carl Sagan tried to circumvent this inconvenience by speculating that ET could send instructions for a wormhole transporter that doesn’t rely on slow radio waves.

Even in the idealized world of the Hollywood movie “Contact” this approach didn’t prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence to all sceptics, because the resulting exchange between human and ETI left no convincing physical evidence.

The premise of SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, is that we are not alone in the universe and that Alien life somewhere has developed radio technology just like us.

We expect the Aliens to be friendly or at least impartial to our existence. That is by no means a certainty, looking at the example of our own species.

The Contact Initiative (CI) has as its goal to implement “active SETI”, or ‘CETI’ as it is known (communication with extraterrestrial intelligence).



Reconstruction by author, MUFON #82139, Ireland, 1986

Based on personal experience the author of “The Contact Initiative” estimates the chance to spot an UFO/UAP in any one day to be approx. 1:10.000.

UAP photographs on 35mm negative film, frame 7 of 2. MUFON #111680, UK, 1995,
The UAP was grayish without markings as seen here. Photograph by author.

You may have a chance to take pictures or video of an UFO once every 50 years, as I did in 1995.

More impartial data than personal experience about the frequency of sightings comes from surveys. There are not a lot of surveys on the subject of UFO/UAP. More surveys should be carried out.

But there is one:

One available survey comes from Century Fox Home Entertainment. They did a poll for a promotional campaign of the Ridley Scott movie “Phoenix Forgotten“.

Reconstruction of “Phoenix Lights” by eye witness Tim Ley, USA TODAY, 1997

The “Phoenix Forgotten” plot was inspired by the “Phoenix Lights” UFO phenomenon from 1997. (Ref.: 1, Ref.: 2)

Over 1700 Americans were asked if they had ever seen an UFO:
16.74% responded positively (Ref.: 3).

If that percentage is any guideline, then we can say that 16.74% of 258.3 million adults (Ref.: 4), about 43 million Americans, had a UFO sighting.

 According to author Leslie Kean, “roughly 90 to 95 percent of UFO sightings can be explained”. (Ref.: 5)

The chief investigator of CUFOS in 1979, astronomer Allan Hendry, concluded from 1307 cases that 91.4% had a clear and simple prosaic explanation. 8.6% were classed as “UFOs” and 1.5% of those cases had no possible plausible explanation. (Ref.: 6)

This leaves us with 645,000 unexplained sightings from 43 million. This covers a time-span of 38.4 years, it being the median age of the US population (Ref.: 7).

If there are 645,000 completely unexplained UAP sightings in 38.4 years, we get 16,796 (sixteen thousand seven hundred ninety six) sightings per year. That’s 46 UAP cases without possible plausible explanation daily in the USA.

I believe this to be a fairly high number.

The Contact Initiative doesn’t want to wait around to get results. To maximize the chances of spotting UAP/UFO a large number of volunteer UFO/UAP spotters are needed.

And the method of spotting and forwarding a report of a sighting must be as simple as taking a photo or video.

The “CONTACT APP” (name may be changed) will be designed for this purpose, to be as simple as possible. But it will be the most powerful civilian use flying object identification program on the market.

One of its appeals will be that it provides near instantaneous identification of objects and phenomena commonly mistaken as UFOs: celestial objects, meteors, planes, blimps, military training exercises, satellites. The app gives feedback to the UFO spotter if what he/she saw is a known phenomenon.

The app records with high accuracy the position and time of the sightings and the number of users who see the same thing.

If the Contact app is downloaded one million times (corrected), then the chances are that we will see 65 UAP cases without possible plausible explanation in a year.

That amounts to a bit more than one really, really, puzzling UFO case per week. This should be enough to engage and keep the attention of the public. Because, what good would be an UFO app that doesn’t spot UFOs?

On the other hand, incorrect identifications of common or explicable phenomena as UFOs should become less with the Contact App. This way the great majority of witnesses would feel less stress.

A large number of participants serves to raise the awareness of the possibility of Extraterrestrial Contact. What does it mean to be a part of a greater community of diverse intelligences in the Cosmos?

The goal is to prepare for and meet a technological superior non-human species. That we’re not the most advanced technological species in the Universe is logical:

The Universe is billions and billions of years old. In it there are billions and billions of habitable planets. Modern human technology only exists since a few hundred years and we left the stone age just about 5000 years ago.

The development of life and intelligence is most likely not a one-time miracle confined to an infinitesimal speck of the Cosmos, the Earth.

The potential benefits of contact to an advanced intelligent extraterrestrial species are incalculable to the future and destiny of the human race.

It may be that we don’t have much in common with each other except curiosity. But that alone would be a driving force of human determination and progress, geared at finding out more about the other.

Should it turn out that UAP/UFOs are otherworldly emissaries of non-friendly intent, then it would also be important to find out. It could be fatal to stick our collective heads into the sand.

These are the reasons why the Contact Initiative proposes to contact “UFO sightings in progress” by radio waves.

1.: Kurt Russell claims he saw — and reported  — the ‘Phoenix Lights’,

2.: Ex Arizona Governor saw a UFO during the 1997 Phoenix Lights,

3.: New survey shows nearly half of Americans believe in aliens,

4.: U.S. Adult Population

5.: UFOs, UAPs and CRAPs

6.: Identification studies of UFOs


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