The Contact Project couldn’t call itself a “Contact Project” if it ignored thousands of contactees, experiencers, and mediums who have claimed to have made contact with non-earthly beings. I don’t believe they are all eccentrics and oddballs.
As a supporter of the extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis, I don’t exclude the possibility that humans from the future will visit Earth in the present day. This is as Michael Paul Masters has laid out in his books. Also, I have reason to believe that it is possible to travel faster than light in a warp bubble. For instance, see the work of Erik Lentz, on plasma warp bubbles. This automatically opens up the possibility of time travel into the past.
Listen to Seth Lloyd, MIT, on time travel:
Theoretical Foundation
1: I believe it is highly likely that future humanity will have spread out into the cosmos. Therefore, when they come to visit us from the future in the present, they will travel in spaceships. The mechanism for physical time travel is laid out in this short article: “Notes about Time Travel.”
2: In addition, the theory for telepathic communication (ESP in general) can be found in this series of articles: “Superluminal Brainwaves: Imagine a World Where Particles Travel Faster Than Light In A Different Dimension. This is the basis for credible claims of instantaneous telepathic communication, potentially spanning lightyears.
The concepts laid out in paragraphs 1 & 2 of the Theoretical Foundation are unique to this website. They have never been published before, neither in Science Fiction nor science.
Who are the Pleiadians?
The term Pleiadians—or Nordic aliens—refers to humanoid beings described in UFO lore as originating from the Pleiades star cluster.

According to accounts from contactees and channelers, these entities hail from the planets Erra and Temmer in the Taygeta star system. Taygeta is a double star in the constellation of Taurus. It is a member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). The Pleiades are also known as the “Seven Sisters.” In Mesopotamia, these “Divine Seven” were known as the minor gods “Sebitti.” Praying to them prevented enemies from causing harm.

The Pleiadians are often described as tall, with fair skin, blue eyes, and blond hair, resembling the Nordic or Scandinavian human races. They are a highly evolved, spiritually advanced race that aims to help humanity progress toward greater understanding and harmony. These narratives derive solely from personal testimonies of experiencers and mediums.
Communication Claims and Contradictions

Pleiadians are allegedly encountered through direct contact or channeling. A prominent figure in these accounts is Ashtar, an extraterrestrial entity first mentioned by UFO contactee George Van Tassel in 1952.
Van Tassel’s claims inspired other mediums to report contact with Ashtar, though their messages often conflicted. Notably, predictions of imminent spacecraft landings linked to Ashtar repeatedly failed, undermining the credibility of such narratives.
Astronomical Context: The Pleiades Cluster

The Pleiades, a young open star cluster in Taurus, lies approximately 440 light-years from Earth. There are about 1000 stars in total in the Pleiades. Taygeta, a binary star within this cluster, is part of a system with no confirmed exoplanets. Crucially, the cluster’s age—100–150 million years—poses a significant problem for claims of native intelligent life.
On Earth, simple life emerged after 500 million to 1 billion years, with complex organisms requiring billions more. Given the Pleiades’ youth, the evolution of indigenous humanoid life there is astronomically improbable.
The Human Mind and Anthropomorphic Projection
Human cognition often interprets unfamiliar phenomena through familiar frameworks.

This tendency appears in Carl Sagan’s Contact. In it, aliens take the form of the protagonist’s deceased father to make an incomprehensible encounter relatable.
Similarly, descriptions of Pleiadians as Nordic humans may reflect a psychological need to frame extraordinary experiences in culturally recognizable terms. Specifically, projecting Aryan-like features onto alleged extraterrestrials. Furthermore, when someone tells of meeting or channeling “Pleiadians,” it is essentially their way of trying to understand the experience. By doing so, they provide a human frame with blond hair and Nordic features.
In summary, these descriptions may serve to bridge the gap between the extraordinary and the familiar. They help individuals make sense of their encounters.
Historical Fascination and Modern Speculation

Humanity’s interest in the Pleiades spans millennia, as evidenced by artifacts like the 3,600-year-old Nebra Sky Disc, which depicts the cluster. While the Pleiades’ stars are too young to host native civilizations, some speculate that advanced beings from older regions of the galaxy might have colonized the cluster. Yet, no credible evidence supports this hypothesis.

Claims of Pleiadians are rooted in mythology, channeling, and UFO culture. Scientifically, the Pleiades’ age and lack of confirmed planets render the existence of indigenous humanoids implausible. While extraterrestrial settlers could theoretically inhabit the cluster, such ideas remain speculative. Ultimately, the Nordic alien narrative likely reflects humanity’s enduring desire to find familiarity and peace—in the heavens as on Earth.
Image: The author’s finger with a replica of the Phaistos Disc from the Minoan civilization on Crete from approx. 1600 BC. Several Pleiades or “Seven Sisters”-like logos or shields appear on it. The alphabet and language on the disk are unknown.
The magnificent Seven
From the second millennium BC onward, the “Sebitti” (Pleiades) were often represented as groups of seven dots. They were always of masculine character, not “sisters.” The icon on the Phaistos disk is therefore possibly a depiction of the Sebitti, as there was a lively exchange between the Mesopotamian/Akkadian civilization and Crete.
On a more fundamental level it appears that the Mesopotamian Sebitti Gods have found a modern expression. This is seen in the belief in the New Age Pleiadians, Ashtar Sheran among them.
Fact Check
- Distance: Pleiades is 444 light-years from Earth.
- Age: 100–150 million years old (vs. Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history of life development).
- Planets: None confirmed in the cluster due to its youth and unstable stellar environment.
- Life Potential: Simple life would require 500 million+ years to emerge; complex life far longer. The Pleiades’ timeline makes native intelligence virtually impossible.
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