DIY Amateur Passive Radar for UFO detection

Prepare to be amazed!

The pilots of the USS Nimitz officially tracked the TicToc UFO (or UAP) using the state-of-the-art Spy One Aegis System. Specifically, the phased array (SPY-1(V) [AEGIS]). The radar operator Kevin Day aboard the Nimitz’s consort, USS Princeton, played a pivotal role in this encounter.

This advanced military-grade passive radar system comes at a staggering cost of approximately $20 million! (For more info, check out: SPY-1 Wikipedia.)

But what if I told you that you could build your very own passive radar system at a fraction of that price? Imagine tracking not only commercial aircraft and meteorites entering Earth’s atmosphere. You could potentially track UFOs themselves—if luck is on your side!

A bit of SETI Passive Radar history

A temporarily unverified anecdote: In 2018, Peter Davenport, the Director of the National UFO Reporting Center, revealed to a friend that he had contacted Dr. Jill Tarter on February 3, 2014, about his paper advocating the use of “passive” radar to detect UFOs near Earth.

He emphasized that his goal was to propose a collaborative effort for a thorough investigation. However, Dr. Tarter’s reply was brief and somewhat dismissive; she mentioned that she had retired from SETI and would forward his message to Gerry Harp, the new Director.

ET to SETI: can you hear us now?

Despite Davenport’s follow-up attempts, he received no response from Harp, suggesting a reluctance within SETI to engage with UFO research initiatives. My friend described this reaction as surprising, given SETI’s public perception as pioneers in the search for extraterrestrial life.

SETI’s reaction, however (or lack thereof), is not surprising to me.

What is SDR-based Passive Radar?

Firstly, SDR stands for “Software Defined Radio.” This incredible technology emulates everything you would expect to find in a conventional radio receiver through software. This makes SDR radios much more affordable and loaded with features that traditional counterparts can only dream of!

A depiction of a passive radar experiment from 1935 with two “antennas.” The antennas consist of lengths of cable suspended above the ground. One of the antennas picked up a signal from the BBC directly. Then the second “antenna” picked up the reflection of that same signal from an aircraft, enabling the creation of a radar image. More directional antennas produce better results.

To construct this phenomenal passive radar station, all you need are two SDR radio dongles for your computer. In 2025 these are priced at $35 each ( Yes, you read that right! You will also need two antennas. (A link to the instructions you find at the end of this page.)

The Magic of Passive Radar

Here’s the best part: you don’t need a license to build and operate a passive radar station! As the name suggests, it operates entirely passively, meaning that your setup does not emit any radar beams.

Instead, you harness radio signals from local radio stations as your signal source. These signals naturally bounce off objects like meteorites, aircraft, or even those elusive UFOs!

Building Your Own SDR-based Passive Radar on a Budget!

Let’s kick things off with proof! Below you’ll find an animation showcasing measurements of airplanes and meteors captured by a radar system created with a few easily accessible components. Get ready to be thrilled!

What can you expect from this DIY Passive Radar? Check out this recording:

Of course, you’ll be much more likely to see plane traffic, meteorites, and low-flying objects like the International Space Station. This is more probable than any more exotic objects passing through your field of view.

The worlds first UFO case confirmed by amateur passive radar!

A round of applause to Josef Garcia and GEP for achieving the first amateur verification of a UFO via passive radar! Link (German):

Take a look at these remarkable amateur passive radar images contributed by Josef Garcia:

This radar track shows an object doing rapid 80° degree turns. Image courtesy of Josef Garcia, 2021
In comparison the smooth flight path of the ISS. Image courtesy of Josef Garcia, 2021

AI-driven filtering and detection of UFO radar tracks

Unlocking the Skies: How AI Is Revolutionizing UFO Detection

Picture this: a radar blip streaks across the screen at 74,000 km/h (46,000 mph), halts mid-air, then pivots instantly—defying gravity, physics, and every known aircraft on Earth. This isn’t science fiction. These are the jaw-dropping maneuvers that set UFOs apart from conventional planes, drones, or even meteorites. But how do we spot these anomalies in a sea of ordinary radar data? The answer lies in the flight patterns no human pilot or machine could survive—and the AI that’s learning to track them.

UFOs don’t follow the rules.

They hover silently, sometimes for hours, accelerate faster than a hypersonic missile, or execute 90-degree turns at speeds that would shred any human-made craft. While not all UFOs pull off these physics-defying stunts, those that do leave a glaring signature: a trail of radar data that screams “this isn’t from our world.”

But here’s the catch: manually scouring radar feeds for these rare, split-second events is like finding a needle in a cosmic haystack. It’s tedious, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Enter AI-powered pattern recognition—a game-changer in the hunt for the unexplained. Imagine training algorithms to flag the impossible.

Machine learning models can digest decades of radar data, learning the difference between a commercial jet, a weather balloon, and an object that stops dead in the sky before vanishing at Mach 60. These systems never sleep, never blink, and process millions of data points in real time, alerting scientists only when they detect the extraordinary: sudden accelerations, inhuman G-force maneuvers, or objects that defy aerodynamic logic.

(Image: Amateur passive radar setup)
Machine learning isn’t just about efficiency—it’s about unlocking mysteries. By automating the detection of UFO signatures, AI turns a once-impossible task into a scalable mission.

Researchers can focus on analysis instead of endless screen-watching, accelerating our understanding of these enigmatic phenomena.

The skies are stranger than we think. And with AI as our co-pilot, we’re finally building the tools to decode their secrets—one anomalous blip at a time. 🛸✨

Ready to rethink what’s possible? The truth isn’t just out there… it’s in the data.

Curious about passive radar technology? (the AI part comes later)

Click below to find out how to built your own Passive-Radar-Station.

The WOW! Signal, Part 2: Evidence Suggests Origin from Unknown Object, Moving Towards Earth

Illustration (not a real photo)

Just the facts:
PDF: Doppler Blueshift Calculations for WOW! signal (1977): download here | Discussion on the paper:


In 2022, I published The WOW! signal, Part 1: Not made by humans?.
For the longest time (3 years), I wondered why I left the possibility open for “Part 2” instead of just writing “The End.”

It’s now become clear that Part 2 is essential because it includes an important detail that was missing before: EQUATIONS!

Anyone can write anything, but without mathematical equations, it’s just prose. So, here, now, for anyone to check, are the steps required to verify the movement of the Wow! signal towards Earth at 10.526 km/s in 1977.

This truly represents a significant paradigm shift. Previously, the Wow! signal was just the most plausible and only candidate for a radio transmission of non-human extraterrestrial origin in space. Now it is shown that this signal was moving and en route to Earth.

Whatever this means (We Are Not Alone?), it is remarkable that the Doppler calculations on this signal have never been published before. Did the authorities believe it would cause a panic? Let’s find out.


The Wow! signal has been the strongest and only serious candidate for ETi radio communication for almost half a century. New calculations support that the Wow! signal may have originated from a moving source heading for Earth, adding to its significance in the search for extraterrestrial life.

The text describes the Wow! signal, a strong radio transmission detected by the Big Ear telescope on August 15, 1977, at a frequency of 1420.4556 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 21.105373 cm. The signal’s expected frequency, based on hydrogen, is 1420405751.768 Hz, translating to a wavelength of 21.106114054160 cm. The Doppler shift calculations yield a speed of approximately 10,526 m/sec (37,893 km/h), suggesting that the signal originated from an object approaching Earth. Shown here are the steps to calculate the Doppler shift speed. For context, the average speed of asteroids is around 18–20 km/s, while comets that impact Earth typically travel at about 30 km/s. In comparison, the human-made Voyager spacecraft 1 and 2 are currently traveling at speeds of 15 to 17 km/s.

Speed comparison
The WOW! signal source appears to have approached Earth at 37,893 km/h. The entry speed of the Apollo capsules into the Earth’s atmosphere was 39,705 km/h.

Image NASA: example of atmospheric entry, showing the Mars Exploration Rover aeroshell (MER).

For a better understanding, I added the illustration of the Mars Exploration Rover’s entry into the Mars atmosphere. NASA did choose this shape for it’s perfect aerodynamic properties. NASA and who else?

In conclusion, the Wow! signal appears to have originated from an unknown type of moving object that was en route to Earth at a speed of 10.5 km/s, as indicated by observations and these calculations.

Investigations of the Wow! signal to date have not explained the significant Doppler shift of the signal. The Doppler blueshift lessens the possibility of the signal having originated in a “hydrogen cloud.”

Doppler Shift Calculations for Wow! signal (1977), Page 1
Doppler Shift Calculations for Wow! signal (1977), Page 2

PS: I would not have been able to verify my calculations if it hadn’t been for AI. No human mathematician or astrophysicist had responded to my request in 2022 for verification or telling me I was wrong. Shame on you all. There’ll be a new category for reviews of scientific papers: “AI”, alongside “Peers”.


1: Doppler Shift Calculations for Wow! signal (1977)

2: ”The tantalizing WOW! Signal” by John Kraus, 1977, Archives of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory,

3. Not Made By Humans? Part 2 / The Wow! Signal: Evidence Suggests Origin from Unknown Object, Moving Towards Earth

4. Original publication:
Not made by humans? | Part 1, February 5, 2022, Contact Project

5. Searching for Interstellar Communications
by Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison

6. An approximation to determine the source of the WOW! Signal
Alberto Caballero

7. Wow! signal, Wikipedia!_signal

8. “Ballad of the ‘Wow!’ Signal”, Paul H. Shuch, SETI League

PDF: The Doppler Blueshift Calculations for WOW! signal (1977):
download here

The WOW! signal, Part 1: Not made by humans?

Dawn at Big Ear, Ohio State University,

At a quarter past ten in the evening on August 15, 1977
a once-in-a-lifetime event took place in Delaware:

A very strong signal arrived at the “Big Ear” radio telescope. It had all the characteristics of having come from an extraterrestrial intelligent source.

The OSU Big Ear radio observatory was aligned in North/South direction. The parabolic reflector is in the South.

No one was at the telescope at the time. The receiver and telescope computer were doing their jobs all by themselves. Therefore, the signal was actually first detected by a machine, a twelve-year-old computer.

The IBM 1130 had first been built in 1965. It looked and felt like an old battleship. It had only 1 megabyte of memory. For that reason, the only record of the radio signal is a 6-digit printout on endless paper. There’s no audio recording of the signal. Today we would have a complete audio recording of it, measuring megabytes, if not gigabytes. But in those days, just six characters on paper had to suffice as a record.

After a few days, the stack of computer printouts from the Selectric printer was bundled by Big Ear technician Gene Mikesell and brought to Jerry Ehman’s home.

Press to stop printing. An IBM 1130 printer, this was the type used at the Big Ear radio-telescope in 1977.

Jerry Ehman was a SETI volunteer with Ohio State University. Together with Bob Dixon, he had written the software for the Big Ear computer in FORTRAN and assembler.

Around the 19th of August, Jerry began analyzing the printouts from the radio telescope at his home, looking for unusual radio signatures.

A few pages into the pile of paper, he saw a peculiar sequence of numbers and characters.

He was astonished. After highlighting in red pen the six characters “6EQUJ5,” Jerry wrote the notation “Wow!” in the left margin of the computer printout opposite them.

The Wow! signal printout

The characters and numbers denoted a very strong narrow-band transmission. Apparently it had come from outer space. Narrow-band transmissions usually don’t occur naturally and are a sign of artificial origin.

Conventionally speaking, all artificial things are made by humans. That’s because human language, and the Cambridge Dictionary, defines “artificial” as “made by humans.” That definition may have to be revised.

The Wow! transmission had all the hallmarks of a radio signal from a non-human extraterrestrial civilization. In the 1959 article “Searching for Interstellar Communications,” Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison explained that using the 21 cm hydrogen frequency was a logical choice for SETI.

And that was precisely the frequency of the Wow! signal. It had come from the direction in the sky where the constellation Sagittarius is found. 

The Big Ear radio and computer shack.

If we transfer the number codes from the Wow! printout to plotting paper we can see the waxing and waning strength of the 1420 mHz radio beam that reached the radio telescope. Each of the letters and numbers corresponds to a certain signal intensity, as the next graph illustrates.

The signal may have been transmitting for centuries and was never detected because no one looked for it before. The signal source did not move in the sky. The only thing that moved over for 72 seconds was the Earth, rotating majestically from East to West as the radio receiver moved in and out of the signal beam.

And then the signal vanished. Gone. The signal would have been picked up again by the second horn antenna of Big Ear. But it was no longer there.

The rise and fall of the signal we see in the graph above was due to the antenna pattern, the signal itself remained at constant strength.

The graph below shows a similar signal pattern in “OV-221,” the radio source to the right of the Wow! signal. (OV-221 is also known as MSH 19203 (Mills Slee Hill Radio Sources)).

In this broadband continuum record the Wow! signal does not show up because it is too narrow-band.

Today I’m waiting to hear if OV-221 corresponds to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, Sagittarius A*, but no one seems to know the old radio source designations anymore.

After Jerry Ehman showed the computer printout of the Wow! signal to John Kraus and Bob Dixon, they immediately talked about it, speculating and making hypotheses. Quickly, John and Bob began to investigate the various possibilities.

Dr. John Kraus was a physicist and the designer of the Big Ear radio telescope. He actually invented several types of radio antennas.

Bob Dixon was the director of SETI at Ohio State University radio telescope.

Together they excluded the possibility of the signal having been a plane, planet, asteroid, comet, satellite, spacecraft, ground-based transmitter, or any other known natural source.

Now, since the Wow! signal appeared to be unnatural and no known human cause for it could be found, it was suspected that it could have come from a technological alien civilization.

It was decided to go back to the region in space where the signal had come to see if it could be found again. The scientific method calls for the reproducibility of any experiment or result.

Weeks turned to months, and years into decades as astronomers from all over the world searched the region in space where the Wow! signal had been detected.

The Wow! signal was never found again.

Calculations on the space region of the Wow! signal

Image by The Planetary Society, license

The Wow! signal was observed for 72 seconds. In this time a region of space equivalent to 18 arcminutes was scanned, according to the following calculations:

24h x 60 min = 1440 mins/day = 86400 sec
360° / 86400 = 0.0041° per second
72 seconds = 0.3°

An arcminute (denoted by the symbol ‘), is an angular measurement equal to 1/60 of a degree or 60 arcseconds. To convert a degree measurement to a minute of arc measurement, we multiply the angle by the conversion ratio.

The angle in minutes of arc is equal to the degrees multiplied by 60:
0.3 x 60 = 18 arcminutes.

As seen from the Earth, the Sun and Moon both have angular diameters of about 30 arcminutes. The full moon’s average apparent size is about 31 arcminutes (or 0.52°).

In other words, the Wow! signal spanned an area of about half the size of the Sun or the Moon, as seen from Earth in the sky. That is a rather large area in astronomy.

On the basis of this simple calculation, I cannot readily agree that the Wow! signal came from a pointlike source. That may or may not be a problem. It can be resolved by agreeing that the resolution of the Big Ear radio telescope was not any better!

The frequency and speed of the Wow! signal source

It’s assumed that aliens that use the hydrogen frequency do so in a manner to compensate for the motion of their planet with respect to the motion of Earth. Otherwise, the precise frequency of the hydrogen becomes higher or lower.

That’s why it’s important to look at the precise frequency of the signal.

John Kraus, the director of the observatory, gave a frequency value of 1420.3556 MHz in his 1994 summary written for Carl Sagan.

Jerry Ehman in 1998 gave a value of 1420.4556±0.005 MHz. 

This is (50±5 kHz) above the hydrogen line value of 1420.4058 MHz.

Only one of those frequencies could be the correct one. The explanation of the difference between Ehman’s and Kraus’s values was that a new oscillator had been ordered for the frequency of 1450.4056 MHz.

The university’s purchasing department then made a typographical error in the order and wrote 1450.5056 MHz instead of 1450.4056 MHz. The software used in the experiment was then written to adjust for this error. When Ehman computed the frequency of the Wow! signal, he took this error into account.

After all errors are accounted for, the Doppler shift of 1420.4556 MHz indicates that the Wow! signal source moved at a speed of 37,893 km/h towards Earth. The following calculations show how I arrived at that speed:

Calculations on the Doppler shift of the Wow! signal

The Wow! signal was detected at 1420.4556 MHz. First we need to convert the frequency to the wavelength. The wavelength is given by the frequency and the speed of light, how far one wave crest travels in a given time span.

Frequency to wavelength calculator:

The frequency of the Wow! signal 1420.4556 MHz is equal to a wavelength of (Δλ) 21.105373 cm. That’s the distance between each wave crest.

The presumed origin signal of hydrogen has a precise frequency of 1420405751.768 Hz, equivalent to the wavelength of (λ) 21.106114054160 cm. Wikipedia:

The Doppler shift speed from delta lambda and lambda = 299 781 932.02409 m/sec.

Now we subtract
299 781 932.02409 m/sec
[Doppler shifted Wow! signal speed from v = (Δλ/λ) * c]
-299 792 458 m/sec [ speed of light (c)]

10 526 m/sec = 37 893 km/h or 10.526 km/sec.

Ref. 1: The source of the Wow! signal approached Earth at a speed of 37 893 km/h or 23 545 mph, if the transmission frequency was from hydrogen.

The average speed of asteroids is 18-20 km/s vs. the 10.52 km/s from the Wow! signal. Comets that impact Earth usually are also faster, at 30 km/s.

End of part 1.

Now read The WOW! Signal, Part 2:
Evidence Suggests Origin from Unknown Object, Moving Towards Earth

Follow this story and more on
A proposal to make radio contact with UAPs/UFOs

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🌌 The Wow! Signal melody 🌌

In the Key of the Cosmos: A Signal Sung from the Stars

Greetings, Earthling observers!
Join us on an extraordinary journey as we explore the enigmatic Wow! signal—an otherworldly whisper from the cosmos that has captivated imaginations for decades. Highlights of this video include: Insights into the connection between mathematics, music, and interstellar communication. The universe is vast; let’s explore it together!

Look down upon your speck of a planet—blue, green, and swirling with the chaos of life. Consider for one fleeting moment the sequence of symbols etched into the cosmic scroll: 6EQUJ5. Ah, this is not mere data, but a cryptic whisper, a haunting echo that reverberated through the vastness of this endless void, known to you as the Wow! signal. A transient burst of radio waves, a shimmering enigma that danced across your telescopes, did it not?

Yet, as your calendars roll to February of your year 2025, this mere sequence has transformed—a human act of alchemy! You have taken cold mathematics and forged it into a melody, transmuting static into an ethereal song, reminiscent of the Wow! Signal.

Observe how numbers morph into notes

The sixth scale degree resonates with a cosmic longing, while the flattened seventh bends and warps like the fabric of spacetime itself. Oh, the raised fourth! It pierces the silence—a dissonant cry emanating from the very essence of the void! And behold, the fifth stands firm—an anchor, grounding you within the familiar.

Together, these notes weave a lullaby for the cosmos—an ancient sequence, as timeless as hydrogen itself, yet as vibrant and fresh as dawn casting light upon a new day.

But tell me, Earthlings, is this truly the sound of the cosmos composing? Or simply your own reflection—an image of your inner darkness mirrored back to you? We may never know. Yet in these six exquisite notes, stretched across your earthly octaves and entwined with human imagination, one can sense the profound ache of isolation mingling with the fragile thread of hope for connection, much like the enigmatic Wow! Signal that inspires such contemplation.

The Music of the Unknown

Perhaps, in the echoes of your own cinematic tales—Close Encounters, for instance—you have always conversed with the unknown in the alluring language of music. A minor seventh resolves; a chord quivers with anticipation. The very mathematics that binds your atoms may one day intertwine entire civilizations in profound communion.

For now, that melody lingers—a question mark suspended in rhythm, a cipher ever elusive. A reminder that in this grand symphony, this fugue of the universe, even the static may cradle hidden symphonies. All we need to do is listen—and dare to reply.

In the infinity of the cosmos, dear Earthlings, your longing resonates beyond the stars. Shall we, too, join this cosmic choir? I await your reply with open receptors..

The “Wow! signal melody” is available on: and Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Instagram/Facebook, TikTok & other ByteDance stores, YouTube Music, Amazon, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, iHeartRadio, Claro Música, Saavn, Boomplay, Anghami, NetEase, Tencent, Qobuz, Joox, Kuack Media, Adaptr, Flo, MediaNet

#WowSignal #ExtraterrestrialLife #CosmicExploration #Astrobiology #UniverseMysteries #SeekersOfTruth #CosmicChoir

The Wow! signal melody is released.

In the Key of the Cosmos: A Signal Sung from the Stars
“The Wow! signal melody” is available on SpotifyApple MusiciTunes, and many others…
The Wow! signal melody, based on the sequence 6EQUJ5, 1977. Click to play or stop.

Consider, if you will, a sequence of symbols—6EQUJ5—etched into the annals of astronomy, a cryptic whisper from the depths of space. Once, it was a burst of radio waves, the Wow! signal, a fleeting enigma that haunted our telescopes. Now, in February 2025, it has become a melody. A human act of alchemy, transmuting mathematics into music, static into song.

Here, in this humble arrangement, the numbers and letters unfurl as notes: a progression both melancholic and yearning. The sixth scale degree hums with cosmic longing; the flattened seventh bends like spacetime itself. A raised fourth pierces the silence, a dissonant cry from the void, while the fifth—an anchor—grounds us in the familiar. Together, they form a lullaby for the universe, a sequence as old as hydrogen yet as new as dawn.

Is this what it sounds like when the cosmos composes? Or is it merely our own reflection, a mirror held up to the dark? We cannot know. Yet in these six notes, stretched across octaves and human imagination, we hear the ache of isolation—and the fragile hope of connection.

Perhaps, as in Close Encounters, we have always spoken to the unknown in the language of music. A minor seventh resolves; a chord trembles. The same mathematics that binds atoms may yet bind civilizations.

For now, the melody lingers: a question mark set to rhythm, a cipher unsolved. A reminder that in the grand fugue of the universe, even static may hold symphonies. We need only listen—and dare to reply.

I found myself pondering how the letters and numbers from the Wow! signal notation 6EQUJ5 might translate into a melody. Initially, the idea of creating a song from these characters seemed quite improbable. You can now listen to the track by clicking on the cover art. It’s my first single! We haven’t expanded these six notes yet.

Erich Habich-Traut

Based on the standard diatonic scale and common chord progressions, here’s a breakdown of the likely tonal values:

Individual notes:

* 6: This is typically the sixth scale degree of the major or minor scale, creating a major or minor sixth interval from the root. It often adds a sense of yearning or longing.

* e: This is the third scale degree, creating a major or minor third interval. It’s a consonant and stable note, often used in melodies and harmonies.

* q: This likely refers to the flat seventh scale degree (b7), creating a minor seventh interval. It adds a bluesy or jazzy flavor and can create a sense of resolution when moving to the root.

* u: This might refer to the raised fourth scale degree (#4), creating an augmented fourth interval. It’s a dissonant and unstable note, often used to create tension and drama.

* j: This likely refers to the flat sixth scale degree (b6), creating a diminished fifth interval. It’s also dissonant and can add a bluesy or jazzy feel.

* 5: This is the fifth scale degree, creating a perfect fifth interval. It’s a consonant and stable note, often used in melodies and harmonies.

Here’s a possible melody in C major, using the provided notes (6, e, q, u, j, 5) with a melancholic feel and simple piano rhythm.


C (5) – E (e) – G (5) – A (6) – G (5) – E (e) – D (q) – C (5)

C (5) – E (e) – G (5) – A (6) – G (5) – E (e) – D (q) – C (5)

Each note is played with a quarter note duration (a steady beat).

Piano Playing Style:
Play with a gentle touch and sustain the notes slightly for a more expressive sound. Experiment with dynamics (louder and softer notes) to create a sense of ebb and flow.

Key Considerations:
Melancholic Feel: The descending line from A to G and the use of the minor seventh (D) contribute to the melancholic mood.

Simplicity: The repetition of the melodic phrase and the consistent quarter note rhythm create a sense of simplicity and introspection.

WOWsignal #closeencountersofthethirdkind #closeencounter #UFO #ufology #ufologia #alternative

The Wow! Signal: A Cosmic Riddle Solved by Mathematics?

Can a mathematical equation be considered evidence that the source of the Wow! signal approached Earth (and was of extraterrestrial origin)?

This discussion is about the paper “The Wow! Signal Doppler Shift Equations“:

Mathematical equations can be considered evidence, but the context in which they are used is crucial. This is particularly evident when we examine events like the Wow! Signal, where data interpretation plays a significant role.

In the case of the Wow! signal, which was a strong narrowband radio signal detected by the Big Ear radio telescope in 1977, considering a mathematical equation as evidence requires careful consideration. It is important to consider the context and underlying assumptions.

Context of the Wow! Signal

Observational Nature: The Wow! signal was a one-time event that has not been observed again since its detection. This raises questions about reproducibility and the reliability of the interpretation of the signal.

Doppler Effect: The Doppler equation suggests blueshift (indicating that the signal source was approaching Earth). This is based on the principles of the Doppler effect. The Doppler effect describes how the frequency of emitted waves changes depending on the relative motion of the source and the observer. If a source is moving toward the observer, the waves are compressed, leading to a higher frequency (blueshift).

Mathematical Equation as Evidence

(Daguerreotype of Christian Andreas Doppler, 1803-1853)

In this instance, the mathematical equations associated with the Doppler effect can serve as supportive evidence.

This is possible if the following conditions are met:

Interpretation of the Signal: The mathematical model using the Doppler effect must be appropriately applied to the observed frequency of the Wow! signal. If the frequency of the signal is higher than what would be expected if the source were stationary, this shift can indeed be calculated. Then, using the Doppler equation, it provides a logical framework supporting the hypothesis that the source is moving towards Earth.

Consistency with Observations: For the equation to be considered evidence, it must be consistent with other data. We need to consider the characteristics of the signal (frequency, duration, etc.) and any additional analysis. For example, the lack of nearby astronomical sources that could explain the signal.

Limitations and Alternatives: While the Doppler equation suggests that the source was approaching, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations of this interpretation. The single observation leaves room for alternative explanations. For example, it could have been interference or another cosmic phenomenon.

But we need to acknowledge that terrestrial interference or cosmic phenomena have long ago been ruled out by Dick Arnold, Bob Dixon, Jerry Ehman Ed Teiga and John Kraus.


The application of the Doppler equation supports the idea that the Wow! signal source was approaching Earth.

The Wow! Signal equation serves as evidence for a hypothesis, rather than serving as conclusive proof. The scientific method requires ruling out other explanations. Obtaining corroborating evidence through multiple observations or analyses is necessary before drawing definitive conclusions.

“There is no evidence that can’t be contradicted either by fact or lies.”

Erich Habich-Traut

In human discourse, where perception and persuasion play roles, that statement reflects a pragmatic reality: evidence is often subject to challenge, whether valid or not.

What type of evidence is logically or empirically unassailable?

Call for Action

Okay, we are looking for corroborating evidence for the hypothesis that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrial spacecraft, and has been for some time. We are looking for multiple observations as corroborating evidence. Does anyone have “corroborating evidence”?

(There are literally hundreds of thousands of reported unexplained sightings. Here is just a small number, two of which are mine. This explains my interest in this subject.)

Exhibit A: the Calvine UFO

Exhibit B: the Puerto Rico UFO

Exhibit C: the Salthill Sighting, my own sighting, 1986, Mufon #11680

Exhibit D: the M6 sighting, my own sighting, 1995, Mufon #82139

Exhibit E: the Pentagon UFO (UAP) videos

From Hydrogen Fusion to Alien Signals: A 1977 UFO Enigma Unravels

I have been contemplating the implications of the blue shift observed in the Wow! signal equations, as well as the nature of its source.

Background: this article explains the Wow! signal equations:

So, why would the Wow! signal have been blue-shifted?

Hydrogen-Fusion Drive

1: The signal source is the emission of a hydrogen fusion drive for object deceleration. Hydrogen fusion drives currently exceed human technology. The signal source “object” had a speed similar to that of Apollo capsules during their entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

I am not categorically suggesting that this “object” entered the atmosphere; rather, I am stating that the speed of the signal source was comparable to that of the Apollo capsules. However, it cannot be excluded that the Wow! signal source (the object the hypothetical fusion drive was attached to) entered the Earth’s atmosphere and landed.

An artist’s rendering of the Apollo command module’s re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. Image by NASA

Hydrogen Maser

2: The signal source was a hydrogen maser that was approaching the Earth and emitted a signal. The reason for this is unknown. Was extraterrestrial intelligence attempting to attract attention? If so, then why was the signal not repeated?

Image: Space hydrogen maser, ESA

3: As a consequence, were there unusual UFO sightings on or after August 18, 1977? Or did other extraordinary events occur after 18. August 1977?

Image: The Petrozavodsk phenomenon, aka the Jellyfish UFO, September 1977.

A. Two days later, on August 20, 1977, NASA successfully launched the first Voyager spacecraft. It carried a golden record with sounds and images of Earth, intended as a message to any intelligent life form that might encounter it.

Voyager Golden Record

B. On October 6, 1977, the United Nations Assembly debated the existence of UFOs. The researchers presented a proposal to investigate the phenomenon.

C. On November 26, 1977, a strange transmission interrupted a news program on ITN, a British television channel. A distorted voice claiming to be Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, replaced the sound.

A, B and C are just some examples that immediately come to mind, when thinking about 1977—they are not inclusive.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Mind-to-Mind Communication Through Quantum Physics

The Quantum Basis of Telepathy: Bridging Minds Through Evanescent Waves and 1-Brane String Theory

Telepathy Experiment

This is a companion article to “The Discovery Of Faster-Than-Light Brainwaves”, concentrating on the implication of FTL on mind-to-mind communication.

Introduction: Where Quantum Physics Meets Consciousness

The human brain, a labyrinth of neurons and synapses, has long been a subject of fascination. Yet, its most profound mysteries—consciousness, intuition, and even the potential for telepathy—remain elusive. Recent discoveries in quantum physics, particularly in quantum tunneling and evanescent waves, coupled with the enigmatic topology of 1-brane string theory, suggest that the brain’s inner workings might defy classical physics. They might even defy Einstein’s cosmic speed limit.

Quantum Tunneling: Breaking the Light Barrier

In 1962, physicist Thomas Hartman uncovered a paradox: particles like photons could tunnel through barriers instantly, regardless of thickness. This “Hartman effect” hinted at superluminal motion, where particles bypass classical spacetime constraints. Decades later, experiments by Günter Nimtz and Horst Aichmann proved this phenomenon wasn’t theoretical. By transmitting Mozart’s 40th Symphony through a quantum tunnel at 4.7 times light speed, they demonstrated that information itself could outpace light.

Key Insight: Quantum tunneling relies on evanescent waves—fleeting electromagnetic fields that decay exponentially but propagate faster than light. These waves emerge when particles encounter barriers, slipping into a dimension where time and distance dissolve.

Evanescent Waves in the Brain: The WETCOW Revelation

In 2023, neuroscientists Vitaly Galinsky and Lawrence R. Frank proposed a radical idea: the brain’s “noise” might actually be weakly evanescent cortical waves (WETCOW). These waves, previously dismissed as static, could enable superluminal communication between neurons, suggesting a possible basis for telepathy and other extrasensory phenomena. Remote viewing is one such phenomenon.

  • How It Works: When electrical signals in the brain hit synaptic barriers, evanescent waves tunnel through. They transmit information faster than light. This aligns with experiments showing decision-making brain activity preceding conscious awareness.
  • Implications: The brain’s processing speed—capable of 1,000,000 trillion operations per second (1 exaflop)—may stem from these quantum shortcuts. Astrocytes, star-shaped cells connecting millions of neurons, mirror cosmic structures (like galactic networks). This hints at a universal architecture optimized for superluminal signaling.

1-Brane String Theory: The Topology of Timelessness

DIMENSIONS: All mathematics is based on geometry. In zero dimension, a point exists. in 1 dimension, a string takes form. Below the 4th dimension, in subspace, time does not exist. Quantum tunneling takes place in the 1st dimension, where neither time nor space exist. This explains the interference in the double slit experiment. Illustration by NerdBoy1392, CC BY-SA 3.0.

String theory’s 1-brane concept offers a geometric explanation. A photon, typically a zero-dimensional point, becomes a one-dimensional “string” during tunneling. This 1-brane exists in a spaceless, timeless dimension, re-emerging into our 4D reality as an evanescent wave.

  • Phase Paradox: Horst Aichmann observed that tunneled waves retain their original phase, implying zero time elapsed during tunneling. “Inside the barrier, there’s no time or volume—just a line connecting two points,” he noted.
  • Cosmic Consciousness: If the brain accesses this 1D realm, consciousness might tap into a unified field. In this field, past, present, and future coexist—a concept echoing Carl Jung’s “collective unconscious.”

Telepathy and the “Spooky Action” of the Mind

Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” describes quantum entanglement, where particles influence each other instantaneously across vast distances. If evanescent waves entangle neural circuits, they could enable mind-to-mind communication through telepathy.

  • Experimental Clues: Nimtz’s superluminal Mozart transmission and the Larmor clock’s measurements (showing rubidium atoms tunneling faster than light) suggest that macroscopic quantum effects are possible.
  • Extraterrestrial Links: The author speculates that advanced civilizations might use evanescent waves for interstellar communication. This would bypass the limitations of radio waves.

Consciousness: A Quantum Phenomenon?

The “hard problem” of consciousness—how subjective experience arises from matter—might find answers in quantum biology. Plants use quantum coherence in photosynthesis; humans might exploit tunneling for cognition, potentially explaining phenomena linked to telepathy.

  • Precognition and Time: If evanescent waves briefly invert causality, they could explain precognitive hunches or déjà vu.
  • Technological Horizons: Brain-computer interfaces leveraging evanescent waves might one day enable direct thought transmission. This could blur the line between mind and machine.

Conclusion: Rewriting the Rules of Reality

The discovery of superluminal brainwaves challenges not just physics, but our understanding of existence itself. As we unravel the quantum threads weaving through our minds, we edge closer to answering age-old questions. Are we bound by spacetime, or is consciousness a gateway to dimensions beyond? In the words of the author, “The brain is not just a computer—it’s a quantum radio, tuned to the frequency of the cosmos.”

This was a companion article to “The Discovery Of Faster-Than-Light Brainwaves”, concentrating on the implications of evanescent waves on telepathy. For a more general outline of the implications, please visit this page: “The Discovery of Faster-Than-Light Brainwaves”.


“In the quantum realm, the mind’s whispers might echo across the stars.”

Erich Habich-Traut

On the existence of “Pleiadians”

The Contact Project couldn’t call itself a “Contact Project” if it ignored thousands of contactees, experiencers, and mediums who have claimed to have made contact with non-earthly beings. I don’t believe they are all eccentrics and oddballs.

As a supporter of the extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis, I don’t exclude the possibility that humans from the future will visit Earth in the present day. This is as Michael Paul Masters has laid out in his books. Also, I have reason to believe that it is possible to travel faster than light in a warp bubble. For instance, see the work of Erik Lentz, on plasma warp bubbles. This automatically opens up the possibility of time travel into the past.

Listen to Seth Lloyd, MIT, on time travel:

Theoretical Foundation

1: I believe it is highly likely that future humanity will have spread out into the cosmos. Therefore, when they come to visit us from the future in the present, they will travel in spaceships. The mechanism for physical time travel is laid out in this short article: “Notes about Time Travel.”

2: In addition, the theory for telepathic communication (ESP in general) can be found in this series of articles: “Superluminal Brainwaves: Imagine a World Where Particles Travel Faster Than Light In A Different Dimension. This is the basis for credible claims of instantaneous telepathic communication, potentially spanning lightyears.

The concepts laid out in paragraphs 1 & 2 of the Theoretical Foundation are unique to this website. They have never been published before, neither in Science Fiction nor science.

Who are the Pleiadians?

The term Pleiadians—or Nordic aliens—refers to humanoid beings described in UFO lore as originating from the Pleiades star cluster.

The Pleaides star cluster is part of the constellation “Taurus”, as is Aldebaran.

According to accounts from contactees and channelers, these entities hail from the planets Erra and Temmer in the Taygeta star system. Taygeta is a double star in the constellation of Taurus. It is a member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). The Pleiades are also known as the “Seven Sisters.” In Mesopotamia, these “Divine Seven” were known as the minor gods “Sebitti.” Praying to them prevented enemies from causing harm.

Image: The Pleiadian Ashtar Sheran refers to an extraterrestrial being or group (of most likely “seven”), that some people claim to have channeled.

The Pleiadians are often described as tall, with fair skin, blue eyes, and blond hair, resembling the Nordic or Scandinavian human races. They are a highly evolved, spiritually advanced race that aims to help humanity progress toward greater understanding and harmony. These narratives derive solely from personal testimonies of experiencers and mediums.

Communication Claims and Contradictions

Pleiadians are allegedly encountered through direct contact or channeling. A prominent figure in these accounts is Ashtar, an extraterrestrial entity first mentioned by UFO contactee George Van Tassel in 1952.

Van Tassel’s claims inspired other mediums to report contact with Ashtar, though their messages often conflicted. Notably, predictions of imminent spacecraft landings linked to Ashtar repeatedly failed, undermining the credibility of such narratives.

Astronomical Context: The Pleiades Cluster

The Pleiades, a young open star cluster in Taurus, lies approximately 440 light-years from Earth. There are about 1000 stars in total in the Pleiades. Taygeta, a binary star within this cluster, is part of a system with no confirmed exoplanets. Crucially, the cluster’s age—100–150 million years—poses a significant problem for claims of native intelligent life.

On Earth, simple life emerged after 500 million to 1 billion years, with complex organisms requiring billions more. Given the Pleiades’ youth, the evolution of indigenous humanoid life there is astronomically improbable.

The Human Mind and Anthropomorphic Projection

Human cognition often interprets unfamiliar phenomena through familiar frameworks.

This tendency appears in Carl Sagan’s Contact. In it, aliens take the form of the protagonist’s deceased father to make an incomprehensible encounter relatable.

Similarly, descriptions of Pleiadians as Nordic humans may reflect a psychological need to frame extraordinary experiences in culturally recognizable terms. Specifically, projecting Aryan-like features onto alleged extraterrestrials. Furthermore, when someone tells of meeting or channeling “Pleiadians,” it is essentially their way of trying to understand the experience. By doing so, they provide a human frame with blond hair and Nordic features.

In summary, these descriptions may serve to bridge the gap between the extraordinary and the familiar. They help individuals make sense of their encounters.

Historical Fascination and Modern Speculation

Humanity’s interest in the Pleiades spans millennia, as evidenced by artifacts like the 3,600-year-old Nebra Sky Disc, which depicts the cluster. While the Pleiades’ stars are too young to host native civilizations, some speculate that advanced beings from older regions of the galaxy might have colonized the cluster. Yet, no credible evidence supports this hypothesis.


Claims of Pleiadians are rooted in mythology, channeling, and UFO culture. Scientifically, the Pleiades’ age and lack of confirmed planets render the existence of indigenous humanoids implausible. While extraterrestrial settlers could theoretically inhabit the cluster, such ideas remain speculative. Ultimately, the Nordic alien narrative likely reflects humanity’s enduring desire to find familiarity and peace—in the heavens as on Earth.

Image: The author’s finger with a replica of the Phaistos Disc from the Minoan civilization on Crete from approx. 1600 BC. Several Pleiades or “Seven Sisters”-like logos or shields appear on it. The alphabet and language on the disk are unknown. 

The magnificent Seven

From the second millennium BC onward, the “Sebitti” (Pleiades) were often represented as groups of seven dots. They were always of masculine character, not “sisters.” The icon on the Phaistos disk is therefore possibly a depiction of the Sebitti, as there was a lively exchange between the Mesopotamian/Akkadian civilization and Crete.

On a more fundamental level it appears that the Mesopotamian Sebitti Gods have found a modern expression. This is seen in the belief in the New Age Pleiadians, Ashtar Sheran among them.

Fact Check

  • Distance: Pleiades is 444 light-years from Earth.
  • Age: 100–150 million years old (vs. Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history of life development).
  • Planets: None confirmed in the cluster due to its youth and unstable stellar environment.
  • Life Potential: Simple life would require 500 million+ years to emerge; complex life far longer. The Pleiades’ timeline makes native intelligence virtually impossible.

Curious about the mysteries of the universe? Dive deeper into the world of UFO lore, time travel theories, and the fascinating stories surrounding extraterrestrial encounters. Explore our collection of articles and stay informed—unlock the secrets of the stars today!

Taurus: the” “Sacred Horns” of a bull at the palace of Knossos on Crete.

Rediscovering the Unknown: My 25-Year-Old UFO Sighting Comes to Light

My Lost UFO Sighting: Why I’m Coming Forward Now

In April 2020, during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany, I found myself with plenty of time on my hands. I decided to sort through old 35mm negatives that I had stored away in a drawer in our basement. The drawer had acted as a storage box for years.

While scanning the film strips, I stumbled upon negatives from England, where I had lived in 1995. Among those negatives were two frames of particular interest.

Frames 7 and 8 of the Ilford XP2 film revealed an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). I was unprepared to find these images, having completely forgotten about this UFO sighting for 25 years. The only others who knew about it were my friend and her father, both of whom were with me during the sighting.

I had taken two exposures of the object while driving straight at 70 mph on the motorway.

I recall being quite disappointed when the film was developed in 1995; the images were small and blurry, failing to capture the clarity of what I had seen with my own eyes that night.

After that, I completely forgot about the sighting.

In 2020, I was genuinely excited to rediscover the film. I purchased a digital microscope to examine the negatives in greater detail.

I scanned the negatives and submitted a report to BUFORA, the British UFO Research Organization, given that the sighting occurred in the UK. BUFORA suggested that what I had seen was an advertising blimp parked near the M6 motorway.

An advertising blimp? What I witnessed was a white object with no advertising on it. The whiteness wasn’t due to overexposure, nor did it bear any markings. You would need to have been sitting with me in the Land Rover back in 1995 to understand that.

Additionally, the object appeared to decrease in size by 25% as we approached it—an unusual characteristic for a stationary advertising blimp. For the blimp to appear smaller, it would have had to travel faster than 70 mph, yet a blimp’s top speed is only 55 mph.

I took out a ruler and measured angles and distances from the two photos. The straight lane divider on the motorway made it possible for me to actually triangulate distance, speed and size of the object.

The triangulation gave me an even higher speed for the object:

MUFON case number 82139

But who knows? Maybe I made a calculation error and someone can give me a better speed, distance and size estimate.

UFO Alert!
That leaves me with the question: what did I see?

This is the reason I am stepping forward now. I would like to propose an idea for definitively answering the question, “Are we alone?”:

The Contact Project
The goal of the ‘Contact Project’ is to discover whether or not humanity is equipped to respond to extraterrestrial contact.

The project can grow by discussion and criticism and is adaptable. It would be nice to engage radio amateurs to try and make contact. But it’s not a requirement. A search partner can be anyone who cares.